Hi Pawel,
Thanks for looking into this for me and your extensive reply. I did some digging:
The files are present in wp-content/gallery/test2/thumbs/
-rw-r–r– 1 www-data www-data 15867 May 2 22:51 thumbs-IMG_4438-scaled.jpg
And are right owner + world readable.
The source for the gallery2 thumbnail image is: https://overlandjournal.nl/wp-content/gallery/test2/thumbs/thumbs-IMG_4438-scaled.jpg and that’s working.
But when loading the plugin/map Safari console states the 404 for : https://overlandjournal.nl/wp-content/gallery/test2/thumbs/thumbs_IMG_4438-scaled.jpg
See the difference in underscore / hyphen between ‘thumbs-filename.jpg’ or ‘thumbs_filename.jpg’. How does your plugin gets this URL? I’m at holiday with a laptop so a bit limited in checking out the source and debugging ??
Kind regards, Jasper