Thanks for the help! I was able to get Version 3 working on a fresh installation, but not on my existing installation. That might be a good idea anyway to switch over my site to a fresh install of WP.
In the mean time, I re-installed version 2 of the plugin and everything works okay for now. I checked the database when v3 was installed and I wasn’t sure if it even created a new table or any entries – all I found was the old wp_reus table with my existing data. Which table is v3 using?
Also, something else to note. When I re-activated version 2 of the plugin, WordPress gave me this message:
“The plugin generated 392 characters of unexpected output during activation. If you notice “headers already sent” messages, problems with syndication feeds or other issues, try deactivating or removing this plugin.”
It hasn’t seemed to cause any problems but I thought I’d mention that. Thanks again.