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  • Hello Kharis,
    I have the same problem as above Maddie. Following your suggestion I disabled following plugins: Max Buttons; Fast Secure Contact Form and Child Themify. Only active are now:Sydney Toolbox, Page Builder and SiteOrigin Widget Bundle.
    For your information:
    I must modify an existing large website based upon the theme Atahualpa built 5 years ago and hence not responsive. The present website should remain on line untill the new responsive one is operational.
    In order to do so and to maintain all previous pages I first cloned the ‘old’ website.
    On this clone the search facility does work. Then I installed Syney and after that I made a child theme. This child Syney theme is now operational, but lacks the search capability which I installed on the site bar of the blog.
    Do you have any suggestion. It looks like that the problem is caused by the child theme, but no idea what is wrong there.
    Question: does the search facility on your website workk with an iPhone?
    The original website (and also the clone i made I mentioned above) do not work with my iPhone!

    Thread Starter Jacob Schipper


    You are right: the only way to affect page position in menu is by using the drag facility in menu settings.
    The method mentioned above
    by giving each page an unique page number (1,2,3….) does NOT work! Once dragged to a certain postion you can give a page any number you like, but the position does NOT change.
    One nice thing to mention is the fact that when dragging a parent page (with a child page attached) to another position in the menu the child page moves along with the parent page to their new postion. They remain attached during this moving process.

    Thread Starter Jacob Schipper


    Yes, I do get this structure however only if I do it in the right seqeunce:
    Step 1: prepare the parent page and publish.
    Note: the number system for determining the position in the top navigation apparently does not function anymore, so don’t border to give this page a number.
    step 2: Add to menu and ‘drag and drop’ this parent page to its proper position
    step 3: prepare the child page and make sure that on page attributes the parent page is selected. Publish the child page.
    step 4 Add to menu and drag and drop the child page under the parent page.
    I hope this is clear.
    In my opinion the case can be closed now.

    Just one additional remark: I notice that some of the standard properties of WP change in the Sydney theme (see above example) or do not function anymore. E.g. the search facility which I added to site bar of the blog does not work! Is this known to you or should I start another ticket on this particular problem

    Thread Starter Jacob Schipper


    Before hiring somebody I am wondering whether you tried it yourself in the way I explained it. If you observe the same problem than it is a general problem which the designer should hopefully fix. If it shows up only at my site than I should maybe fix it.
    As I outlined before I found a way around it.
    Jacob Schipper

    Thread Starter Jacob Schipper


    Roman, Thanks for your reaction. The Page Attributes WERE checked in Screen Options.
    The problem is you cannot have both the ‘drag and drop facility’ and and the way by giving the parent and child page a number.
    I ‘repaired’ the drag and drop method afterwards by giving all pages the relevant number and then putting all children pages under their respective page. Only then the proper relations is shown when a child page is selected.
    However there is another problem, namely the new child page can be moved around to any other parentpage but still will remain its earlier revised path. For child pages the drag and drop method is less useful. For main pages it is excellent.

    Thread Starter Jacob Schipper


    Thanks very much. Somehow I overlooked this item in the summary of options.

    Thread Starter Jacob Schipper


    Thank you very much for your help. The problem was indeed the old version of the Beaver Page editor. After updating it works fine now!

    Thread Starter Jacob Schipper


    Forgot to mention that I have contacted Softaculous at the same time and waiting for their answer. I will post this when it arrives.

    Thread Starter Jacob Schipper


    Thanks for the quick response! Does this holds true if my upgrade is performed not by me but by Softaculous -the developer of the script. Suppose if the wp.config.php itself has to be replaced by some upgrade?

    Forum: Networking WordPress
    In reply to: Multi site
    Thread Starter Jacob Schipper


    Thanks Mika for your reaction. Since I do not have any experience with Multisite yet I am wondering that this facility would be a default feature of Multisite. In my opinion such a system should at least have some entrance procedure similar to in particular if there would be a small membership fee. Otherwise the ‘whole world” could subscribe!
    Can you provide more details or a link to an article where this feature is described?

    Forum: Networking WordPress
    In reply to: Multi site
    Thread Starter Jacob Schipper


    Thanks for your reaction. Could show me some example websites with this facility?

    I have the same problem: Datepicker does not work. I am using WP version 3.5.1 in Dutch language (NL); CF7 version 3.3.3; CF7 Datepicker version 2.2.1
    CF7 Plugin and Datepicker plugin activated; shortcode [contact-form-7 id=”11″ title=”Contact form 1″] pasted into page (Reservations).
    Clicking this page the basic contact form shows up; however not the date calender, which did show up in the Contact/Contact Form 1/ of the dashboard.
    I can select different Datepicker Themes (selected Theme Sunny). Both the CF7 and the Datepicker Theme are saved.
    In order to check above recommendation about the watermark (which apparently should be corrected already in version 2.2.1 by the author):
    in what file can I find the line
    [date date-222 20/ date-format:mm/dd/yy year-range:2012-2020 first-day:1 watermark “Date”]
    I have checked all files of the Datepicker download but cannot find this line
    Any idea why the Datepicker is not working?

    Did you try to upload your background image using FTP?
    Using FTP program Fetch on my Mac I have no problems in uploading any image to this directory. For Windows there will be similar FTP programs.
    Maybe you should check the file permission mode CHMOD of this directory; it should be 755
    For more details on this see

    In connection with your question I have following question: I have no idea how I should see ANY background. What I have in mind is a background of a full picture covering the whole screen or at least the content part of a screen.
    If you or anyone else can show me an example I would be very grateful!

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