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  • Clayton:

    To be specific esmi wrote:

    “Sorry but that’s the reality of it. If you switch from the HTML to the Visual Editor whilst editing a post or page, you will lose some of your markup.”

    The reality of it is just what I wrote. There is a solution and forums are for solutions not drivel. esmi offered no solution only stating the status quo is too bad their is no solution. He was flat out incorrect in his “solution” which was no solution when one did, in fact, exist.

    If you can’t supply a legitimate answer to a legitimate question (esmi) than don’t waste people’s time.

    It’s apparent MNL345 located the answer and supplied it, that’s what forums are for and are supposed to do.

    Thanks for the correct answer MNL345, it’s greatly appreciated.

    Thread Starter Don Anastas


    Thank you, thank you for the great response and your detailed help.

    I appreciate that you took the time to provide this assistance.

    I changed the #page-bar {
    width: 720px;

    #page-bar {
    width: auto;

    The #search-wrapper {
    width: 200px;
    float: right;

    was already removed.

    The links all appear on one line and look much better.

    Thanks again and best wishes,


    I originally posted in a new thread then ran into this one so I posted after no replies in the other thread. “W3 Cache Plugin

    Sorry to create any confusion. You have replied in that thread.

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: W3 Cache Plugin
    Thread Starter Don Anastas


    I didn’t say W3TC was modifying my site content.

    When I changed my blogroll links and disabled the Kontera in-text link plugin these items remained unchanged when I was in the “log off” mode of the site.

    A visitor would still see the old blog roll and the Kontera in-text links were showing up.

    Yes, I disabled the W3TC link and it cleared up.

    It was only appearing on the main page of the site in Firefox. I cleared the cookies, passwords, et al and even restarted Firefox but these items remained unchanged.

    My question was asking why this was occurring and how could I clear this up without disabling the W3TC plugin.

    Small Update on my post:

    I went back to the site, not logged in using Firefox (It all works great in IE).

    The new linked blogroll is still missing. I scroll down and click ‘next page’ and on the second page the blogroll appears.

    Click the link to a single post and the blogroll appears.

    So the problem seems isolated to the front page only.

    I installed W3 Cache and it’s working, maybe too well.

    Firefox caught a problem with RPC Blogrolling and report an “Attack” problem shutting my one site down concerning the Blogroll.

    I removed blogrolling script and changed all blogroll links manual to reflect standard links. These don’t change often so the work is complete.

    Now…on my desktop, in Firefox, the links in the sidebar appear fine.

    However, I went to the site via my laptop, aircard internet connection and the “blogroll” is still appearing shutdown.

    Also, I removed Kontera in-text links which are not showing up on my site via the desktop but also continue to appear on the laptop.

    One difference, I’m logged in to the site on the desktop not the laptop, I don’t think this should matter. (Sorry for the long discussion)

    My question is – What is caching that can be cleared to correct the site on the laptop or anyone else’s views who have visited and returned only to get the cached version of the site?

    I clear everything on Firefox on the laptop, restarted it but no change.

    Is my setup with W3 Caches causing this?

    Bottom Line: Logged off the old info is showing that I actually removed such as the Kontera ads and the Blogrolling Blogroll script.

    Any constructive help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

    Thread Starter Don Anastas


    I believe it’s working now. The only thing left is to ensure the redirect works.

    Thanks again.

    Thread Starter Don Anastas


    I got most of this working. A redirect plugin is also installed. My permalinks change to reflect real filenames.

    At the bottom of my WP Super Cache is this message:

    Trailing slash check required.

    It looks like your blog has URLs that end with a “/”. Unfortunately since you installed this plugin a duplicate content bug has been found where URLs not ending in a “/” end serve the same content as those with the “/” and do not redirect to the proper URL. To fix, you must edit your .htaccess file and add these two rules to the two groups of Super Cache rules:

    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^.*[^/] %{REQUEST_URI} !^.*//.*$
    You can see where the rules go and examine the complete rules by clicking the “View mod_rewrite rules” link below.

    My htaccess file looks like the one in the view mod_rewrite rules and I added the cold offered in the warning and this sent the whole website down, therefore, I removed it.

    I’m not sure exactly where that code “RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^.*[^/] %{REQUEST_URI} !^.*//.*$” belonbs as something very similar already exists as follows:

    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^.*[^/]$
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^.*//.*$

    This seems to be the only to complete at this point.

    Thank you, Don

    Thread Starter Don Anastas


    Just set it to the default, yyyy

    I’m not sure what you meant exactly. I did lower the permissions in the public folder and the warning went away.

    I suppose I’ll wait and see if there is an improvement. I’ve also written to my host to see if they might help or offer some suggestions.

    I may wish to compress files later.


    Thread Starter Don Anastas


    Thank you.

    I’m having oodles of problems with this and would like to know if there is a decent hosting service that will do the migration for a new customer???

    I download some backup programs and view the file download via my windows explorer and they are marked with Dreamweaver or Flash logos. These programs are on my computer because I use them in my work. It’s beyond me why the downloads picking out these programs.

    i.e. If I click on a Dreamweaver logo for “backupwordpress” php script it opens up in Dreamweaver. If I click a Flash logo for “screenshot” it will open in Flash.

    This is all nice but what happens when I try to upload these to my wordpress for a plugin or backup tool?

    I would rather have someone who can manage this as part of their hosting service. I’ve tried a few and they declined.

    Oh well.



    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Database Crashed
    Thread Starter Don Anastas


    I wrote to A Small Orange asking about transers and newer version setup.

    I appreciate your help.

    BTW, I can’t log into my hosts menu where all my files are stored. This is a first.

    The drama continues.


    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Database Crashed
    Thread Starter Don Anastas


    I understand your point I was only suggesting a correlation but not a fact.

    My “paranoia” has come because of numerous death threats, an array of indecent comments (now filtered) and other crazy things.

    I would disagree, my experience tells me there are a select few who would like to bring me down. One, a former NASA employee, spends time discrediting me around the web. Sorry went off topic.

    Now any suggestions on FTP and backup or does your suggestion for a host help with that?

    Thanks again.

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Database Crashed
    Thread Starter Don Anastas


    Thanks for the response and I agree I need a new host. First they got the site up but with errors in the comments area as follows:

    WordPress database error: [Can’t open file: ‘wp_comments.MYI’. (errno: 145)]
    SELECT COUNT(*) FROM wp_comments WHERE comment_approved = ‘0’

    WordPress database error: [Can’t open file: ‘wp_comments.MYI’. (errno: 145)]
    SELECT COUNT(comment_ID) FROM wp_comments WHERE comment_approved = ‘spam’

    Three different people responded to me and one mentioned moving my site to a different server. This is a recurring theme with them.

    My data transfer has gone up alot and I’ve had to upgrade my package with them three times.

    Thus far this weekend my problem has been sent to a higher level but no one seems to be working on it. To be honest this is a political blog and I believe too many problems have existed to be a coincidence. The problems I’ve had seem to come on a weekend or Friday evening when a Melissa is working. She’s the one that mentioned that I should clean my files. Yeah Right!

    Now if anyone can offer some good hosts I’m listening.

    Also, what’s the best way to backup my site once and have it ready to move FTP in the proper file format?



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