Forum Replies Created
Got it. I just did that. I’ll wait 72 hours to let apple propagate and let you know what the outcome is. Thanks.
I can do that. However, that is the blubry mirror url that I’ve used for over a year now as well. The mirror url speeds up the feed.
I can use the original url through apple’s podcast connect but I’m not hopeful. Nothing has changed in my settings for over a year now.
Thanks for the response. No, I’ve had that Cloudflare cert for years now.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Newsletter - Send awesome emails from WordPress] Need Autoresponder CodeI think I found it. Is this it?
<div class=”tnp tnp-subscription”>
<form method=”post” action=”https://www.jamesmillerlifeology.com/?na=s” onsubmit=”return newsletter_check(this)”><input type=”hidden” name=”nlang” value=””>
<div class=”tnp-field tnp-field-firstname”><label>Name</label><input class=”tnp-firstname” type=”text” name=”nn” required></div>
<div class=”tnp-field tnp-field-lastname”><label>Last name</label><input class=”tnp-lastname” type=”text” name=”ns” required></div>
<div class=”tnp-field tnp-field-email”><label>Email</label><input class=”tnp-email” type=”email” name=”ne” required></div>
<div class=”tnp-field tnp-field-button”><input class=”tnp-submit” type=”submit” value=”Subscribe” >
</div>Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Newsletter - Send awesome emails from WordPress] Need Autoresponder CodeHello. No, this is to what I am referring. https://thrivethemes.com/tkb_item/add-autoresponder-code-form/
They use mailchimp as an example.
What I’m essentially needing is the code that I can add to my popup form from thrive leads. It needs to know where to put the signup information that it captures.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [PowerPress Podcasting plugin by Blubrry] Itunes SpacingHello. Please take a look at my rss feed. You can see where the blog post shows the correct spacing, but what PowerPress reports in the episode is the multiple <b>s that we are seeing.
RSS: https://www.jamesmillerlifeology.com/feed/podcast/?redirect=no
iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/self-responsibility-guest-elliott-robertson/id1052615988?i=1000465210350I don’t know why PowerPress is adding the extra spaces.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [PowerPress Podcasting plugin by Blubrry] Blog Post instead of EXcerptHello. Itunes is now showing my full text (see my other ticket regarding formatting) but on all other platforms, I am still seeing the excerpt and not the full text. I have subscribed to the different platforms to see if that makes a difference, but there is no full text. https://pandora.app.link/2q1mOI0TM3
is there a different way to set this to full text for all podcasting platforms?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [PowerPress Podcasting plugin by Blubrry] Itunes SpacingSo I have done what you suggested and removed any formatting that may be in the text. I copied and pasted into the iTunes description in power press and refreshed my feeds. I’m still getting spaces between paragraphs.
Additionally, there are now multipole spaces between paragraphs in my show notes on iTunes. I have tried it two ways to input my text. I have used the classic block and removed all formatting but there are still many lines between paragraphs. I have also use the paragraph blocks that you use for a post and I am still getting the same spacing issues.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [PowerPress Podcasting plugin by Blubrry] Itunes SpacingOk, thanks. I’ll have to copy and then paste to a notepad to remove the formatting. But, no I do not copy and paste into the wordpress blocks when I type. I type as is and then when it posts it gets the extra lines.
Too bad, I have to do that additional step of pasting to a notepad, but if that’s what it takes, I guess I will do it.
Thank you for your response.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [PowerPress Podcasting plugin by Blubrry] Blog Post instead of EXcerptI spoke too soon. I am still getting the excerpt summaries on other platforms.
https://open.spotify.com/episode/0426Qnk8VjG2quLjrUk2Ncthese are just a few platforms that are still showing the excerpt and not the post… although iTunes is now showing the full post. ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [PowerPress Podcasting plugin by Blubrry] Itunes SpacingThanks for the quick response. Yes, I have checked the raw html and the only thing at the beginning and end of each paragraph is <p> there is no <br>. All I’m doing is writing the content into a paragraph block on a WordPress post and then posting it. I use no other formatting.
However, I just copied my show’s description in powerpress and then pasted it into a word document and removed all formatting. It then showed that there are multiple lines between each paragraph. I am not sure why wordpress is putting in a <br> when it’s only a new paragraph, not a break.
any suggestions?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Newsletter - Send awesome emails from WordPress] Unsubscribe URLAh, ok, you have to use an HTML block instead of a footer block. Got it!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Auto Post Scheduler] Pro Version – WooCommerceoh, perfect. so it will automatically refresh those products as well in my WordPress? Awesome! I’ll purchase it then.
Great thank you! I didn’t see that.
Unfortunately, adding this css removes the hyperlink from the title. Any suggestion on how to make the title a hyperlink while still maintaining the new font size?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Newsletter - Send awesome emails from WordPress] Duplicate NewsletterIt worked, thank you!