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  • Just installed new version 2.0.4, here are some findings I share with you.

    Nice panel, new options, superb, great update. Overall performance is far better, especially the delivery of JavaScript.

    Unfortunately, native css rendering still consumes more than 2 seconds. After applying Endymion00’s turnaround, this fell down to 121ms, great.

    However, GTMetrix then advises:

    Remove the following redirect chain if possible:

    Does anyone know how to completely remove the call to the native ai1ec_render_css ?



    As cerulean says, the dot before the file name indicates that it is a hidden file. When you are accessing your web server through FTP, you might not be able to see it unless your FTP client is forced to show hidden files.

    Sometimes – and even when you have forced your FTP client to show hidden files – it might still not show the file. The most common reason for this is that your WordPress site has not generated a .htaccess file yet.

    WordPress generates .htaccess file for the first time when you set up pretty permalinks on Settings –> Permalinks screen. All you need to do is to change the settings and click on Save Changes button on the permalinks screen. WordPress will generate a .htaccess file in your site’s root directory.

    You might opt for URL Structure “/%category%/%postname%/”.

    Hope this help.


    No wonder, the file does not exist as such in plugin folder, it is generated by the script.

    Open the webpage containing your calendar, right click anywhere and select “View page source”.
    Then search for “ai1ec_render_css” (without the quotes).
    Once you’ve found the link, click on it, it will open the css file in question.

    Select all and paste it into calendar.css, then follow the tutorial by Endymion00.


    Hi Endymion00,

    I first implemented your CSS trick: page load time fell from 8.21 sec down to and incredible 0.799 sec !
    As for the functionality of the calendar, look and feel remained perfect, with a minor concern though: calendars do not display “event@venue” any longer, only “event” (not a big deal to me).

    I then made the js file static: no significant change was noted.
    So I will stick to the css static file trick.

    Thanks a lot for this, I was about to go for another calendar system.

    Got the same problem: unable to modify (save) settings = modals not loading.
    For some reasons, it seems that modals do not respond at first run only.

    Here’s a workaround that worked for me.

    – First, run a backup leaving settings unchanged, it will backup DB only.
    – Now go to settings again, modal should popup properly.
    – Change backup settings to DB + Files, and run it once.

    All Modal windows should now load fine and you should be able to fully control your backup settings, including the Excludes parameters.

    Apart from this little “bug”, the plugin is excellent and works better than any of its commercial equivalents.

    Thanks for this Paul, you just got another 5 rating!

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