I have a problem as your subject title. But the case is difference.
Yesterday I updated the WP to 3.8.1. Today I try to login to the edit my website. But I can’t login anymore.
I use the normal login link: https://www.phily.nl/wp-admin, then I got a redirect link of the login page: https://www.phily.nl/wp-login2.php?redirect_to=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.phily.nl%2Fwp-admin%2F&reauth=1
It shows “wp-login2.php”. I don’t see any wp-login2.php on the WP folders or file. It’s only wp-login.php. Anyway…I fill in the username and password. Then URL shows: https://www.phily.nl/wp-login.php. But it’s a blank page.
I have no idea what’s wrong. If anyone knows anything about that?