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  • I took a quick look at your code and didnt notice anything there. So, first i would try an experiment. I wonder if this is screwing with your head doc

     * The Header for our theme.
     * Displays all of the <head> section and everything up till <div id="main">
     * @package WordPress

    so try removing that first then see what happens, (be sure to copy and paste it somewhere safe until you know how its going to act. If that fixes it great, otherwise the ?’s are coming from something that is being injected to your head just before the body tag. Maybe from one of your themes template files or from one of the scripts. I only say that because it looks likes you have some open ended code somewhere but I don’t readily see it in your pasted code. So, next experiment, remove blocks of your script parts up there one by one (be sure to copy and paste them and remember how they go back in, lol ) And when you find the offending script, the ?’s will disappear and help you track down the offending code snippet, js script piece or plugin. I hope this helps you, I have actually run down many problem items this very way.

    Thanks Yogi ?? . No worries.

    Opps, got it in there now, Sorry bout that just typed it out so fast and forgot to add it. Im not perfect, lol. Thanks for that Yogi~!

    Yes, you are most definitely correct there Yogi. So I went ahead and included a small tut for him above. For me and my circle of friends though, we just don’t worry about children and just kind of do our own thing. I guess our knowledge can become other peoples headaches if they don’t have the skill to back it, lol. Sorry Yogi, I will be careful to make sure to give child suggestions for these types of questions in the future. Thanks!

    As per WPYogis suggestion and if your really worried about theme updates, simply do this instead.

    create a style.css

    then in the top of your style.css add this to start

    Theme Name:     Andrina-lite Child
    Theme URI:
    Description:    Child theme for the Andrina-lite theme
    Author:         Your name here
    Author URI:
    Template:       Andrina-lite
    Version:        0.1.0
    @import url("../andrina-lite/style.css");
    .index-info {
        background: url("images/green-sep.png") repeat-x scroll 0 0 #71963C; <!--change the hex value to what you like here -->
        border-bottom: 1px solid #47621F;<!--change the hex value to what you like here -->

    Then put that in a folder called Andrina-lite-child and upload it your themes directory. Once its uploaded simply go to your themes panel in admin dashboard and select your new theme child and the changes will be made.

    Open up your themes style.css with a text editor or simply go to the editor in your dashboard and open the style.css and edit this style. Simply change the background color to whatever you like. Example, if you want light to medium grey instead of green simply change the hex value at the end of the background: to something like #333333 and then the green will turn to a medium grey.

    Here is what you have now

    .index-info {
        background: url("images/green-sep.png") repeat-x scroll 0 0 #71963C;
        border-bottom: 1px solid #47621F;
        margin-bottom: 0;
        overflow: hidden;
        padding-bottom: 0;
        padding-top: 8px;

    and here is what would change if you wanted the medium grey

    .index-info {
        background: url("images/green-sep.png") repeat-x scroll 0 0 #333333;
        border-bottom: 1px solid #47621F;
        margin-bottom: 0;
        overflow: hidden;
        padding-bottom: 0;
        padding-top: 8px;

    if you don t know your hex values for colors thats ok too. Simply go to this site and get your value here.

    Also note that the border color can be changed the same way, see the border-bottom:1pxect,ect… just change the 47621f to whatever color hex you like and then save it all and wah-lah, you now have new colors.

    Looks like the ?’s are being generated in your head doc. Open the header.php in a text editor and see if you see the ?’s there. If you dont see them then its being generated by a snippet of code in your head or from a plugin via the wp-head item and we will need to see the header.php to get a better idea. Then we can see whats up with the login issue.
    if you have any plugins in your site, try ftp’ing up to your server and head to the widgets folder, make a folder called “old” and drag all of the widget folders there so that wordpress is not picking them up and then see if the question marks go away and you can log in.

    Also, it looks like it could be coming from pluggable.php. Need to see if the question marks can be fixed first then we see if the pluggables is really an issue or not.
    Then we can get down to troubleshooting this for you. Let me know how it goes.

    Try adding this to your body tag first of all and lets see what that does.

    <?php body_class( $class ) ?>

    Then we can begin to see somethings better.

    By the way, just so you know… There are a few different ways to do this. This is only the way that I have found that works for me. If your admin panel is using all functions and stuff this may not be the way to go, but since I am not a php expert, its what works for me. Now if I can just find a way to add an image uploader and a color picker to my admin panel, I will be much happier, lol. Have a great day!!!

    Simple to do, first create your color styles in seperate style sheets and name them like so. blue.css – black.css – brown.css – ect…. Then in your admin options panel you could add something simple like this

    array( "name" => "Color Scheme",  //color scheme
        "desc" => "Select the color scheme for the theme",
        "id" => $shortname."_color_scheme",
        "type" => "select",
        "options" => array("black","blue","brown","green","grey","orange","purple","red","white","yellow"),
        "std" => "blue/blue"),

    then you would need to add something like this to your head to call the color schemes stylesheets

    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<?php bloginfo('template_url'); ?>/styles/<?php echo get_option('nt_color_scheme'); ?>.css" />

    Notice that along with the option value I am also adding the template url along with the /styles. I did this because my color option style sheets are in a directory called styles and this part helps it find them.
    Now just a note about the style sheets, In my head document I have a link to my standard style sheets like normal. I have the style.css link as well and what I do is simply have a base style set in my style sheet for most items and then the color options are only in the colored style sheets. Say for instance, I have a border-top that seperates some items on a page, I want it to be blue when I select the blue template or red when the red is selected, so I only put that on the red or blue style sheet and use the appropriate hex color value. You can have a default on yoru stylesheet, just do not use the !important tag in the style on the default and DO use it on the colored style sheet like so.
    the default style sheet has ===

    #thecontent {
    border-top:1px solid #333333 ;

    and the colored style sheet has===

    #thecontent {
    border-top:1px solid #333333 !important ;
    color:#333333 !important;

    Hope this helps.
    As long as you have the save button and all, everything should work fairly well.

    yeah, dont want anything extra in your custom styles.

    lol, its not a cardinal sin at all. They all say that because when a theme author makes changes and puts out a new version of the theme, when you install the new one, some things could be over written. It does not hurt anything otherwise. Quite simply, if I ever use anyone else’s themes for anything (which is never since I learned to build my own about 5 years ago), I normally end up re-writing a lot of it anyways simply because I only wanted the base design or layout or something like this. I dont worry about the theme updates either simply because I normally support my own work, lol ??

    Forum: Localhost Installs
    In reply to: Database Error

    You should probably read this first of all.

    Ok, the first thing you should do when moving a theme from localhost to live server is go under the general settings and change the links (both of them) to your live site server link. So if on your localhost the links are “localhost/mynewtheme” you nee to change those to the new live site url like so “” in both places.
    Then when you set-up your new live wordpress site, you will need to change the wp-config file and edit the database name, username and password to match your live sites database name, usernam and password. When you open up the wp-config file in a text editor you will see them.
    Be sure to change the links under setting on your localhost to the new live links first.

    You will have to write some custom code for that one, The easiest way would be that you could try to pin it down by creating a simple child theme. All you would really need would be to include those widget items in separate page templates and then style them the way you like. Once you have that finished you would simply go into your page editor under attributes and select that page template for each corresponding page and colored widget. Hope this makes sense, if not let me know and I will try to explain it better, lol.

    Forum: Themes and Templates
    In reply to: Widget issue

    put some space in between the left and !important,
    is should read like this {float:left !important;} note the space in between.

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