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Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Cannot adjust slider for column widthduh. . .I reset setting just now and this time it seems to have worked. . . i might take your advice and do the manual update of the theme. forget the backup I will just add this stuff back in my hand. . .
Thank you for the support!
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Cannot adjust slider for column widthI have replaced all of wp-admin and wp-includes manually.
Still no luck. . .Again the issue is — I can restore a very current copy the site db, but 1. it tells me I have activated the second sidebar (which I did not)and 2. I am unable to control the column width. so when I submit any changes to the Mystique settings screen — the main/column width sets itself to about 20%.
My guess is issue arose late Monday — when I possibly did not log out of wp and my host performed it’s nightly backup. . .I was using IE at the time.
What do I do now? Please help.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Cannot adjust slider for column widthesmi — thank you for responding.
and duca thank you for the support.going to try to reload wp files today.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Cannot adjust slider for column widthwhen I login none of the Design settings layout style, color scheme, page content width . . . load. . . there is no setting,
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Cannot adjust slider for column widthi don’t know what to tell you. all plugins off. plugin folder “refreshed”2or3times switched themes but most including fusion do not have the level of control of mystique. only thing that i have not done is ftp up new wp files. . . (hour or more using godaddy) have updated to latest wordpress package. . . thru admin. . .
this could be anything but went to bed very near finishing 3 month project and woke up in hell.
please advise. would you like a login?
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Cannot adjust slider for column widthResetting defaults didn’t help
hope you didn’t mean “in this order” —
updated thru admin to Workpress 2.9.2 — didn’t work.refreshing plugins folder now will keep you updated.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Cannot adjust slider for column widthI have cleared all cache in everywhere I can think.
what would “Restore Defaults” do for me? what will it remove?
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Cannot adjust slider for column widththis looks like the sql, but don’t know what it means
or maybe it is this
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Editor.php — use to add css class to Style drop down?This was kinda a dumb question I guess — I took provided classes and repurposed to my needs. But the editor.css only controls the tinyMCE –equalivant classes most be place in style.css. And I am having issues now with how the editor adds html tags. . . I would love the ability to add div from the editor.
ping me if you want to discuss. . . [email protected]. Otherwise — I am resolving this thread. jb
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: ad code 4 in header and slide overlapMartin — I apologize. This is more of a workaround for now. . . . I happen to be using this plugin . . . Contextual Related Posts.
It seems pretty stable. I placed the [ad code=1] in the section — Output Options > Title of related posts. See this post, it creates the original end result.
My hope is that future iterations of the theme will allow the php above to work. . .
Good luck. jb
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: ad code 4 in header and slide overlaphi — I was able to reinsert the ad block I needed using the “pre” section of my Related Posts plug in.
Thank you. . . looking forward to getting the rolling featured area back. Thank you. . . and I will probably check in again.
Still love the Mystique theme! jb
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: ad code 4 in header and slide overlaphi digitalnature — like martin neither bit worked for me (in fact both produced errors).
for newbies (I am one) — don’t think that you can carpet bomb and add both to your settings — this caused my site to go white. . .
On a side note though — figured out where these settings live in the db.
Select * from wp-options where option_name like '%mystique%'
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: ad code 4 in header and slide overlapI got this far with this today. It ends up replacing the entire post.
please assist. I am trying to place the ad code 1 at the very end of each post and page.<?php /* function insert_post_ads(){ echo do_shortcode("[ad code=1 align=center]"); } add_action('the_content', 'insert_post_ads'); */ ?>
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: ad code 4 in header and slide overlapFirst off – outstanding support! and this new version — Love it.
I agree about the page controls (less variables to contend with) and thanks — the rolling feature area was nice.
One last question — so I can find the block of php that set the ad block immediately below single posts: Where are the Mystique Settings >> Advanced settings stored so I can dig it out of my backup?
thanks, jb
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: ad code 4 in header and slide overlapWow! you weren’t kinding. . . a complete re-write! no more page width controls, no feature rolling slider — can the 960gs fixed width be modified?
The update was pretty painless — but it removed the section of php that controlled the ad block immediately below single posts. [Ad Code 1] and it looks like this new version removed the cheat sheet from the settings area. . . I can’t seem to find where that bit was stored in the backup. . . please help with that. . . thanks. jb.