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  • Thread Starter James G


    Each Tab would need to run its own query. I would never suggest using one query to sort that much data and info. Each would need to run on-click. Would be possible to use an event listener on-click of reach tab to start a specific query once a tab is selected? It would be even better to have the queries cached server side on a schedule to help it load faster. I am sure that they are all ready cached in some manner. But with out being an automatic employee with certain access to things, it would be hard to speak on this or to start working on it.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by James G.
    Thread Starter James G


    Also, One more thought…. After looking thru core tonight and pondering on this at length, I believe that without direct knowledge of the repos sql tables and the info contained within the rows and columns on Automatic’s end, it would be a daunting task to say the least. Is there a write up on Automatics DB or sql structure regarding the plugin repo anywhere that i could reference? This wouldn’t actually have to be a complicated type of venture, I mean sql is sql is sql…. Its always accessible using any means within the php an sql methods and standards. It would probably actually be faster, more efficient and a bit more reliable to simply use standard methods vs the wp way anyways. No hoops to jump.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by James G.
    Thread Starter James G


    Hey Joy, yes…. Sorry for my rant. I had a 4 pots of coffee and desperate lack of sleep driven vent there.

    So basically my thoughts are as such. Everything based upon a search term like “contact form”

    ?s="searchterm"&type="keyword" this should not really matter here, we just need to filter all ready provided data. Adding, using or re-purposing the current tabs would be easy enough. All we are doing is sorting data via sql.

    The sort-able info is all ready available for all of the plugins contained within the repo. It has been since the beginning. We just need to access, sort and filter it. For instance…Just examples and thoughts here, not perfect but…

    1. “Popular” could use “Active Installs” based upon a given # of AI’s to achieve a level of popular status. The higher the # of active installs the more popular, Or something??

    2. “Favorites” This could be a method based upon the star ratings

    3. “Featured” well this could simply use the current “Featured method” and tab just sorted based on the current search term keyword.

    I really like the idea of using the popular filter and the favorites filter. I dont feel that they are exactly the same when you look at them in the terms of whats available to use for some features or functions as a plugin, what someone might be forced to use and what someone would rather use.

    Thread Starter James G


    The problem with the core and writing patches for it, I have found, is that Automatic seems to hire a bunch younger folks who have minimal experience and real development skills and are basically learning to write code logically and ethically. They have internal arguments amongst themselves on many wp case subjects and end up throwing some things together sometimes that are just junk to introduce to the core in small basically irrelevant patches. SOOOO Many security updates that are basically write-on-to’s instead of breakdowns and revamps. I have made suggestions that were kind, logical and would work a lot more efficiently and efficiently in the past but I am always met with harsh resistance. So i stopped trying 2 or 3 years ago. I mean, what do I know, only been writing code for companies and government for 28 plus years. Who am I to tell them anything?
    The core has places that are complete junk and way over bloated. Of course it works…..uh hum… but in my opinion, the automatic team are well on there way to writing themselves right into a corner with a lot of the core code and when they figure it out, oh boy…. Its going to be rewrite city and Katie bar the doors.
    So in effect, i wont ever try to write anything for core or suggest anything to the core team at all, ever again.
    My team and I actually might make plans to fork Wp and dump a good half of it. I mean it would run a heck of a lot better and become much more secure with half the code. And my god, that horrible atrocious customizer, lmbo… We have discussed writing in to a modular controller instead of its current method. At that time, we would simply dump the wp repo and serve up our own community created plugins and extensions anyways.
    Dont get me wrong, we love WP and we have had a lot of great years with it, but they have simply tore it up and made it into a mess, made it run way to inefficiently and simply refuse to see the errors in their ways. It will get a lot worse and then they will figure it out.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by James G.

    Read this

    Create your own custom image sizes and be sure that your containers are close to what you create. You can also toy around with Image responsiveness in css as well using object-fit, background-size, width and height auto and 100% and things like this in css.

    If you are using a theme that you did not create, the link above should help you. You might wish to create a tiny child theme of course and simply have a css with the header and a micro functions.php and it will be helpful for theme updates.

