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  • Thread Starter jay7981


    I do apologize i forgot to add the actual api call,

     * @package battlefield-3-statistics
     * @version 1.0.1
     * @license GPLv2 -
     * @author Jeroen Weustink
    class api
    	 * Get data from battlefield API
    	 * @param string $player
    	 * @param string $platform
    	 * @return array|string $response;
    	public function getPlayer($player, $platform)
    		$postData = array(
    			'player' => $player,
    			'opt' => json_encode(array(
    				'all' => TRUE
    		$curl = curl_init();
    		curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, "{$platform}/player/");
    		curl_setopt($curl ,CURLOPT_USERAGENT, "BF3StatsAPI/0.1");
    		curl_setopt($curl ,CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array("Expect:"));
    		curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, TRUE);
    		curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, TRUE);
    		curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $postData);
    		$response = curl_exec($curl);
    		return $response;
    Thread Starter jay7981


    Well there is a plugin (no longer supported) that works for what i am wanting to do sortof, but it simply puts a widget with the information of a static name, (in the settings of the widget i have to add the player name to pull the stats), so i want to edit this plugin and use it to…
    1.)pull the data {it does this already} and
    2.) put it on all users profiles.

    The plugin would have to pull the data stored in the users custom profile field (“IGN”) and then use that data to complete the api call. im just not sure how to edit this plugin to move the data from a widget to a profile section (like the introduction section)

    i will take a look at those links and see if they help any thanks for taking the time to reply.

    if you are interested here is the api call code from the plugin,

     * @package battlefield-3-statistics
     * @version 1.1
     * @license GPLv2 -
    Plugin Name: Battlefield 3 Statistics
    Plugin URI:
    Description: A widget that shows player data received from the API. There are several options a user can enable and disable in the widget settings. Shown data will be: Progress, Ranking, Kill / death ratio, Win / lose ratio, Accuracy, Longest headshot. 
    Author: Jeroen Weustink
    Version: 1.1
    Author URI:
    class Battlefield_3_Statistics_Widget extends WP_Widget 
    	 * Setup widget
    	public function Battlefield_3_Statistics_Widget() 
    		parent::WP_Widget(false, $name = 'Battlefield 3 Statistics');
    	 * Output to show in widget
    	 * @param array $args
    	 * @param array $instance
    	public function widget($args, $instance) 
    		require 'classes/api.class.php';
    		$player 	= (!empty($instance['player'])) ? $instance['player'] : false;
    		$platform 	= (!empty($instance['platform'])) ? $instance['platform'] : false;
    		if($player) {
    			if($platform) {
    				$playerData = get_option('playerData', null);
    				if(get_option('player') != $instance['player']) {
    					$playerData = null;
    				if(is_null($playerData)) {
    					$playerData = $this->_getByApi($player, $platform);
    					add_option('playerData', time() . '|' . $playerData);
    					add_option('player', $player);
    				} else {
    					$tempData 	= $playerData;
    					$tempData 	= explode('|', $tempData);
    					$cacheTime	= $tempData[0];
    					$playerData	= $tempData[1];
    					if((time() - $cacheTime) > $instance['cacheTime']) {
    						$playerData = $this->_getByApi($player, $platform);
    						update_option('playerData', time() . '|' . $playerData);
    				$playerData = json_decode($playerData, true);
    				if($playerData['status'] == 'data') {
    					if(is_array($playerData)) {
    						$stats = array();
    						$stats['img'] 				= $playerData['stats']['rank']['img_medium'];
    						$stats['score_current']		= $playerData['stats']['rank']['score'];
    						$stats['score_needed'] 		= $playerData['stats']['nextranks'][0]['score'];
    						$stats['process'] 			= round($stats['score_current'] / ($stats['score_needed'] / 100), 2);
    						$stats['kills'] 			= $playerData['stats']['global']['kills'];
    						$stats['deaths'] 			= $playerData['stats']['global']['deaths'];
    						$stats['kd-ratio'] 			= round($stats['kills'] / $stats['deaths'], 2);
    						$stats['wins'] 				= $playerData['stats']['global']['wins'];
    						$stats['losses'] 			= $playerData['stats']['global']['losses'];
    						$stats['wl-ratio'] 			= round($stats['wins'] / $stats['losses'], 2);
    						$stats['hits'] 				= $playerData['stats']['global']['hits'];
    						$stats['shots'] 			= $playerData['stats']['global']['shots'];
    						$stats['accuracy'] 			= round($stats['hits'] / ($stats['shots'] / 100), 2);
    						$stats['longest-headshot']	= $playerData['stats']['global']['longesths'];
    						$stats['last-update']		= date('m-d-Y',$playerData['date_update']);
    						require 'views/statistics.phtml';
    					} else {
    						$error = 'Could not get data from';
    						require_once 'views/error.phtml';
    				} else {
    					$error = 'Api error: ' . $playerData['status'];
    					require_once 'views/error.phtml';
    			} else {
    				$error = 'No player set';
    				require_once 'views/error.phtml';
    		} else {
    			$error = 'No player set';
    			require_once 'views/error.phtml';
    	 * Widget settings form
    	 * @param array $instance
    	public function form($instance) 
    		$player 			= (!empty($instance['player'])) ? $instance['player'] : '';
    		$platform 			= (!empty($instance['platform'])) ? $instance['platform'] : '';
    		$cacheTime 			= (!empty($instance['cacheTime'])) ? $instance['cacheTime'] : '1800';
    		$cacheTimeValues 	= array(
    			300		=> '5 min',
    			600		=> '10 min',
    			900		=> '15 min',
    			1800	=> '30 min',
    			3600	=> '60 min'
    		require 'views/form.phtml';
    	 * Update posted parameters from $this->form()
    	 * @param array $newInstance
    	 * @param array $oldInstance
    	 * @return array $instance
    	public function update($newInstance, $oldInstance)
    		$instance 				= $oldInstance;
    		$instance['player'] 	= strip_tags($newInstance['player']);
    		$instance['platform'] 	= $newInstance['platform'];
    		$instance['cacheTime']	= $newInstance['cacheTime'];
    		return $instance;
    	 * Get playerData from API
    	 * @param string $player
    	 * @param string $platform
    	 * @return string 
    	private function _getByApi($player, $platform)
    		$api = new api();
    		return $api->getPlayer($player, $platform);
    add_action('widgets_init',create_function('', 'return register_widget("Battlefield_3_Statistics_Widget");'));

    how can this be shown in a widget/sidebar?

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