As someone who has bought the addons and is using bepro, I can probably give a bit of feedback here.
This plugin seems to be under constant development, a lot of tweeks and changes seem to be being made. I’ve had a lot of back n forth with the developer and naturally it can take a while to get issues resolved. Also it can take a bit of getting used to and customizing to get it performing the way you want it to. There is never going to be an out of the box directory plugin that with just a few clicks can look and perform exactly how you want it to… because everyone wants it to do different things.
However their support is great (and if you go onto their forums, you will see my constant back n fourth over the past few months) and they keep giving me advice and tweeks that are helping me to achieve what I want to for my site. My experience with bepro has been very good so far.