Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: IntenseDebate Comments] NEVER againThough I appreciate the pleas of some who have posted here asking for moderation in the tone of the discussion, I am nonetheless going to come down on the side of speki and bolonki, who have raised some serious issues with respect to Intense Debate which must be recognized within the WordPress community. I am convinced there is something gravely wrong with Intense Debate and I am not just referring to its persistent “buggy” behavior, which I too have encountered.
Like speki and bolonki I have seen the persistent problems with the use of Intense Debate and I am also quite familiar with the near total absence of meaningful support from tekkies at the the plug-in’s site. And I would like to add one important criticism of my own, which is that the documentation available at Intense Debate is so lacking as to make it nearly worthless. It practically qualifies as advertising and nothing more. There is no way available for a developer using Intense Debate to test the connectivity of his site to the Intense Debate servers, no debugging procedures or accessible interface between the site and Intense Debate, no error reporting features, no logs–nothing!
Given that there are problems in both performance and maintenace of Intense Debate, it naturally makes sense that one would choose to uninstall it and use another plug-in in its place, as has been suggested above. But performance issues I have encountered make this solution more difficult than it looks at first glance. Simply put; comments that can be very valuable to persisting important discussion threads become lost, apparently on occasion Intense Debate prevents their retention within the local MySQL database. And this is not the result of a faulty WordPress installation either, because comments entered before the installation of Intense Debate have been retained.
Beyond the above, the problems Intense Debate creates for a WordPress site relate not only to the irregular and untimely–or even at times non-existent–display of comments, they also carry over into server CPU overload. While pages containing individual entries await the loading of Intense Debate comments that never arrive, the server’s CPU retains a reference to the page, eating up resources. For busy web sites this can become a huge problem that carries over into the inability of other page objects to load and/or function correctly, especially if client-side scripts are involved. Intense Debate is capable of making a site very user-unfriendly, which is one of the worst characteristics of any plug-in.
Given that the assistance WordPress has given to Intense Debate’s distribution links the two together intimately (even though WordPress and/or Intense Debate might try to deny it), I submit that it may be time for the WordPress community to face up to the widespread proliferation of web complaints relating to Intense Debate–just Google a few relevant keyword searches to see what I mean–and call into question how and why Intense Debate functions so as to get a transparent look at what it contributes to the profitability of its owners. Since the only economic benefit we can recognize from maintaining the resources necessary to support the plug-in are in the information it houses; Intense Debate obviously returns a profit from the information itself. It is a marketing and advertising resource that may be used in a variety of ways, I’m not going to speculate on what those are, but I think most of us can envision them.
So, in conclusion; it may be time for the WordPress community to come to grips with the reality of Intense Debate’s use and practices. We are dealing with a plug-in that does not deliver the functionality for which it is intended, which does not fulfill the support services promised, which is distributed for free by the enterprise whose interface it requires to expand its reach, and which damages the performance and inhibits the maintenance of web sites where it is installed–all for the purpose of amassing information used in advertising and marketing.
Am I the only one who thinks the preceding paragraph offers a definition of malware?
Jacob Sulzbach
Lafayette, Louisiana, U.S.A.Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Unable to Activate phpMyAdmin plug-in — not visible at backendYeah mikey, it does read like a help file, doesn’t it? Can you tell I’ve written a few of those?
Since I messed up the display trying to manipulate the style of the bulleted list I’m going to repost this “clean” so that someone might be able to copy and paste it with ease into a printable text file.
For WordPress Version 2.5 Installed on Apache (version unknown)
Server File Path to Plug-ins folder: …/www/wp-content/plugins/
1. Download or upgrade to latest version of Firefox browser. (https://www.mozilla.com/en-US/firefox/)
2. Get the latest version of the FireFTP ftp client for Firefox and install it. (https://fireftp.mozdev.org/)
3. Create a folder on your local PC to hold the download of the zip file for the phpmyadmin plug-in.
4. Make sure you have zip software installed on your PC.INSTRUCTIONS
1. Go to the WordPress phpmyadmin page at https://www.ads-software.com/extend/plugins/wp-phpmyadmin/ and click the “Download” button at the right of the page. Version as of today, August 15, 2008, is 2.10.3.
2. When prompted for the download, click “Save” and make sure the target folder on your local PC is the folder you created to hold the download (See “Before you begin” above), which is a zip file.
3. After the download completes, navigate to your local folder and unzip the download, wp-phpmyadmin.zip, and extract the contents to the same local folder within which you have saved the zip file.
4. When you view the extracted files you will see a parent folder named “wp-phpmyadmin” with a child folder of the same name “wp-phpmyadmin”. It is important to note that the parent folder is only a container for the plug-in. The folder you will care about is the child folder “wp-phpmyadmin” when you upload.
