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  • Thread Starter javad2000



    > I changed the status to not resolved.
    Thank you.

    >1) This feature would make the source code more complicated.
    I am a programmer too. I am not quite professional, but I know the thing I want, is not too complicated. You don’t need to change the database or the percentage at all. In the next post I will explain my ideal solution.

    >2.2) Could you please post the warning you saw? Were you using the latest versions of both plugins?
    I tried to check that warning again, but no warning was given anymore. I used to see the warning when I had activated several plugins at a time. I am almost sure it was not owing to a typing mistake in the shortcode, but maybe one of my plugins at that time was causing conflict, because I had installed severall statistical plugins simultaneously. I see no warning now, but the numbers are still zero.
    I am currently using WP-Slimstat 3.9, and WP-Slimstat Shortcodes 2.5.1 in Windows 8 Firefox 32 Wamp Server 2.4.

    >Hope this helps!
    Yes, it was helpful. Thank you for your patience and guidance. In the next post, I will explain about my ideal statistical plugin. Maybe you put it in the “wish-list”.

    Thread Starter javad2000


    Thank you for your reply.
    > I hope this makes sense.
    Not really! You could calculate the percentage regardless of those 15k visits. Now I lose my whole statistics if I switch from another CMS to WordPress, or if I switch from another statistical plugin to yours. Of course this is my personal view point, but I say it to you, because I think Slimstat is the most acceptable WordPress plugin, so it can become the best.

    >2) You can use our Shortcodes add-on to do that:
    I have already tried a lot to use it for this purpose, but I have two problems:
    1- I could not find a way to show the visits of current page. None of the available examples on your documents or Google pages could tell me how to do this. The instructions and explanations were not quite comprehensible for a beginner like me.
    2- The shortcode plugin gave a “Warning” on the local host, when I put its shortcodes on a page. I don’t remember the warning exactly, but I can copy/paste here, if needed. I know the warnings will not be shown on the real server, but it also showed all the numbers to be zero. Maybe this was because I used Firefox and Slimstat does not calculate the visits from Firefox by default, or maybe because I had logged in as the admin, and Slimstat does not calculate admin visits by default. I don’t know really.

    >3) Slimstat works perfectly fine on localhost, that’s were we test our code ??
    Maybe my problems boil down to my lack of knowledge. I use Wamp Server 2.4 on Win8. Not only your plugin, but all the other statistical plugins did not count my own visits in Firefox 32. I wonder what problem they have with Firefox or admin. They showed the visits to be zero, while this is impossible. “Zero visits” is meaningless, because I know I have visited the page myself.

    I wonder why you have marked my topic to be resolved. Does that mean I should not continue the discussion?

    I have the same problem too. I installed WordPress 4.1.1 with 2015 theme. The menu shows all the sub-items, while I expect it to hide the submenus before the parent being selected. I manipulated all the settings, but no lock.

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