    Thread Starter James G


    Thanks James, I did and its the theme. I will see if the author has an updated version. Thanks again.\

    Thread Starter James G


    Actually I have not. It seems that no one here or at any php forums can help with this. Basically I ended up creating the sidebar.php and the widget areas and simply used “if this page is” “then use this widget” ect. It did absolutely nothing for the ability to choose the sidebar for a page by selecting it in the dashboard via drop down menu or something similar. I guess i will never know how to do it.

    can you tell me what you did? I am trying to display some custom fields from posts and cant get anything to display from them.

    Thread Starter James G


    I guess what I should have wrote was this:
    ((Bye the Way: I wrote that fist out in the editor as an quick outline for my post and accidentally saved it, by the time I finished editing it to what I wanted it all to say when I saved it again, the post editor said the post was too old to edit and wouldnt save it and the edit button won show back up… so I got stuck with that bad post up there and I did not get the edited post in, so here is what It should have read, and sorry to anyone if they got offended by the original, it wasn’t meant to be posted… here is what I was trying to post ))..

    First I wish to say that this is info from me to whoever, I am not affiliated with the plugin named below or its author in any shape form or fashion, I do not and will not receive any money, kudos or credits or anything else for posting this, it is strictly me wishing to help you out with something that I have found and use to make my life easier with wpmu!

    So basically, This post is for all of those who, like me, have been struggling to find a way to display posts from your network of blogs in your main site, anywhere you want and how you want in the easiest way possible (simple control and simple code). As I said, I am in no way affiliated with the plugin I will mention here, I am just a guy who has been struggling with this for quite sometime who finally found this little gold nugget.

    Now, if like me, you have tried some of the plugins like site-wide tags and some of the other similar plugins out there that help with pulling post from site wide or network blogs and found that they were not quite what you were looking for, for some reason or another, Then I highly recommend an awesome little plugin called network latest posts by L’Elite at Here is the web address of the plugin

    I wanted to have the freedom to style the posts, display them where I wanted to display them and with the options I wanted (like post name, author, categories, tags and a few others). I also wanted to have the freedom to easily and readily display them or portions of them on any page or place in my main site that I wanted at any time without a lot of controls to fiddle with and figure out or being limited to where I can display stuff or how many places I can display it.

    Now, I know that the major plugins have some of these options but I found most of them to be limiting in someway or another, or have to many controls and things to set up and do to make them work and some of them were just confusing to me.

    This plugin has been a life saver for me and hopefully it will for you as well.

    Thread Starter James G


    Ah common guys, I am sure that someone knows an if else statement or something that can cause only certain widget areas to load when certain templates are in use without having all of them display in the dashboard at the same time. Anyone?

    the tag !important makes css ignore any other styling for that specific attribute in a rule. It just makes it say, hey read mine instead of anyone elses.

    Its coming from line 15 on the style.css, have you tired adding “!important” to the end of the color style like this
    background-color: #ffffff !important; ???

    I would create another div container like the menu div and place it right up under the original menu container. You may have to adjust one or 2 things in your stylesheet to do it – Like the height of the container the menus are resting in or something like this (maybe a padding or margin or something). ead thios page first before doing anything below “
    Anyways, your going to want to copy the menu code from your header or index.php into your new secondary menu container, so now you will have 2 menus displaying the same things (the main menu). Your going to want to change the primary to secondary like this.

    <?php wp_nav_menu( array( 'theme_location' => 'primary-menu' ) ); ?>

    to this

    <?php wp_nav_menu( array( 'theme_location' => 'secondary-menu' ) ); ?>

    Then open your functions.php and register the new sidebar where your first sidebar is registered. You can look at this page to read about it if you need to, its fairly easy. Once you have your new secondary menu in place and working, simply activate it in your wp-admin dashboard and remove the links from the main menu and add them to the secondary menu and wah-lah, a second row to your menu with out making a mess of the original menu, lol. If your still having issues, then read this page to get your secondary menu activaTED and running the dashboard.

    Well, you did some awesome work there, Now you have me thinking about all the things I can do to a new theme, lol … but really, nice job.

    Nice alchymyth! man, I continue to learn so much from you guys. ??

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