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  • Hi to all,

    I have got a similar problem.
    I’m using: WP 4.6 + WooCom Version 2.6.4 + Seo by Yoast Version 3.4.2+ Enfold by Kriesi (latest version)

    I have deactivated all other plugins.

    If I activate Yoast or WooCom only then I have no problems. If I activate Yoast & WooCom simultanously then I can’t edit a post or the starting-page but I’m still able to edit normal pages.

    Is there any solution for it?

    Greetings Jaymes

    PS: In my dashboard there is a notification that” Die folgende(n) Datei(en) verhinder(t/n) ein einfwandfreies Arbeiten Ihrer XML Sitemap:
    L?sche diese (kann mit dem “Beheben.”-Button erledigt werden) oder deaktiviere Yoast SEO XML-Sitemaps.

    -> when I press on “beheben=fix it” then the notification is gone. If I deactivate / re-activate the plugin again then the notification is back again. I have already deleted the Sitemap-Plugin which has created the sitemap.xml but it hasn’t helped.

    Hi Spyridon, I have got the same problem. Which solution have you found? Thanks a lot! Greetings, J

    Thread Starter jaymesbond


    Hi Scott, thanks for your answer! Well, I think I have found the problem! It is a javascript which is implemented by Amazon. It shows a Preview of the advertised product. This script is on every site implemented:

    <script type=”text/javascript” src=”″></script><noscript><img src=”; alt=”” /></noscript>

    How can I get rid of it?! Or how can I stop running especially this script?

    Thanks a lot!

    Thread Starter jaymesbond


    Thanks a lot! Actually it worked with the style.css but not with pip-option. However now my text is no longer going around the picture but the picture-border seems to be the border for the text. Could you please have a look at it again? If I like to get rid of the amazon title and the line below, does it work in the same way? Thanks a lot for helping me!

    Ps: i have tried the shortcode Version too but it did not work as i had to choose between a picturesize of small or medium. Small was to small and Medium was too big. My theme seems to take a picturesize in between.

    Thread Starter jaymesbond


    Hi Rick,

    thanks for your help. I Will check that;-) Nice name indeed:-))
    Have you got German ancestors? Grretings, Jochen

    Thread Starter jaymesbond


    Hi Rick,

    thanks a lot. I have found that in the archive.php of the Wootique them: Which part should I drop out exactly? I have tried a little bit but without success. Thanks a lot!

    			<?php } elseif (is_day()) { ?>
    			<span class="archive_header"><?php _e( 'Archive', 'woothemes' ); ?> | <?php the_time( get_option( 'date_format' ) ); ?></span>
    			<?php } elseif (is_month()) { ?>
    			<span class="archive_header"><?php _e( 'Archive', 'woothemes' ); ?> | <?php the_time( 'F, Y' ); ?></span>
    			<?php } elseif (is_year()) { ?>
    			<span class="archive_header"><?php _e( 'Archive', 'woothemes' ); ?> | <?php the_time( 'Y' ); ?></span>
    			<?php } elseif (is_author()) { ?>
    			<span class="archive_header"><?php _e( 'Archive by Author', 'woothemes' ); ?></span>
    			<?php } elseif (is_tax()) { ?>
    			<span class="archive_header"><?php echo single_term_title( '', true); ?></span>
    			<div class="term-description">
    				<?php echo term_description(); ?>

    [Please post code & markup between backticks or use the code button. Your posted code may now have been permanently damaged by the forum’s parser.]

    Hi gigiofit,

    may I ask you which Amazon Plugins you have used before? I don’t know which to use for my next project…I know the ones below but haven’t used them so far as most of them are not for free:

    WP Zon Builder
    WP Zoner

    Have you got any experiences with them?



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