This thread should make it clear enough, but let me add to the call–category support shouldn’t be “on the roadmap”, and certainly not “for awhile”. CATEGORY SUPPORT IS A VITAL COMPONENT, and needs to be implemented IMMEDIATELY. Many of us–and I would bet most of us–want to be able to send our marketing emails to ANYONE WHO HAS PURCHASED FROM THE (for example) “PILOTS” CATEGORY, rather than just to those who have purchased a particular item. Yes, we can add each and every item, but that becomes prohibitive if you have many items for pilots! I want to market my “flight” tee shirt to anyone who flies, not just to those who have bought a Beechcraft item. I can’t do that effectively and efficiently if I can’t isolate categories and not just products. This is VERY DISAPPOINTING, and should be addressed immediately by your developers, rather than just languishing “on the roadmap”.