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  • Thread Starter James G


    I am building this theme on my localhost at the moment, I can load it up to one of my demo servers and post the link shortly.

    until then. Um, everything you see above is located in my functions.php for the moment. As far as calling it to my header location I do not have anything inside the div calling it at the moment as I am trying to avoid that. I was using this <img src="<?php header_image(); ?>" height="<?php echo get_custom_header()->height; ?>" width="<?php echo get_custom_header()->width; ?>" alt="" /> to add the custom header to my theme but i did not like the way that it played with the slider that I am adding to my theme that actually lays over the container for my custom header, so I wanted to remove the img src inside my div and just set the css to the div class or id itself. Hope this makes sense. The biggest reason is because I don’t really like using z-index and negative margins and padding’s to get the look I want, I simply want the css to be applied to the div container (excuse me, the custom img applied to the css for the div container) Anyways, I hope this makes sense. I can load the theme up to a demo if you like.

    The background color is here #access ul li.current_page_item, #access ul li.current-menu-item

    the text color is here #access ul li.current_page_item > a, #access ul li.current-menu-item > a
    and here #access a

    try those and see what you can do.

    the menu can be redesigned however you like, it will mostly depend on your skill with html and css.

    Can you give us any details as to the new theme you activated and the theme you replaced and did the theme you just activated have the normal install process (upload files via ftp, and select it from the dashboard)or did the theme need you to do anything extra or special (set-up files, file permissions, create directories, ect?) to get it up and running? And can you provide a link to the site or is it a localhost install on wamp or xamp for instance?

    I don’t believe that it is a feature of the pro version – if you look here you will see that there is a big green check beside custom events fields on their features page However, I am looking for the answer to this question as I simply want to add address info. I mean really, who in the world is going to have an events system and pre determine where its user can have them? lol. Anyways, I’m looking to add street, city, zip ect to my events registration page and nothing I have found yet has been helpful. Been working on this for at least the last 5 days.

    Yeah, I just got the same thing, no files have been added to my theme and the plugin folder just has the blank folders in it. I will re download and see if they come thru….

    Thread Starter James G


    Oh, yes… this info is very helpful. I will look around to find a similar plugin to do this function. If I can find one, it will be most helpful in helpimng me to write mine. Thanks for the help WPyogi!

    Thread Starter James G


    I would really rather not use a plugin as I want it built into this theme so that the sidebar is selectable just like a page template is selectable. As a matter of fact, I would like to have the selection just below the page template selector in the new page or edit page screen! I have not found a plugin to do this, can you recommend one?

    Thread Starter James G


    Hmmm, I guess no one here has the skill to help me with this, maybe if I go to Warrior forums I can get someone who can help, lol…. Just joking, well not really, but yeah. ok.

    Thread Starter James G


    Ok, im not trying to bump this or whatever, I just cant believe that no one has any answer for this after 4 days…. Did I post this question to the wrong crowd or section of the forums? Can anyone help me with this at all, lol. ?? ?

    Cool, Thanks for the info Emil, I will bookmark this page and the link you posted. Very Helpful.

    Well, I was able to get the slider to display on every page that I created but the problem I found was that it started causing some other problems. Your best bet may be to go to the simple catch forums and ask them. I know it can be done easily by editing the en-queue call on the simplecatch_functions.php file and also copying and pasting the snippet from the header.php into the page.php but like I said, it was causing some minor issues. Sorry I couldn’t be more help but your question might be better for the theme developer.

    Oh, ok…. I have simple catch, give me about an hour and I will provide you the changes you need to make.

    Ugh, I forgot to ask What theme are you using and were you talking about using a plugin that is a “featured Slider” as a widget or something or does the theme your using have one built into it? If its built into a responsive theme then it should all ready be responsive, if its going to be a plugin or widget then you should be able to go to the plugin directory and find the css file for it and write it with “%’s” and “em’s” instead of hard px heights and widths. Makes sense?

    You can write some custom styling for the slider if you need to. I don’t really use featured sliders too much in my themes but the ones I have were simple and it was very easy to completely re-write the css for them so that they fit and looked good in my themes. I don’t see why you couldnt.

    What theme are you using and is your featured slider a plugin or is it built into your theme? If its a plugin, can you find a snippet of code in the plugins documentation that shows you how to hard code the featured slider onto your themes template files? Can you provide a link?

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