Forum Replies Created
Hi @usamaazad99 , thanks for your prompt reaction.
Looks good to me, the typecast does address the problem.
Thank you for the prompt reply. I’m sure it’s not easy, Freemius is huge. The main class weighing in at 26k lines, opcache is really helpful here.
In the mean time, I’ve used the following code to silence it (in each blog’s context)
$fs = get_option("fs_accounts"); if(is_array($fs)) { $fs["plugin_data"] = $fs["plugin_data"] ?? []; $fs["plugin_data"]["tablepress"] = $fs["plugin_data"]["tablepress"] ?? []; if(!is_array($fs["plugin_data"]["tablepress"]["is_anonymous"] ?? null)) { $fs["plugin_data"]["tablepress"]["is_anonymous"] = [ "is" => true, "timestamp" => time(), "version" => "2.0.4", ]; update_option("fs_accounts", $fs); } }
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Social Sharing Plugin - Sassy Social Share] Undefined array key warningsThanks, that’s not the issue. The code is producing PHP warnings unless you’ve saved the options at least once which might not happen in a multi-site context.
While I can’t provide a solution because I’m not using Visualizer, I ran into the problem as well and landed here by searching for the error message.
While debugging I noticed that https://www.gstatic.com/charts/loader.js was loaded twice in my case. Fixing it so it’s only included once made the issue go away.
Just wanted to let you know, it might be similar in your case.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Custom Permalinks] New update bugFor a quick fix, you can disable the the multi language feature announcement. Edit custom-permalinks-main.php and comment out the line at the end that reads
add_action( 'plugins_loaded', 'custom_permalinks_translation_capability' );
so that it becomes
// add_action( 'plugins_loaded', 'custom_permalinks_translation_capability' );
It will disable the multilanguage features (which appear to not be included yet), and will get rid of the warning you’ll get on every page.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Custom Permalinks] WP in subdirectory & custom post type with the same nameSeeing is believing. OK, I was hoping to get around setting up a public facing demonstration, but here you go.
https://cpl.for-science.de/subdir/bbb/ (post type test) non-cpl-URL: https://cpl.for-science.de/subdir/test/aaa/
Does work.https://cpl.for-science.de/subdir/nike/ (post type subdir) non-cpl-URL: https://cpl.for-science.de/subdir/subdir/lol/
Does not work.The reason is in class-wp.php, triggered by CPL removing too much from the URI as described in my initial report.
$req_uri = str_replace($pathinfo, '', $req_uri); $req_uri = trim($req_uri, '/'); $req_uri = preg_replace( $home_path_regex, '', $req_uri ); $req_uri = trim($req_uri, '/');
leaves us with test/aaa in the working case and lol in the failing one.
I’m happy to give you backend access to the site if you provide me with a secure way of transmission.