Jaime Segura
Forum Replies Created
Let’s try to have your question clear, let’s start here: Albums can contain galleries or other albums. Galleries can contain only images.
You want to have a thumbnail linked to an album, once you click the image you can see the album contents, that would be a grid of galleries and other albums, when you click on a gallery you want that gallery to open in a lightbox, is that correct?
You need to create Parent Album, Create Child album and select a preview image for it, then put all your galleries inside child album, then put child inside parent and insert parent on your page.
I hope this makes sense, if not please explain what the flow would be for the user when they visit your page, I will try to come up with how to achieve what you need.
I am sorry to say there has been no advance on that front. We have no workaround at the moment.
We use 3rd party libraries for our lightboxes, also we received constant complains about all the images in a page being displayed inside the lightbox, so we proceeded to update it.
Unfortunately this will require developers attention and might take a while if we decide to implement it. I will bring this into their attention though.
Sorry about the inconveniences.
Try going to Gallery > Gallery Settings and modify you default settings by using “override thumbnail settings” choose a size for them and set thumbnail crop to yes. Then reinsert your gallery if the changes are not applied. Also go to other options > miscellaneous and clear image cache.
I hope this helps.
I will be glad to help. Please check your wp-config and make sure wp-debug is set to false. If it is set to true, change it to false.
See if that fixes the issue and please let me know.
Have you checked for conflicts? I have tested with current version 3.4.7 and html tags seem to be working fine, you need to deactivate your other plugins besides Nextgen Gallery and test again, if the problem is gone, it is cause by one of your plugins, also you can check if something on your functions.php might be affecting.
Please keep me posted.
Regarding the rankmath issue it has been reported to our developers for it to be addressed.
@gene4god we are not allowed to discuss paid versions here as per wordpress forums rules, if you prefer, you can open a pre sales ticket and explain your situation. Please use this link forum and mention my user, ask to be referred to me.
Thanks and sorry about the issues.
The easiest way would be to create square thumbnails for the preview images for each gallery, then you can create an album and put your galleries inside it. You can adjust the thumbnail size to make it fit into 3 columns.
The other way would be to create an album for each gallery, then use tablepress to generate the grid, again using only square thumbnails as that gives you consistency in a much easier way.
Are you still facing the issue, I checked your link and I can’t seem to see what you are referring to.
Please keep me posted.
Nextgen gallery works via the Insert Gallery Window or via shortcode, so if you want a custom field to input a shortcode and make it display in a certain spot on your post, it should work. You might somehow also create a standard shortcode with only the gallery id missing, then if you place a gallery id in a custom field it will fill in the shortcode to display a full gallery.
If you could describe what you want to achieve, what the whole process would look like, I can then let you know if feasible.
The process described below will generally work to clean the database. We highly recommend that you create a full and verified backup of your site before proceeding just in case you run into any problems:
Use FTP to remove NextGEN Gallery related folders.
Delete all the ngg tables.
Search through the remaining tables for NGG references.
Then delete all of these database entries.Tables typically involve: wp_ngg_*, wp_options, wp_postmeta, and wp_usermeta
If you could give specific examples of where you see references, that would be great.
Please check your settings under
Nextgen Gallery > Gallery Settings > Basic Thumbnails
make sure if you have Override Thumbnail Settings on, you also have thumbnail crop on.
Please keep me posted
Have you tested for plugin conflicts? Did you try with another theme like Twenty Twenty? This to make sure this is a conflict with this specific theme. Please let me know.
Also you can try to ping the theme developers and see if they have received any report of this issue.
Is this theme free or paid? If free, could you please share a link to where to get it?
Hello @webber2012,
Thanks for your kind words on our free plugin. That being said, we feel this review is a bit unfair.
We try to keep our plugins stable. It is not possible to tackle every single hosting service or server configuration, there also have been quite some shakedowns in the WordPress ecosystem in the past months, and many other plugins and themes are still fixing issues.
We have already had six releases for the free and the paid version of Nextgen Gallery this year (so far, more coming). https://www.imagely.com/wordpress-gallery-plugin/changelog/
You pay for a subscription that includes more features and support. That is just the way many WordPress plugins operate; it is only our business model. As of now, you can even keep using the plugins after your subscription ends.
Bug reports are the process we use to address issues. We need to carefully review the issue, report to the developers, and add the most important ones to the queue to be addressed first, so we, unfortunately, cannot solve everything as fast as we would like to. We are sorry about any inconvenience this might have caused you.