5. Open Firefox and go to the “Tools” menu and click “FireFTP”. You will be presented with the FTP client interface.
6. To configure your FTP connection, type in the ftp address to your server, along with your username and password and click “Connect”.
7. When you have connected to the server, go to the bottom of the FTP client interface, just above the browser status bar, and locate the File Transfer Mode setting. The options in FireFTP are “Auto”, “Binary”, and “ASCII”.
8. Make sure the selected mode is “ASCII”. You can change it by a left-mouse click.
9. In the leftmost pane of the FTP client interface navigate to the local folder where you saved your download and which now contains the extracted files.
10. TO AVOID NESTING, GET THE FOCUS TO THE wp-phpmyadmin CHILD FOLDER ON YOUR LOCAL PC: You must get the focus to the parent folder in the leftmost pane to enable the local focus in the second pane from the left on the child folder you wish FireFTP to upload. By way of explanation, if the folder you created to hold the download is entitled “MyWordPressSite” and it is on your “C” drive then, in the drop-down list box that spans above the two leftmost panes, you should see the filepath “C:\MyWordPressSite\wp-phpmyadmin” listed (that is the parent folder file path and that folder should be shown highlighted in the leftmost pane) and in the “focus” pane, which is the second pane from the left, you should see a folder icon directly underneath “Name” that is named “wp-phpmyadmin”, which is the child folder.
11. GET THE FOCUS TO THE TARGET PLUG-INS FOLDER ON THE SERVER: In the third pane from the left (second pane from the right) open up folder “www” and then underneath open up “wp-content” and then underneath open up “plugins”. In the drop-down list box that spans above the two right-most panes you should see the file path: “/www/wp-content/plugins”.
12. Return to the second-pane from the left, with its focus on the child folder (check the file path in the drop-down list box as shown in No. 10 above) and left-click once on the “wp-phpmyadmin” folder to make sure the focus is set.
13. Click the right-pointing-arrow between the second and third panes in the middle of the FTP interface to upload the plug-in to the server.
14. When the upload is finished, check the file path on the server-side. If everything is done correctly you should be able to navigate to the uploaded folder in the third pane from the left (second pane from the right) and see the file path “/www/wp-content/plugins/wp-phpmyadmin” shown in the drop-down list box spanning the two server-side panes and in the rightmost pane the folder shown (with a couple of files underneath) should be “phpmyadmin”.
15. You can close the Firefox pane and open another one and go to your admin interface in WordPress. Go to “Plug-ins” and find the “wp-phpmyadmin” plug-in listed and click “Activate” and the plug-in will be available for use if your WordPress installation is sound. You can find the “phpmyadmin” link under “Manage” in the admin interface thereafter.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Unable to Activate phpMyAdmin plug-in — not visible at backendOkay I’ve fixed the problem and I think that I should return as a matter of courtesy to anyone else who encounters it to post the solution. As it turns out, I avoided the nesting problem with the file structure — but thank you anyway mikey1, I heard a couple of nice tips when I watched those videos so it wasn’t time wasted and I appreciated the link.
I had two problems with my FTP client, FileZilla:
1. I needed to upload the plug-in files in ASCII file transfer mode, rather than “Auto” which I used initially. This probably resulted in uploads proceeding in binary mode, which I noticed in a discussion of phpmyadmin problems on another page up on this forum was not recommended for php files. That was on me.
2. For some reason I cannot explain, both before and after setting the file transfer mode to ASCII, FileZilla would become disconnected from the server during the upload. I am using broadband dsl, I am certain I have the latest version of FileZilla because I updated it a couple of weeks back, and I have had nothing but success with FileZilla ever since I began using it over two years ago. I am at a loss to explain why this happened, but I went and downloaded FireFTP for Firefox and used it instead. On my fourth upload attempt (1st with FireFTP) it did the job perfectly, with no disconnects and the plug-in activated from the admin backend on the first try with full functionality.
I should mention that earlier I also was unable to configure one of the phpmyadmin plug-in versions I downloaded from SourceForge.net, even though I transferred it up to the server in ASCII mode, but I cannot say whether this may have been due to the disconnect/reconnect problem with FileZilla or not, because I notice that its folder structure is “universally named” rather than specifically named to WordPress (phpMyAdmin vs. wp-phpmyadmin for parent folder name). FileZilla reported that all files transferred successfully (0 failures). So I also recommend using the phpmyadmin version linked from the “Plug-ins Directory” page here at www.ads-software.com, which is the one that worked for me.
So, given that I am an experienced developer (I’m a .NET guy) who has just had the rare experience of going through fits to solve a problem, I am including the following instructions for anyone else who may have trouble downloading, installing, and activating the phpmyadmin plug-in for use with WordPress. I do not present them as a generalized guide, but rather as the specific details of what worked for me.
