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  • Hi all, I am having the same problem as rickrurran. All I want is the menu to be within <div id=”Navigation”> but the arguments passed to wp_nav_menu() have no affect on the output. Setting menu_class is the only argument which works to style the output ?? Any ideas? Thanks!

    <?php wp_nav_menu( array( 'menu' => 'Masthead Navigation', 'container_id' => 'Navigation' ) ); ?>
    Generates the following:
    <div class="menu">
            <li class="page_item page-item-4 current_page_item">
              <a href="" title="Home">Home</a>
    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: wp-e-commerce

    dingdangdesign and kmaz: can you guys explain the problem your running into in detail? And if you have found a fix yet, thanks!

    Hi all, I was having the same problem and found the error was on my part. While creating the page template I must have copied the /* Template Name: */ portion and added it to index.php.. I guess just double-check that all your .php pages have the correct code for /* Template Name: */

    Thread Starter James Mehorter


    If I make a text change to any page in my site the Page Template automatically changes to either index.php or search.php… Any ideas?

    Thread Starter James Mehorter


    Hey Logicfire.. glad this helped you!

    I’m seeing a new problem now that when I edit the text for said page it is changing my Page Template randomly.. I just edited some text and updated.. The ‘Page Template’ in the editor says “Homepage” but if I go into phpMyAdmin the row for this id in wp_1_postmeta, the ‘_wp_page_template’ key has a value of search.php. This file isn’t even a Page Template?! So this page is now being outputted through search.php… how weird!

    Any ideas? Thanks!


    James Mehorter


    Having the same problem with WP 2.9.2 + NexGen 1.4.3. Changing ownership and file permissions did not help.

    James Mehorter


    I’m having a similar issue. Are you also prompted by wordpress to add in ftp information when updating a plugin? I think it’s something related to the apache account running your hosting package. As a security protocol to restrict apache from making changes to the filesystem. If you can gain shell access you can chown the apache user access… but I dont have this access on a certain hosting account – so not sure if this is really the case or not… or how to solve it, any other ideas out there?

    James Mehorter


    Alex.. we were hoping you would know of an you made NextGen? ?? Great plugin! That slideshow watermark is hideous!.. Like LambWarren said – I’d be cool with a little link or something.. but for $100 I will just ditch NextGen and use a hacked version of WP-Cycle or something. Please hook us up with an alternative Alex!


    Thread Starter James Mehorter


    Hey Shane,

    Thanks for replying! Just marked the post as resolved. Great plug-in btw!

    Thread Starter James Mehorter


    Ahh… the default calendar templates (ex. gridview.php) calls for header.php and footer.php. So if your theme only consists of a single index.php the calendar will display on a page with no content from the theme.

    ckandl: I just installed the plugin for the first time, and have many questions so far.. BUT I did notice there is a widget with this plugin to display a list of events in a sidebar, which might help you.

    Hi All,

    I’m having some issues with the SideBar implementation. Im using 6.6 Beta on WP 2.9.1 with the patch from above. The large calendar works fine. On the page displaying the sidebar; firebug is calling the following error..

    unterminated string literal
    .attr(‘title’, ‘\n

    Here is a snippet from View Source…

    (function($) {
    ecd.jq(document).ready(function() {
    .attr(‘title’, ‘
    <ul class=\”EC-tt-widget-day-event\”>
    <li class=\”EC-tt-widget-day-event-title\”>Testgin Testing
    <dd class=\”EC-tt-widget-day-event-detail\”>Test</dd>
    <dd class=\”EC-tt-widget-day-event-detail\”>Until: 02-17</dd>

    <p><span class=\”EC-tt-widget-clickdate\”>Click date for more details</span>’)
    .attr(‘style’, ‘color:red;’)
    .mouseover(function() {
    ecd.jq(this).css(‘cursor’, ‘pointer’);
    .click(function() {
    tb_show( “February Wednesday 10 2010”, “https://localhost/Cornerspring?EC_view=day&EC_month=02&EC_day=10&EC_year=2010&TB_iframe=true&width=220&height=250&#8221;, false);
    track: true,
    delay: 0,
    showURL: false,
    opacity: 1,
    fixPNG: true,
    showBody: ” – “,
    // extraClass: “pretty fancy”,
    top: -15,
    left: 10

    On line 255 of ec_js.class.php which looks like this
    .attr(‘title’, ‘<?php echo addslashes($output);?>’)

    If I remove <?php echo addslashes($output);?> *just to isolate the problem* the error goes away and firebug now errors on ..

    syntax error

    I can’t seem to locate the <p> and </p> tags being added into the view source. Ive searched all the ec source code and there are no paragraph tags.. I’m kinda confused and hoping someone can shed some light on this. Thanks so much!


    I spent some time looking around and never found a step-by-step on how to add the shutter / thickbox implimentation to the galleryview template when clicking on the large image. So I dug around in the code and worked up this solution, thought it might help someone else too.

    Open: ‘wp-content/plugins/nggGalleryView/view/gallery-galleryview.php’

    Change: <img src="<?php echo $image->imageURL ?>" />

    To: <a href="<?php echo $image->imageURL ?>" <?php echo $image->thumbcode ?>><img src="<?php echo $image->imageURL ?>" /></a>

    And viola! ??

    I am experiencing this same problem. Form setup on a template page (contact.php) will not redisplay the same page to process the form data / display confirmation. This is how I have always coded forms in php using something like action=”<?=$_SERVER[‘PHP_SELF’]?>” because of the RewriteRule with wp I have also tried <?=htmlentities($_SERVER[‘REQUEST_URI’])?> Which seems to of worked for this guy I’ve also tried placing the direct https:// link to the ?page_id, or using the_permalink() as the form action. Even setting action=”” the form loads index.php?page_id=6 to process the form. Hence the page is blank after submission and the form html in contact.php is not displayed. I am quite confused :\

    Anyone have any insight here?

    Fixed my problems!

    I think the issue is that my host smtp requires authentication and this plugin allowed me to set that.

    I even made a small php page to test the email on my server, this worked, but only when I did not set any headers or additional params for mail(), so I knew it wasn’t the server.

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