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  • well you dont really want the # in there, where is that coming from? it should probably read more like

    Oh snap, didnt see that you answered back to esmi so fast, Sorry for being late, lol.

    I would have to agree with esmi, thats something to do with permalinks and custom menus. without actually looking into your dashboard, it would be difficult to guide you here. But i do see that the about is getting appended in the links like this

    <a title="Comment on Opening Soon!" href="">Leave a comment</a>

    about#respond is whats being appended and thats not right. lol.
    try turning off your custom permalinks and see what happens.

    Start off by checking to see that the original hosting files were not left in your public html folder on your server when you installed WP, kind of looks like its getting something from an hostgator index.html file that may have been originally left in the public html folder before you did the wordpress install. If you look in there and see any index,html. take that out and see if it still appears up there. Normally wordpress only uses a index.php not html. so that would be where i start looking for the problem, then ask hostgator if that dont work.

    Its difficult to see how the “Leave a comment” is linked up when you have them turned off, so could you please re-enable your comments, then we can look into the linking structure behind them and see at least hows its linked as a starting point.

    Bye the way, my servers have cpanel and phpmyadmin on them, yours may have plesk or some other server control panel called something else… If so, you should still have a PhPMyAdmin in there somewhere, this is where you will want to go to do what Im talking about up there.

    If its self hosted you can do this
    If you’ve just lost your password. All you really need to do is open up your phpmyadmin from cpanel (if your comfortable working in there) and find the (i think) wp-users table, open it up and find where you see your user account, you will see the password encrypted in that string, click on edit and go to a md5hash generator online and type in the password you want, get the hash string and replace the old password string in your database and wah-lah, new password. Go log in to your site. And thats how you get a new pw in wordpress when all else fails, lol.

    We do all custom design all the time around here, lol. It’s basically just like an html/css template just with a bit of php and wordpress stuff to display the content and all. Its all very easy to do anything custom and its a ton of fun to learn. Give it a shot, you may get a slight headache or 2 and you may get some keyboard keys in your forehead at least once or twice, but in the end, you’ll go WOW! I did it and you will be happy! ??

    Ah, I see that your making progress. Great! Bye the way, I too am a guitar player of 7 years and while Im no master, I do play a few hours a day, everyday, lol. Its kind of like my crack, lol. Hope you get your site back up and running, I would love to check out some of your lessons.

    You did back everything up first didnt you? If so then you can get it all back.

    Well, if you’ve just lost your password. All you really need to do is open up your phpmyadmin from cpanel (if your comfortable working in there) and find the (i think) wp-users table, open it up and find where you see your user account, you will see the password encrypted, click on edit and go to a md5hash generator online and type in the password you want, get the hash string and replace the old password string in your database and wah-lah, new password. Go log in to your site. Now if you have reinstalled your DB, there may be other issues such as when you backed it up, did you set the drop tables and other settings correctly, anyways, thats how you get a new pw in wordpress when all else fails, lol.

    I didnt see Yogis post when I wrote that last 2. I dont have experience with Jetpack or any other custom css plugin but that is probably the better way to go if your not comfortable with writing code. Thanks for the Tip Yogi!. ??

    PS if your text editor does not save the file as .css (like maybe it saves it like this “style.css.txt” then you may need to download notepad++ and open the new style.css and re-save it as a css file. Sometimes they work for me but I have to use NP++ to make them save properly sometimes. I normally just use NP++ for everything anyway, with the cool plugins you can get for it, it makes coding a dream and always saves files in the right format, lol.

    @esmi , lol he created this thread, lol.


    ok, your going to want to create a child theme to be able to change your colors and maintain up-date-ability for your theme. Its very easy to do, I will walk you through it.

    first right click on your desktop (on your computer) and select new folder. Name the folder “andrina-lite-child” and then open it up.

    inside the new folder right click once more and select new text document and name it style.css and save that. Once you have the style.css created, simply paste the following code into it. Here goes.

    Theme Name:     Andrina-lite Child
    Theme URI:
    Description:    Child theme for the Andrina-lite theme
    Author:         Your name here
    Author URI:
    Template:       Andrina-lite
    Version:        0.1.0
    @import url("../andrina-lite/style.css");
    .index-info {
        background: url("images/green-sep.png") repeat-x scroll 0 0 #71963C;
        border-bottom: 1px solid #47621F;

    Change the hex values above to the color you like and add the author name and uri’s if you like. Now save that file and close it.
    Now you can simply take this folder and upload it to your themes directory. You must keep the Andriana-lite theme in there as this child theme will be riding on the back of its parent theme (Andrina-lite).
    Now once you have it in your theme directory, simply log into your admin panel and go to themes and activate the child theme. When you wish to change the color for the footer item again, simply open the style.css in your new child theme and change the hex values. I think i posted a link to a color picker that will give you the hex value you need by simply dragging the little slider thingy around. I hope this helps, if not let me know and I will just make you one and send it to you, lol.

    Oh yes, one more item, I see that you wrote your body class and I assume its an option in an admin panel your creating and the body class is wrote like this up there, so try one more experiment and change this …

    <body  <?php body_class(); ?> style="<?php if ( get_option('inkthemes_bodybg') !='' ) {?>background:url(<?php echo get_option('inkthemes_bodybg'); ?>)<?php } else {  } ?>" >

    to this

    <body <?php body_class(); ?>>

    just to see if this piece is the offender.

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