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Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Hueman] Set some stuff in spanishI’m sorry. I’m starting to study wp now, and learning these lessons.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Hueman] How to make first letter Big in each postIn the author say how to make this.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Hueman] Set some stuff in spanishIt’s not finished my “research”
anyway, just open the en_US.po with the software POEDIT. Translate words, and save as sp_CO.po and
-> I guess! In my case I save as pt_BR. This name you can find in some document in web, with languages code.
Then, open wp_config, and change the en_US for yours language.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Hueman] Set some stuff in spanishRight now, I’m searching to a tutorial to how to translate themes, and them, I will translate to Portugues-Brasil.
It would be nice if anyone recommend some tutorial, and them, we can make a list of PO/MO files for anothers languages.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Hueman] Set some stuff in spanishHi. I like this theme so much, so, I will try help in this support forum anyone with issues that I know.
First, sorry my english too. And I’m not a expert coder.
Take a look:
I change the order of next and previous. So, tha category display the post from 1 to 10, for example, and user can alternate between post in a better logic that original wp. Wp order is better to “news”, for example.
You need to open the file post-nav.php, inside the folder “inc”.
(\wp-content\themes\hueman\inc)In this file, just change the text ‘Next story’ and ‘Previous story’
In my case, I change the order of <li class=”next”> and <li class=”previous”>. And change the icon. I just change the icon in li/next to the left icon, and li/previous to the right icon.
after this, I have to change the float attribute of this icons in style.css
in “.post-nav li.previous i” I change left by right,
in .post-nav i I change right by left.The results is in my printscreen above.
To translate another words, the logic is the same. You have to find in php files, and write your text there.
BUT, this is note recommended. The right way to translate I guess, is by PO files Language folder. This allow a easy way to translate all the theme, and alllow a better process of update the theme.
This is for CSS editing. I’m edit CSS in style.css. This is wrong, because in a update, I will lose this modification. But, it’s temporarily, in my case, and a have a lot of things to study, like themes child, and how to keep my css modification after a theme update.
I can see Font Awesome Icons here.
Have you try another browser?
I put in this image what I have done, and to describe better what I want to do.
sorry my english =/
[Moderator Note: No bumping. If it’s that urgent, consider hiring someone.]