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  • Thread Starter jblakely


    You are correct about how it works.

    One of my apps stripped the embedded image data and I missed that. When I downloaded the VCF file directly, I see the encoded image data.

    The option to choose image link or raw data would be a nice-to-have feature, but your implementation works as designed and is functional.

    Thanks for the great plugin!

    Thread Starter jblakely


    I skipped 1.6.8 and went straight to 1.7 for the vCard link feature.

    Everything seems to work as designed.

    Address components are saved where entered even if preceding blank fields are present. Generated vCard file works fine with my apps that read VCF format.

    Thanks again for the quick update!

    Thread Starter jblakely


    I skipped 1.6.8 and went straight to 1.7 for the vCard link feature.

    Everything seems to work as designed.

    Fwiw, the embedded logo can’t have a transparent background, and I had to increase the correction level from L (7%) to M (15%) for the QR codes to work with my test logo.

    Thanks again for the quick update!

    Thread Starter jblakely


    Upon closer inspection, I realized that the card Photo URL is encoded in the big QR Code generated from the vCard, and is included with both PHOTO and LOGO tags.

    But neither of those tags appear in the generated VCF link data returned.

    I am hoping this is just an oversight.


    Thread Starter jblakely


    The new version works great!

    I expected a toggle to choose between raw vCard embedding and link to VCF file, but your implementation of providing both is even better.

    Thanks for the quick enhancement!

    Thread Starter jblakely


    Hi Peter,

    Makes perfect sense.

    Your background is not so dissimilar from mine and I too am a big fan of consistency.


    Thread Starter jblakely


    The ZIP plugin appears to have resolved my problem. I will try again from the WP plugin repository once the update is posted.

    Now I will try to make sense of this for my needs.

    Thanks so much!

    Thread Starter jblakely


    Hi Peter,

    I have the image in the cloud and I sent you a LinkedIn invitation to connect.

    We can exchange uninteresting details privately and return here if something useful to others turns up.


    Thread Starter jblakely


    Hi Peter,

    Requested info is below.

    In case you want to try to replicate my configuration, I just downloaded the latest Bitnami WordPress VM image ( and more or less installed WP Data Access into an otherwise empty WordPress installation.

    As there is nothing personal or sensitive in this installation, I am happy to post the image file somewhere for you to retrieve if that will save you any time.

    Please let me know if you need anything else.



    System Info output

    Operating System
    Version=#1 SMP Debian 4.9.168-1+deb9u4 (2019-07-19)
    Machine Type=x86_64
    Host Name=debian
    Database Management System
    Pivileges=Alter, Alter routine, Create, Create routine, Create role, Create temporary tables, Create view, Create user, Delete, Drop, Drop role, Event, Execute, File, Grant option, Index, Insert, Lock tables, Process, Proxy, References, Reload, Replication client, Replication slave, Select, Show databases, Show view, Shutdown, Super, Trigger, Create tablespace, Update, Usage, XA_RECOVER_ADMIN, RESOURCE_GROUP_USER, SET_USER_ID, SESSION_VARIABLES_ADMIN, CLONE_ADMIN, PERSIST_RO_VARIABLES_ADMIN, ROLE_ADMIN, BACKUP_ADMIN, CONNECTION_ADMIN, BINLOG_ENCRYPTION_ADMIN, GROUP_REPLICATION_ADMIN, SYSTEM_USER, APPLICATION_PASSWORD_ADMIN, TABLE_ENCRYPTION_ADMIN, SERVICE_CONNECTION_ADMIN, AUDIT_ADMIN, BINLOG_ADMIN, ENCRYPTION_KEY_ADMIN, SYSTEM_VARIABLES_ADMIN, REPLICATION_SLAVE_ADMIN, INNODB_REDO_LOG_ARCHIVE, RESOURCE_GROUP_ADMIN
    Grants=GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO <code>bn_wordpress</code>@<code>localhost</code>GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON <code>bitnami_wordpress</code>.* TO <code>bn_wordpress</code>@<code>localhost</code>
    Web Server
    PHP Version=7.3.7
    Root DIR=/opt/bitnami/apps/wordpress/htdocs
    Temp DIR=/tmp
    HTTP Upload=Enabled
    Max Upload File Size=40M
    Post Max Size=40M
    Max Execution Time=120
    Max Input Time=300
    Memory Limit=256M
    Output Buffering=4096
    Home DIR=/opt/bitnami/apps/wordpress/htdocs/???>???775
    Uploads DIR=/opt/bitnami/apps/wordpress/htdocs/wp-content/uploads???>???775
    Home URL=https://debian
    Site URL=https://debian
    Upload URL=https://debian/wp-content/uploads
    Use MySQLi=true
    Database Host=localhost:3306
    Database Name=bitnami_wordpress
    Database User=bn_wordpress
    Database Character Set=utf8
    Database Collate=utf8_general_ci
    WP Debugging Mode=false
    WP Data Access
    Repository=+wp_wpda_menu_items ( | ) (triggers -insert | -update) +wp_wpda_table_design ( | ) +wp_wpda_logging ( | ) +wp_wpdp_project ( | ) +wp_wpdp_page ( | ) +wp_wpdp_table ( | )
    Agent=Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/76.0.3809.100 Safari/537.36

