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  • Tobias

    I know it is a complement that gives a lot of added value for the price to donate.

    The problem is that it works well and then something happens. I realized by chance and checked in 5 more places and the collapse mode behaves the same.

    I will change all the tables of my sites to flip mode. However, I respectfully suggest that you verify this situation on your own more carefully.

    Possibly this is happening to other people and they have not noticed.

    I appreciate your intention, and I reiterate that it is an excellent plugin.


    Thanks for answering

    Well, apparently the collapse mode has an important problem that still persists.

    However, it remains an excellent complement.

    To who has this same problem:

    The flip mode works perfect. You only have to place a css to adjust the height of the column, so that it aligns with the rows when it goes to mobile. This in case of using images within the table.

    `.tablepress .column-x {
    height: NNpx;

    Thanks for answering.

    Maybe I lack some more information.

    The problem is Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t.

    Attached I send you image link. This problem also happens on the smartphone.

    Image of the table in mobile here

    I also sent him the link of the image indexing in Google.

    Google indexing image here

    As you can see, Google detects some pages as “Your page is not optimized for mobile devices”

    Today the legend of “Your page is not optimized for mobile devices”, it no longer appears.

    But I would like to know your opinion as a developer of this plugin, in order to prevent this.

    I would really appreciate any suggestions

    Hi Tobias
    Sorry for the English.

    The table in “collapse” mode, sometimes does not collapse in mobile. This is causing the results in google to come out as “page not optimized for mobiles”.

    I have placed this css code, but I still have the same problem.

    I have a fairly extensive job in many places and EVERYONE is presenting this problem.

    Some help?

    Thank you

    PDTA: I already deactivate plugin by plugin and the problem persists


    Thread Starter Jaime Rojas


    Hello Raul

    This worked perfectly, without any problem and I still keep my rating of 97/100 in page speed.

    Excellent response.

    This I will mention in the 5 star review I just did.


    If it would be nice to take a look, I also go down from 97 to 53 in page speed and when I reinstalled version 2.3.6 it went back to 97 in mobile.

    Thank you

    Thread Starter Jaime Rojas


    Although your effort is appreciated, after reviewing a little more, I realize that for me this change means more time.

    I have done tests and I spend much more time in posting a post with Gute than with the classic editor.

    Like many users of this wonderful platform, I do not require style, for that purpose there are other complements, very good as well.

    In essence I like the ease of writing, so I have decided to change my mind.

    I can not support something that gives me more work.

    I’m sorry

    Thread Starter Jaime Rojas


    Well the reason to combine text could be complemented the title with a description that in my opinion would be better than just a title.

    But it is a subjective appreciation on my part and for now it is not really important.

    Thanks for answering. I’m really worried about the amount of arguments against Gute. and in my opinion, some very well founded seem like that of @peg20.

    I have more than 50 sites with galleries, trhive, stores and woocomerce and I’m worried about having to implement something like this.

    Could you please explain the reason for making this implementation despite the ratings and mostly negative comments of the users?

    I think the answer to this, reassures many people who like me are not developers, but we live by what we do in wordpress.

    So far, I do not understand why it will be implemented in V5, despite all this. I’m missing something?

    Thank you again

    Thread Starter Jaime Rojas


    Ohh !

    Yes, it was the ad blocker.

    Thanks for responding so quickly.

    Great plugin, as soon as I can buy the pro version.

    Meanwhile I give you 5 stars


    Su última actualización me causo un problema que sin ser grave, me quito algo de tiempo mientras me daba cuenta que era su plugin y llegar hasta este hilo de soporte.
    Su nueva sección de “texto en categoría” interfiere con el plugin HTML in Category Descriptions.

    En pocas palabras, cuando se actualiza su plugin desaparece el texto de las categorías.
    En este caso se tienen dos opciones, la primera es pasar todas las descripciones de las categorías a su plugin, y la segunda, es utilizar las dos barras //ad_filter(‘category_description’,…..). Como ustedes lo indican en la anterior respuesta.

    Obviamente y para no perder todo el trabajo en la configuración de anuncios en la que se incluyen shordcodes en varias decenas de post, además de trasladar el texto de más de 20 categorías, es una solución eficaz y rápida.

    Sin embargo, sin pretender que ustedes extiendan las funcionalidades del plugin quitándole su simplicidad, les sugiero colocar una casilla de verificación para desactivar las opciones de texto en categoría y texto en home, para aquellos que queramos beneficiarnos únicamente de su sección de anuncios sin tener que ir a adsenseib30.php.

    Espero que tengan en cuenta esta recomendación en su próxima actualización.
    Excelente producto gracias.

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