mechx1, that’s what I would think too, but that’s not what’s happening.
otto42, I’m editing existing existing entries/images. They do already have border=”1″ in the original HTML code though, so maybe that’s why the image property editor is defaulting to 1 in the border field.
That still doesn’t explain why it’s inserting inline style code into the img tag though, that’s really what I don’t like about the situation. Also, it leaves the original ‘border=”1″‘ in the HTML code and inserts the additional style tag.
For example, the original code looks like:
<img src="uri/filename.jpg" border="1" alt="alt-txt-here" width="250" height="167" />
After pulling up the image properties in the wysiwyg editor and clicking update, the code now looks like:
<img style="border: 1px solid black;" src="uri/filename.jpg" border="1" alt="alt-txt-here" width="250" height="167" />