    Table row HTML code

    <tr id="rownum_1"><th scope="row" class="check-column"><input type="checkbox" name="bulk-selected[]" value=""></th><td class="table_name column-table_name has-row-actions column-primary" data-colname="Name"> <span class="nobr"><div class="row-actions"><span class="manage"><a href="javascript:void( 0 )" onclick="wpda_show_table_actions( 'bitnami_wordpress', '', '1', 'd469e29b3d', 'WordPress table', 'Loading...' ); this.blur();">Manage</a> | </span><span class="listtable"><a href="javascript:void(0)" class="view" onclick="if (confirm('You are about to edit a table of an external application! Changing this table might result in corrupting the external database. Are you sure you want to continue?')) location.href='?page=wpda&table_name=&action=listtable'">
                                </a></span></div><button type="button" class="toggle-row"><span class="screen-reader-text">Show more details</span></button></span> <span id="span_admin_menu_" class="nobr" style="display:none;width:auto;float:clear;"></span><button type="button" class="toggle-row"><span class="screen-reader-text">Show more details</span></button></td><td class="icons column-icons" data-colname=""><a href="javascript:void( 0 )" title="Add to favourites" onclick="wpda_list_table_favourite( 'bitnami_wordpress', '' )">
    						<span id="span_favourites_" class="dashicons dashicons-star-empty"></span>
    					</a></td><td class="table_type column-table_type" data-colname="Type">WordPress table</td><td class="create_time column-create_time" data-colname="Creation Date"></td><td class="table_rows column-table_rows" data-colname="#Rows"></td><td class="auto_increment column-auto_increment" data-colname="Increment"></td><td class="engine column-engine" data-colname="Engine"></td><td class="data_size column-data_size" data-colname="Data Size">16.00 KB</td><td class="index_size column-index_size" data-colname="Index Size">32.00 KB</td><td class="overhead column-overhead" data-colname="Overhead">0.00 bytes</td><td class="table_collation column-table_collation" data-colname="Collation"></td></tr>
    Thread Starter jblakely


    Hi Peter,

    The upgrade installed successfully, but there is no visible change and table names are still blank.


    Thread Starter jblakely


    Thanks Peter

    I try to be very patient and appreciative of open source developers who give so freely of their time. As this is an evaluation exercise for me, I can certainly wait until you return.

    Enjoy your holiday!

    Thread Starter jblakely


    Hi Peter,

    Also to answer your question about the links, yes I do see both the manage and explore links for the tables.

    If I click on the ‘Manage’ link I get the message ‘ERROR: Invalid table name or not authorized’ (I assumed this was because of the blank table name.

    If I click on the ‘Explore’ link I get a warning pop-up that says ‘You are about to edit a table of an external application! Changing this table might result in corrupting the external database. Are you sure you want to continue?’

    When I continue, the page reloads but does not otherwise change.



    Thread Starter jblakely


    Hi Peter,

    I don’t see how to post an attachment.

    The columns in the Data Explorer without any data are:
    ‘Name’ ‘Creation Date’ ‘#Rows’ ‘Increment’ ‘Engine’ ‘Collation’

    Conversely, the columns with data are:
    ‘Type’ ‘Data Size’ ‘Index Size’ ‘Overhead’ (all Overhead values ‘0.00 bytes’)



    Thread Starter jblakely


    And one other thing.

    I am still getting the loopback error reported, but since adding the rewrite rule the test without plugins is successful.

    The loopback request to your site failed, this may prevent WP_Cron from working, along with theme and plugin editors.<br>Error encountered: (0) cURL error 28: Operation timed out after 10001 milliseconds with 0 bytes received
     Result from testing without any plugins active and a default theme: The loopback request to your site completed successfully.

    The ‘Test individual plugins’ option revealed that the WP-Donate plugin was breaking WP_Cron. I disabled this plugin and now the Health Check reports the loopback request as successful.


    Thread Starter jblakely


    Hi Marius,

    I added the Apache rewrite rule from my message to Ross above to my WordPress site and that seems to have resolved ‘Troubleshoot’ issue.

    This fix is obviously tied to the AWS load balancer implementation and won’t necessarily work with other load balancers or proxies.

    As an idea, you may be able to save the HTTPS environment variable before enabling troubleshooting mode and then set it to the saved value early in your code (if that’s not too late for WordPress purposes).

    So, I am personally good, but I am interested in whatever you end up doing.

    Best wishes,


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