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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Visual Form Builder] Admin Settings Changes do not SaveSo, to add to this, I have now tried to modify the .htaccess file and I have changed the permalinks 10 different ways with saves. Checked the .htaccess file to make sure the permissions are right. Still, some kind of undocumented issue.
I am in the process of disabling plugins to see if one of them are causing a problem.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Visual Form Builder] Disable Media Library UploadThe markup is formed wrong. you will have to edit the html as it makes an improper a tag. Once you form the output right, it will show your upload as a link you can click to see it or you can customize it to show a picture of the item and a link to click to it, but I had to write all that myself to make it work right
Just find the file with the ‘for each’ function that outputs the list in the admin screen. You will see the link to show that is misformed by viewing ththe source of your page and editing that function to work appropriately for your uploads.
I deactivated them by hiding them with CSS. I actually use a custom registration plugin and this plugin to create my contests.
I create a custom user registration form that collects information, upon registration, a user is routed to a “timed hub”, where i route them to hourly contests that are held daily. The ‘hub’, which is actually a div that covers the whole screen with an animated gif that says “Registering User” contains a script that does all that and then routes them to my Simple Giveaways contest for that hour, I added some script and html to hide the entry screen completely and added another covering div that has a “Entering Contest” animated gif, so the user is entered into the contest automatically.
So, my contest is a custom WordPress registration screen, a nice div covering the screen with gif loading spinners that tell you what is going on, and a thank you page at the end.
All forms based, no social at all.
Each of my “entries” is also a new “subscriber on the site. I then use ALL EXPORT and BULK WP to manage those user lists and maintain proper GDPR compliance, etc..
The benefit is the custom registration screen allows me to create and collect any fields I want, require them, and all. It gives you a fully customizable, forms based entry contest utilizing only the subscriber method with this plugin.
I do this by using the “Subscribers Only” contest setting. This requires the user to go through the registration forms.
Manage your contestants by their email address only, as that is the primary key for this plugin with that contest method.
- This reply was modified 6 years, 2 months ago by jasonbrogdon.
- This reply was modified 6 years, 2 months ago by jasonbrogdon.
- This reply was modified 6 years, 2 months ago by jasonbrogdon.
I suppose you could unremark it, set a new variable that combines the winner email and cc’s the person you want to notify into a new ‘recipients’ variable, and then send that out.
I will give that a try after my current contest ends.
With all due respect, you can still cache the requests with OP Cache, but just like Woo-Commerce coupons, you are still going to make unique calls and requests to the db, so it is fine for scaling when you host WordPress in large environments like I do, which receive 25,000 to 250,000 users per day.
I use dedicated cloud storage blocks that can be cloned and attached to auto-scaled servers with dedicated database servers. The database is 16gb.
I have scaled WordPress Woo-Commerce sites receiving thousands of orders an hour, in which that you cannot cache many things, and it was very scalable.
That is subjective to the planner and the planner’s budget.
- This reply was modified 6 years, 2 months ago by jasonbrogdon.
I found it. In the giveaway-functions.php file. I was able to remark where you get the winner’s email and instead, I am now notifying someone else of who the winners were:
// For every winner, email him
foreach ( $winners as $order => $winner ) {
if( ‘no’ === $winner[’emailed’] ) {
$notifyNewPerson = ‘[email protected]’;
//$mail_bool = sg_mail( $winner[’email’], $email_subject, $email_text );
$mail_bool = sg_mail( $notifyNewPerson, $email_subject, $email_text );
if( $mail_bool ) {
$winner[’emailed’] = ‘yes’;
$winners[ $order ] = $winner;
}The plugin uses server time instead of your local time. that will affect start and end times as well.
P.S. – I added a redirect to a custom page I created. A “THANK YOU” page if you will. So, when a user finishes the entry, instead of the normal screen, they get redirected to the thank you page.
Yes. If I had three suggestions for the plugin, they would be:
1. Add multiple prizes
2. Add custom fields to the email subscriber form (like vfb forms or gravity)
3. Add conditional logic to the email subscriber form so you could make custom contest types on your own such as voting/polling radio boxes, etc.If you did those things, you would have the best contest plugin out there imo.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Visual Form Builder] Notification emailsThe mail is probably working but your default EMAIL is getting blocked/considered as spam.
Create a Sendgrid account and setup their API email. It is very easy and free as long as you don’t go over 10k per month.
Once your Sendgrid is setup, the default email that is getting blocked will be routed by them and will most likely work.
Point being, your default WordPress email is probably PHP script and not a real email tool, so nothing is really configured to send email out appropriately like SMTP etc…
Use the Sendgrid, it is fast, easy, and makes you happy.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Visual Form Builder] Validate Unique InputI asked for this too. I would pay for it too. He doesn’t offer it currently. I am working on a way to do this and I will let you know if I find it.
I did manage to build ‘moderation’ into the display entries pages, so you can moderate and display your entries without fear of spam/dirty content.
All items are set to “SPAM” as default. You go in and click “Not Spam” and they show up on your report.
I set my phone up to get the notifications, then I just go in and approve or deny them. Really easy to use marketing type tool for moderation. Hit me up if you ever need it.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Visual Form Builder] File Upload not workingIf not, find the function in his file for uploads and check it for extension types.. You may have to add it there. If you do, use a child method, so if he updates, you can easily reapply your code.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Visual Form Builder] File Upload not workingYou most likely need to add that mime type into your WordPress site. WP ADD MIME TYPES is what I used to solve this type of problem. Your uploads should be in /uploads/vfb/….
Good luck!
By that I mean once someone enters a number it cannot be used again in a different entry. Or if someone actually fixed the IP limiting to be correct to a single computer and not an entire bridge of IPs…
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [JWT Authentication for WP REST API] REST NO ROUTE, PASSWORD EMPTYI am going to add to this. One of the issues I ran into was an “Authorization header not found” issue. I used shared hosting on my dev environment but that was not the problem. The issue was the placement of the code withing the .htaccess file.
Place it at the top!
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTP:Authorization} ^(.*)
RewriteRule ^(.*) – [E=HTTP_AUTHORIZATION:%1]
RewriteBase /yoursitename/
RewriteRule ^index\.php$ – [L]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule . /yoursitename/index.php [L]
</IfModule>This resolved my issue and I received a status 200 OK. Very happily too ??