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  • Thread Starter James G


    Hmmm, well thank you again for trying to be helpful but I’m not sure that your getting the jist of my specific problem, so if you don’t mind I would like to try to express this problem with a bit more detail. Its not the html I am trying to alter specifically and at the same time it is, lol. It more of a case that the specific function wont allow me to get in between the link and the image and separate them out so that I can style the bookmark similar to a portfolio page with big square block images and a nice title bar for the title. Here is an example of the specific code. Also, I have tried like 12 different css methods to isolate and style this but everyone puts the link shifting up behind the image even with absolute and relative pos. But here is what im working with.

    <div class="clear">&nbsp;</div>
    <div class="container_20">
    	<?php $args = array(
    	'category' => 18,
    	'order' => 'ASC',
    	'orderby' => 'name',
    	'categorize' => false,
    	'title_li' => false,
    	'before' => '<div id="bookmark-block" class="grid_5" >',
    	'after' => '</div>',
    	'show_images' => true,
    	'category_before' => '<li id="[category id]" class="linkcat">',
    	'category_after' => '</li>',
    	'show_rating' => true,
    	'show_name' => true,
    ); ?>
    <div id="bookmarks-gallery"  class="grid_20">
    	<?php wp_list_bookmarks($args); ?>

    Like I say, I have used a few css methods and still no joy.

    Thread Starter James G


    Hey there, thanks for the reply. Well I can style the link just fine, unfortunately, if you look at the output of that function it also includes the image inclosed in the link as well. So in effect I don’t have as much control as I want to style that text the way the design demands. Basically, the way the array outputs its code is that any css i apply to the link will go to the image and vise versa. My intention is to have a border radius for the images and use the link in a title bar at the bottom and make it’s background 30px height with #333 color or a moz & webkit gradient and with a #ddd or eee for the text. So I need to isolate them you see, lol.

    lol, but your the author or guy who built it, so yes you are self promoting it in the wrong place! Also, it is now been removed from codecanyon and I am guessing that it has been taken down because it has soooo many problems and your support is very unreliable. You have promised new versions and support for the last few months and then nothing. Not a good way to get started….
    I have purchased it and I have fixed a lot of the issues so I dont feel like I wasted a whole 35 bucks but your going to have to make good on those promises if you want to see your product do well Rafael. And do not promote your wares in the WP forums, lol. Anyways, you did make a good try and I cant complain about that.

    Thread Starter James G


    lol, ok well…. forget it I guess. I dont really feel like getting a account at pastebin……

    James G


    i have used ATS on at least 20 projects. Everyone has many more files and folders than any premium wp theme I have ever purchased including those with several selectable sliders and admin panel options, lol. For real. But yes… there may be an answer for this. I think that in general, his problem is basically coming from being on a shared server that possibly has some email spammers using the same server for marketing BS, POS sites and that the hackers in general are just found his site by seeing what sites are on that server and hacking them. Unfortunately, even with the new updates to WP, I can hack any site in about 30 seconds. If I want to be nasty, I start leaving my posts with links in them for Viagra and all kinds of other dopy stuff. If I want to be really nasty, I just hack 3 files and then I own his site to the point that not even his hosting co can get it back until I decide to let them. That is of course unless the Hosting co does a complete wipe of his account and he rebuilds from scratch. Oh yes, this is very possible. However, you see hijacking much more prevalent than hacks or destructive ends simply because some determined marketers (i.e. really stupid and persistent people who believe warrior forums will make them rich) will do anything they can to put a stupid post on your site. Something like “Yeah, this is an excellent article, keep up the good work…. by Viagra here!!” So they do this by MySql inject or simply sending requests for info to your server once they find one on a server that all ready has spammers on it. This way they get thru some issues because the spam sites have the server ip blacklisted which causes some securities to be lowered in hopes of helping the normal users sites to still be able to send and receive emails to other email users of systems like gmail or aol and msn in particular. So I do not believe this to be a theme problem more likely a hosting co or a spammer filled server ip problem. My next question would be, do you have many emails being returned saying that they have been blocked by msn or aol? If so, its probably given the server ip as the problem due to that server having spammers all over it. Try getting your hosting co to put you on a different server or ip address. You can also purchase your own ip for like 5 bucks from a lot of hosting co’s. Hope this helps.

    James G


    Artisteer is a crock of junk. I have used it several times and the results are always only mediocre at best. The code is so overinflated and the divitis is terrible and the tags, class’s and id’s get to be so long you start to have a hard time following the code. There is no reason to have 190 (literally..) files and 12 folders for a simple 2 page WordPress template. The Artisteer program is ridiculously terrible. In my own opinion!

    Thread Starter James G


    Ok, so here is my controlling css.

    [CSS code moderated per forum rules – if you can’t post a link to your site, please use the pastebin]

    and here is my page.php and footer code.

    [code moderated per forum rules – for any code over 10 lines, please use the pastebin]

    Footer.php ————

    [code moderated per forum rulesplease use the pastebin]

    Please feel free to take a lok, if you need more info please let me know. Thanks!

    Thread Starter James G


    i got it, i simply used left, right and center id’s in my main containers

    Thread Starter James G


    Yeah, I have been, still cant figure it out, lol. Been using firebug for most of my projects and find it very helpful. It seems that I used to be able to add a class or a id to the css style window in firebug, sadly now all I can really do is just edit and see the styles that are available when I select the object. I did scroll up some fo the divs above this one and messed with them in the html side of FB but still no luck.

    Thread Starter James G


    Oh yeah, while I’m thinking about it, if you notice, I had to use my sidebars backwards to get them to display forwards, lol. Meaning sidebar4 then3 then 2 for proper left to right alignment on the page.

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