Hi Simon,
I’m actually not a having a problem with this topic but actually one that you helped with at this link https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/removing-all-the-junk?replies=34
The topic is closed now and I have found no other solutions in the forum. I didn’t know of any other way to contact you to see if you could help.
I’m using the “Sliding Doors” theme and want to remove the “default categories” that are on the right side of the page. I don’t mind adding a drop down category with a widget on the left side , which I can do on my own.
If you could help me out and tell me how to override the “default categories” showing up on the right side I would greatly appreciate any help you could give.
My website is https://www.JacquePierro.com if you would like to see what I’m talking about.
Thanks, Jacque