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  • Forum: Themes and Templates
    In reply to: child theme

    A child theme will let you use all of the good stuff from a theme you like but dont want to use (i.e. its layouts, design and other features) so that you can have your very own theme without losing the changes if the parent (the theme you like but dont want to use) gets an update.
    here is how to create a child theme in its most simple form

    first right click on your desktop (on your computer) and select new folder. Name the folder “name-of-your-new-theme-child” and then open it up.

    inside the new folder right click once more and select new text document and name it style.css and save that. Once you have the style.css created, simply paste the following code into it. Here goes.

    Theme Name:     Your theme name Child
    Theme URI:
    Description:    Child theme for the whatever theme
    Author:         Your name here
    Author URI:
    Template:       The Name of the parent theme
    Version:        0.1.0
    @import url("../the parent theme/style.css");
    .some-style {
        background: url("images/green-sep.png") repeat-x scroll 0 0 #71963C;
        border-bottom: 1px solid #47621F;

    Now save that file and close it.
    Now you can simply take this folder and upload it to your themes directory. You must keep the Original Parent theme in there as this child theme will be riding on the back of its parent theme.
    Now once you have it in your theme directory, simply log into your admin panel and go to themes and activate the child theme. When you wish to change something again, simply open the child theme and do your work there.

    Add home-nugget to your style.css and style that

    Are the colored horizontal rules for your posts actually built into the theme for each category are did you simply add them as the posts were made?

    Wow, you did an awesome job of that one, I would suggest selling the theme on themeforest. You could make some big bucks with that theme. Nice job and kudos to you bro!. Awesome, simply awesome!

    Nice design and cool theme idea, The only thing I would suggest is that you sharpen up that text in the footer, it kind of looks like images that have been stretched. But otherwise, cool theme.

    Hey Yogi, is there a way to message others in this site or is everything simply on the forums?

    hmmm, I would need to ftp to your server to know for sure, something sounds funny. And that hostgator code is coming from the header, the index.html or something. I dont think that they allow the exchange of ftp info here so you may be better off asking hostgator.

    Take Yogis advice and dont hack the theme just make a child them from it, lol.

    Also, Yogi, your too dang quick for me man, you always get a reply in just before I click the post button, lol.

    You did say that you were new to this so theres no really great answer for you, Do you have php or html/css skills at all? Personally I say build a child theme from a theme that looks and acts the way you like or simply Build your own theme then You can make use of template parts like header templates, page templates and footer templates and so on, I personally like making template parts like header templates, page templates and footer templates because then I can make them look anyway i like anywhere i like in the site. Plus template parts are easier, lol.

    As far as not using posts or blogs are concerned, that will be determined by how you code the theme and what wordpress tags, functions and api you include. If you need some help let me know and I will help to walk you thru the process.

    You can, there are 2 ways, one is to be really good with html and css and know your way around the menu system in Wp,
    The simpler way would be to first create a secondary menu area in your theme files right under the main menu and add secondary menu function to that one, you will need to add the functionality for that new menu in your functions.php file if its not there, then you would simply remove the larger items from your main menu in the dashboard and add them to the secondary menu that you just created and it will display right below the new top menu as a second menu. Wah-lah, new menu, lol. Its very easy to do.

    Bye the way, it looks like this is inside your body tag, look in your header.php and see if you see this piece of code, if so, remove it and all should be well. Look just under this tag <body id=”top” class=”home blog”> and see if you see this. this is the offending code.

    <div id="imagem">
    <img width="669" height="221" border="0" usemap="#Map" src="">
    <map id="Map" name="Map">
    <area alt="Site HostGator" target="_blank" href="" coords="173,126,513,220" shape="rect">

    Just a note, if your body tag is the end of your header.php then it may be on the index.php or it may be in a page template somewhere. Not sure how it could have gotten there but that is what it looks like from my end.

    I can get here just fine, when I scroll down the page I see your site up under the 404 stuff which is why I think there is an index.html showing on top of your index.php, lol. ftp up to your server with filezilla or a similar ftp program and see if you see a index.html in your public_html folder, if there is – then copy it to your desktop and then delete it from the server, the copy is for just in case, next clear your browser cache and history and try again. If you see your site up there then that was the problem.

    She has her max width for the page set at 690px. you can do that as well by simply changing the style at line 325 in your style.css.

    #page {
      background: none repeat scroll 0 0 #FFFFFF;

    and add this

    #page {
      background: none repeat scroll 0 0 #FFFFFF;
     max-width: 690px;

    It would be best to create a simple child theme for this so that you dont lose your changes when you update the theme.

    Are you running these sites inside of a Buddypress or MultiUser WordPress install or are you simply installing new wordpress installs on your server under different domains or urls? If your doing a new Wp install for each site then you will just need to upload your theme files each time, if you are running a MU install and creating sites within it, are you using domain mapping or are you using the blogs folder for your new sites? I mean to say, did you set a domain wild card for new sites or does your new sites go into the blogs folder? Let me know and Im sure we can help. I know I did have that function in a file somewhere around here. Let me know what your doing and how your doing it and we’ll see what we can do.

    Its coming from your style.css line 1237
    and its the border-top you see in the style below.

    #colophon {
        border-top: 4px solid #000000;
        margin-top: -4px;
        overflow: hidden;
        padding: 18px 0;

    If you wish to change it or edit it, simply change the border-top attributes. Like 4px to 1px or #000000 to something like #333333 will give you grey.
    To be sure that you keep the theme ready for future updates though, it is recommended that you make a simple child theme and simply make the change in there, if you are unfamiliar with making a child theme, we can help you with that.

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