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  • Thread Starter jbdev


    Sorry I know this is a massiv pain but it is too late is there any way that this could be resolved in the short term, I can then do a fresh install and work from a child theme.

    Thread Starter jbdev


    Thanks for the response, I now have the below but still no excerpt. All help greatfully received.

    <div class="postcontent">
                <div class="postthumb">
                	<?php the_post_thumbnail(); ?>   <!--This shows the thumbnail in the post, always plase in the loop-->
                <div class="postdetail">
                	<h2 class="posttitle"><a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>" rel="bookmark" title="Permanent Link to <?php the_title_attribute(); ?>"><?php the_title(); ?></a></h2>
                   	<span class="post_date"><?php the_time('j.m.Y') ?></span>
       				if (function_exists('has_excerpt') && has_excerpt()) the_excerpt();
      				else the_content('More...');
                    	<!--<div class="postmetabottom"> Use this div to add comments back in
    					</div> -->
    Thread Starter jbdev


    resolved with CSS

    #sidebar .widget_extended-categories h2

    Thread Starter jbdev


    Spot on thanks. As always I was looking for the over complicated option.

    Thanks for your help.

    Thread Starter jbdev


    Thanks for your help chinmoy29 I now the following code working

    <?php if( is_front_page() ) { ?>					<!--This controls the small boxes div on the homepage-->
    <div class="coverboxes">
    <?php $posts = get_posts( "category=4&numberposts=2" ); ?>
    <?php if( $posts ) : ?>
         <?php foreach( $posts as $post ) : setup_postdata( $post ); ?>
           <div class="post">
              <p class="post-info-home"><span class="coverbox_header"><?php the_title(); ?></span></p>
              <div class="post-title-home">
           <div class="entry">
              <?php the_excerpt(); ?>
              <em><a href="<?php the_permalink() ?>" rel="bookmark" title="Permanent Link: <?php the_title(); ?>">Read more</a></em>
       <?php endforeach; ?>
    <?php endif; ?>
    <?php } ?>

    This code does not show the image in the post is there any way of pulling this into the homepage above the excerpt. Help great;y appreciated

    Thread Starter jbdev



    I now have the ‘latestnews’ categories showing only on the front page using the follwing,

    <?php if( is_front_page() ) { ?>
    <div class="latestnews">
    <h1>Latest News</h1>
    <ul class="latest-news">
     global $post;
     $myposts = get_posts('numberposts=3');
     foreach($myposts as $post) :
        <li><span class="post-info"><?php the_title(); ?><br/><?php the_time('F jS, Y'); ?></span><a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>"></a></li>
     <?php endforeach; ?>
    	<?php } ?>

    I would like to show 3 lines of copy from each post, any ideas?

    Thread Starter jbdev


    Ah progress

    I have now have the relevant category showing on every page using the following

    <h1>Latest News</h1>
    <ul class="latest-news">
     global $post;
     $myposts = get_posts('numberposts=3');
     foreach($myposts as $post) :
    <li><span class="post-info"><?php the_title(); ?><?php the_time('F jS, Y'); ?></span><a>"></a></li>
     <?php endforeach; ?>

    2 questions
    I would like to put this in a div and show the div only on the homepage how?
    I would like to have 3 or 4 lines of each post showing as a teaser, how?

    Thread Starter jbdev


    Have added in the code and this is bringing up nothing, please can you show where i need to enter site specific information into the code.

    Sorry very new to wordpress

    Thread Starter jbdev


    sorry to be dense but how do I get this to show only on the home page if I insert in to page.php?

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