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So, I did some digging and found the following which I input into my config file:
define( 'WP_HTTP_BLOCK_EXTERNAL', true );
It makes my admin suuuuper fast. I just don’t know if it’s the kind of thing I want to keep activated all the time.
Thanks for your reply to my last comment. Great plugin.
Hey, so I think I’ve figured out why it slows down in my backend so much.
Check out this screenshot from that Query Monitor plugin: https://tingenwilliams.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/Screen-Shot-2015-09-01-at-8.59.05-AM.png
I realized that the queries taking so long are to the getawesomesupport.com website, and I just noticed that your site seems to be down over there.
The last time I was having trouble, your site was down then too. I’m pretty sure it’s just these calls to resources that can’t be accessed right now.
This is happening on non-ticket pages in the admin. Is there a way to eliminate these calls on non-ticket pages so that it doesn’t slow down the entire admin?
I can’t think of a reason to call them otherwise. Also, the entire plugin seems to be working fine in terms of functionality–it’s just these queries to your website seem to slow things down. Are they necessary? Is there a way I can block them?
Thanks again–still love this plugin and it is doing what we need it to.
Cool, it doesn’t seem like it’s as big a problem as it was when it was slowing things down last week.
I’ll add the filter and keep monitoring the situation with Query Monitor. If it pops up again I’ll reopen the topic and let you know.
Hey Julien,
So check out this screenshot–for whatever reason an http request is taking 5 seconds?
Oddly enough, it’s not doing it every page load now, and admin pages are loading generally between .5 seconds and 3 seconds on the long end, so it seems to be okay with the plugin active, but every now and again it loads and there’s an odd, overly long http request to getawesomesupport.com.
Any thoughts?
Julien, in response to your questions above.
1. Yes, it is happening on every admin page. I read in another thread about how WPAS is perhaps looking up info on all users on every admin page which was leading to the slow load time, but I don’t know if that’s what’s happening here.
Front-end pages are not affected–my pages there are cached well and still loading between .5 and 1 second.
2. I only have about 20 users. I don’t know if the load time is 5 sec, 10 sec, or 20 sec, but either way, the load time in the admin is so sluggish as to make the admin unusable.
We were just getting started with the online ticketing too–we’re very excited to get it back up and look forward to any response you can give.
Thanks so much. Please let me know if we need to switch this support thread to another forum. Thanks again,
Yes, Julien, that’s right.
I have purchased an add-on, but the issue is with the primary plugin that is provided for free, so I believe support here is appropriate.
Sorry to create any issue for you Julien–you guys at Awesome Support have been consistently awesome.
@jan, sorry to cause any confusion.
Hey Julien,
Looked at that other topic about user cache. Weird, but probably what was happening.
I can now view users in my list as I should. Thanks,
Works great.
Thanks so much to both of you. Seriously, the best support experience from plugin authors I’ve ever had since I began using WordPress in 2007.
Julien, I’ll rate Awesome Support here on www.ads-software.com. Is there anywhere else you would like me to give a testimonial or rating?
Thanks so much.
Got your email before you edited your response ??
Thanks for the shortcode snippet.
So, because I’m using Live Composer, it obviates the need for a specific template like single-ticket.php–I can create my own templates for different post types using Live Composer.
The short code actually works because of the way Live Composer operates.
However, I do have one remaining problem. If you don’t mind looking at the screenshot I’m posting here, it will show you what’s going on:
Because both Live Composer, and the single ticket view of Awesome Support hook into the_content like Slobodan mentioned before, it’s echoing the awesome support content, then the live composer content inside the first ticket post. Because I’m using a shortcode inside the LC content, it’s echoing all the tickets the way I would like it to work.
Any ideas how to iron out this final wrinkle?
Thank you both.
I don’t think awesome support displays the single ticket page with a shortcode.
Is this possible?
I wonder if there’s a way to edit single-ticket.php to make this work?
Any thoughts?
Thank you both for taking such a good look at this.
K, I reached out to him.
I’ll probably buy an addon or too if we can figure this out. Let me know if I can donate or buy you a cup of coffee or something.
It’s a premium plugin – drag and drop page builder: LiveComposer.
https://livecomposerplugin.com/At first I thought it was just the content module was doing something strange with echoing the content, but later discovered that awesome support only displays a list of tickets when livecomposer is deactivated completely.
Is Awesome Support pulling from /themes/default/list.php to create the my-tickets page?
So I’ve discovered there’s a plugin conflict–it’s not an optional one for me either ??
Do you want to take a stab at it first, or should I go to the other guys?
Yeah, the front-end page.
And yes, I imagined it should show the list of all the tickets I’ve created, but it only shows one ticket at a time, and only the most recent.
When I create a new ticket, only the most recent shows. Only 1 ticket at a time.
I’m using a very simple customization of the _s theme
I had success recently customizing the ticket page with a single-ticket.php page. Does awesome support recommend making another page template specifically for the “my-ticket” and “submit-ticket” pages too? Is that option available?
Plus 1 on fixing this.