********* INSTRUCTIONS FOR INSTALLATION OF phpmyadmin PLUG-IN *********
For WordPress Version 2.5 Installed on Apache (version unknown)
Server File Path to Plug-ins folder: …/www/wp-content/plugins/
<li style=”display-style:disc”>Download or upgrade to latest version of Firefox browser. (https://www.mozilla.com/en-US/firefox/)
<li style=”display-style:disc”>Get the latest version of the FireFTP ftp client for Firefox and install it. (https://fireftp.mozdev.org/)
<li style=”display-style:disc”>Create a folder on your local PC to hold the download of the zip file for the phpmyadmin plug-in.
- Make sure you have zip software installed on your PC.
1. Go to the WordPress phpmyadmin page at https://www.ads-software.com/extend/plugins/wp-phpmyadmin/ and click the “Download” button at the right of the page. Version as of today, August 15, 2008, is 2.10.3.
2. When prompted for the download, click “Save” and make sure the target folder on your local PC is the folder you created to hold the download (See “Before you begin” above), which is a zip file.
3. After the download completes, navigate to your local folder and unzip the download, wp-phpmyadmin.zip, and extract the contents to the same local folder within which you have saved the zip file.
4. When you view the extracted files you will see a parent folder named “wp-phpmyadmin” with a child folder of the same name “wp-phpmyadmin”. It is important to note that the parent folder is only a container for the plug-in. The folder you will care about is the child folder “wp-phpmyadmin” when you upload.
5. Open Firefox and go to the “Tools” menu and click “FireFTP”. You will be presented with the FTP client interface.
6. To configure your FTP connection, type in the ftp address to your server, along with your username and password and click “Connect”.
7. When you have connected to the server, go to the bottom of the FTP client interface, just above the browser status bar, and locate the File Transfer Mode setting. The options in FireFTP are “Auto”, “Binary”, and “ASCII”.
8. Make sure the selected mode is “ASCII”. You can change it by a left-mouse click.
9. In the leftmost pane of the FTP client interface navigate to the local folder where you saved your download and which now contains the extracted files.
10. TO AVOID NESTING, GET THE FOCUS TO THE wp-phpmyadmin CHILD FOLDER ON YOUR LOCAL PC: You must get the focus to the parent folder in the leftmost pane to enable the local focus in the second pane from the left on the child folder you wish FireFTP to upload. By way of explanation, if the folder you created to hold the download is entitled “MyWordPressSite” and it is on your “C” drive then, in the drop-down list box that spans above the two leftmost panes, you should see the filepath “C:\MyWordPressSite\wp-phpmyadmin” listed (that is the parent folder file path and that folder should be shown highlighted in the leftmost pane) and in the “focus” pane, which is the second pane from the left, you should see a folder icon directly underneath “Name” that is named “wp-phpmyadmin”, which is the child folder.
11. GET THE FOCUS TO THE TARGET PLUG-INS FOLDER ON THE SERVER: In the third pane from the left (second pane from the right) open up folder “www” and then underneath open up “wp-content” and then underneath open up “plugins”. In the drop-down list box that spans above the two right-most panes you should see the file path: “/www/wp-content/plugins”.
12. Return to the second-pane from the left, with its focus on the child folder (check the file path in the drop-down list box as shown in No. 10 above) and left-click once on the “wp-phpmyadmin” folder to make sure the focus is set.
13. Click the right-pointing-arrow between the second and third panes in the middle of the FTP interface to upload the plug-in to the server.
14. When the upload is finished, check the file path on the server-side. If everything is done correctly you should be able to navigate to the uploaded folder in the third pane from the left (second pane from the right) and see the file path “/www/wp-content/plugins/wp-phpmyadmin” shown in the drop-down list box spanning the two server-side panes and in the rightmost pane the folder shown (with a couple of files underneath) should be “phpmyadmin”.
15. You can close the Firefox pane and open another one and go to your admin interface in WordPress. Go to “Plug-ins” and find the “wp-phpmyadmin” plug-in listed and click “Activate” and the plug-in will be available for use if your WordPress installation is sound. You can find the “phpmyadmin” link under “Manage” in the admin interface thereafter.
********* END OF INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR phpmyadmin *********
I may have to return to this forum for advice on securing and/or working with additional plug-ins in the near future, so I hope I may have earned some points by posting these precise instructions.
Jacob Sulzbach
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Unable to Activate phpMyAdmin plug-in — not visible at backendThank you mikey, I’ll try that — I won’t be able to do so until this evening — and I’ll report back.
The solution sounds so simple it has to work.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Unable to Activate phpMyAdmin plug-in — not visible at backendI’m going to give this a bump because I am still stuck.
The tech support guy with the web hosting company seems to know nothing, but he did tell me that he was unaware of any “disabling” of plug-ins.
Does anyone have any idea of what I must do to make the phyMyAdmin plug-in visible for activation from the wp-admin backend?