Jacob Schipper
Forum Replies Created
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Sydney] how to switch back permanently to the standard editorWhen looking after your suggestion to enable Revisions on the screen options I found the anwer to my question: the Page builder mode only is enabled if the ‘distraction-free mode’ box is checked. Sometimes you have to refresh the page to see all modesagain.
As far as I can conclude the warning is always showing whether or not there is a Page builder widget included. I suppose that if a widget is included (only) the widget settings will be removed. It might be a kind of safety measure.
I don’t understand why those Page Builder settings are not copied, when switching over to the standard settings!Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Sydney] sidebar not showing on mobileRoman,
Thanks very much! It does work! I was not aware of the flexibility of Page Builder on this.
When builing the website I concentrated on the frontpage. The remaining part was built using the conventional WP editor.Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Sydney] sidebar not showing on mobileThanks Roman for your suggestion, if it works as you describe it would be perfect.
However I am not sure whether I understand it.
In my opnion widgets can only be put into the sidebar.The text of…/wp-admin/widgets.php clearly indicates that to activate a widget it should be dragged to the sidebar.How do I get access to the content part to put the widget at the new row at the very top of the page? It would be be very nice if it worked in this way.
The Sydney Pro solution you mentioned does not help, since the search facility should be integrated at the Special Search page which has the character of a Pedia Approach
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Sydney] sidebar not showing on mobileSorry I made a mistake: Due to the large amount of content on the Search page I overlooked that ‘Search’ only shows up after the content which requires a lot of scrolling down! It would therefore be better that Search could be installed in the top part of the page rather than in sidebar. This question I asked earlier but so far no answer received.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Sydney] sidebar not showing on mobileHi Roman,
I am not allowed to disclose publicly the url of the website. Is there a way to communicate this to you privately. Reason being that the (extended) search facility is an important feature of the website. Search in the sidebar works perfectly on desktop computers, but unfortunately not on my iPhone!
The important reason for changing to a responsive design was the fact that more than 50% of internet trafic is coming from mobile devices, so it would be rather disapppointening if the sidebar is useless on mobile devices.
There must be someone within the large Sydney society who uses Search with his Sydney website!
Note for Miana1964: and I do not want to be rude: maybe you can start n new topic on your problem, because I do not see the relevance with my question so any reactions to your problem will dilute my case.Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Sydney] moving search window from side bar to contntCorrect, however I am in the process of a complete redesign of this website because the present one is not responsive.
The new one is not public yet, because I want to have a clean change-over to the new one based upon Sydney. You may recall other questions I had concerning the translation of Sydney specific words in the dashboard which apparently need some redesign.
So my question whether it is possible to move the search facility from the sidebar to the content field is still valid.
Explanation:I want the new page with the search facility to be full width because That ‘search page’ will be packed with extended information, so I prefer not to have the search in the sidebar. I hope this clear so.You are quite right that an option for doing name and slug myself in my local language would be very helpful. I noticed that words like this may be depenfant on the application/field of interest. Even in the same language one has to use different translations. So an easy way how to change the name-text is an absolute must!
I am only disappointed about the fact -since translation is not the problem for me- that so far for the translation of sydney-toolbox.pot nobody has given me proper guidelines if this is the only file I should translate, what the name of the .po and .mo files should be and in what folder(s) they should be saved.
I have found some 5 places where language specific info can be saved.Some of them refer specific to theme translation or plugin translation. So coming back to above questions are there more files to be translated or should the translations and proper saving of syney-toolbox.pot ehough to do the job.
P.S.: As you see I would prefer using poEdit to do this job because somehow this is a special application-translation and not a general one.
Where should I saveCan anybody help me to determine which file(s) should be translated for getting the namesservices; employees; testimonials; clients and projects visible.
There are namely several files and folders which could be chosen:
the wp-content/languages ; the wp-content/languages/plugins and the wp-content/languages/themes folder!!!Moreover there is also the wp-content/plugins/sydney-toolbox/languages/
folder which containswhich contains the sydney-toolbox.pot
So the question are: what files should be translated; what name should be given and where should they be saved.
The developer of sydney should be in a position to anwer these questions.
Thanks.Hi Roman
I did select all 5 nl_NL files in the language folder -see below. None of them contains the words I am looking for:
services; employees; testimonials; clients and projects
Apparently they are ‘hidden’ somewhere else. It must have something to do that these dashboard items (words) are coming from the theme Sydney itself. The above files contain mostlikely the standard WP dashboard items (words) only. If you give me your email address I could send these files to you for a (double) checkadmin-network-nl_NL.po
nl_NL.poYour last suggestion did not help. I have looked at some other publications and come to the conclusion that I have to edit the back-end. For this I have ‘only’ to translate the admin-network-nl_NL.po file. Unfortunately the terms I want to translate services; employees; testimonials; clients and projects do not show up there. Do you know where they should be?
I am still wondering why the content of the same .po file is quite different using a normal Texteditor as Textrangler compaired to Poedit!!!!Thanks for the suggestion. To do so if I have downloaded the programm Poedit, which is recommended for this job. Ik have also downloaded nl_NL being the locale translation in Dutch. What I do not understand is that when opening this file with Poedit gives some 23 lines of text. Opening the same file with some other text editor such as Textwrangler I see pages of text, but not all names on the left site are visible.
What should be done?Somehow this item got the status ‘Resolved”. However this is NOT the case. I made some progress myself because I noticed that one has to drag the widget ‘Encyclopedia Search’ to the site bar.
However this search operates only on content which is added at Encyclopedia -> Entries
I noticed that on the Encyclopedia Plugin so far only search terms are found if they are part of above ‘Entries’. My website contains some 100 pages and no posts. Adding all those pages again at Entries is too much work and does not make sense.
Is there a way that ‘Encyclopedia Search’ searches the full content of all pages (and posts, if present) without this additional step of re-entering all of them at Entries?Somewhere within the theme the text is generated. If one would know where it should be possible to simply change this text?!
My website is in Dutch, however the above Dashboard terms are NOT translated from English to Dutch, where as all other Dashboard item are translated! Maybe this is the way to go?
I have no experience with .po and .mo translations.- This reply was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by Jacob Schipper.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Sydney] Search does not work on SydneyHi, I rebuilt the site up to the point I arrived earlier starting with a ‘fresh’ clone. Also I made a child theme. So far everything is working fine, including ‘Search’!
Because of this I don’t know what went wrong the first time however I am glad that it is working. I still have to add some (new to me) options such as pop-up facility and also a encyclopedia facility. The latter one may replace the search facility if I can get the pedia to work, which does not seem to be easy due to lack of documentation of the one I found Encyclopedia Lite by dennis Hoppe.
Thanks for the suggestions.
JacobForum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Sydney] Search does not work on SydneyDisabling all plugins did not work. As outlined earlier search does work on other themes like Atahualpa and twenty fourteen with or without plugins disabled.
I have made now another clone of the original website and will add Sydney to this new clone. Only difference with the original, first clone is that with the latter I made a child design. With the new clone I will not make a child design, because I have some feeling that the child design is causing the problem.