Hi, glad to see I’m not alone with this error! I tried installing the GA plug-in by ShareThis to another site and got this error: There was a problem with Google Oauth2 authentication process.
Is this a Google problem or an issue from ShareThis?
Here is the full error on the site already running GA plug-in.
[Ga_Lib_Api_Request_Exception] There was an error while contacting Google API: { “error”: { “code”: 429, “message”: “Insufficient tokens for quota group and limit ‘AnalyticsDefaultGroupCLIENT_PROJECT-1d’ of service ‘analyticsreporting.googleapis.com’, using the limit by ID ‘207216681371’.”, “status”: “RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED”, “details”: [ { “@type”: “type.googleapis.com/google.rpc.Help”, “links”: [ { “description”: “Google developer console API key”, “url”: “https://console.developers.google.com/project/207216681371/apiui/credential” } ] } ] } }