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Turned out to be a plug-in that was the problem. I would rename the plugins folder back to the correct “plugins”, then would activate plug-ins one at a time until I got the “Fatal error:” message.
I just deleted the folder for that plugin from within the plugins folder, and all is right with the world.
Interesting facts: this problem plugin was not the last plugin that I installed, so it was working fine for several months. *shrugs shoulders*
I have a way to manage things… I’ve renamed the wp-content\plugins folder to “pluginsHOLD”, and I am able to log in to wp-admin page at that point.
Will post more info later when I determine the problem.
Went to Network Solutions forum, found instructions for how and where to create the php.ini file. It said the root directory’s cgi-bin folder is where the php.ini file goes.
I put in the following to the php.ini file and uploaded it to the cgi-bin folder:
memory_limit = 64M
output_buffering = 2048Started the website, comes up fine. Tried to access the wp-admin, same error as before.
Any assistance is appreciated, thanks!
Thanks for the quick reply Samuel! Appreciate it.
I have tried the various methods to correct the PHP memory_limit, by adding it to the wp-config.php, and by creating a php.ini file in the wp-admin folder and adding the memory limit there. No help. And the forum posts describing these fixes were from 2 yrs ago, 3 yrs ago, etc.
Also, the actions described by people that caused this error were related to installing plug-ins, for example. My error seemed to be caused by me typing 25 characters in a widget. Could that really have caused a PHP limit problem? Just seems like the error doesn’t truly represent the problem, but maybe it does.
Thanks again for your help. So I need to contact my hosting service Network Solutions and ask them what is the correct way to raise my PHP memory limit?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Revolution Slider shows on "View Page" but not on websiteHello, I just searched for it on the Plug-Ins screen, and it did not come up. So it must not be free, sorry.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Revolution Slider shows on "View Page" but not on websiteYep, got it. Settings | Reading | Front Page Displays.
Thumbs UP! lol
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Revolution Slider shows on "View Page" but not on websiteHmm, my guess is that my “Home” page that I’m working on and editing is not the landing page when I go to
Where is the setting for the landing page, shown to the website visitor, when they go to
Sorry James, me again. I created to point to the same host URL (that I use for FTP) as
So in the last step of the installation, when I go to, it just resolves to the website that has “web forwarding” set up.
Do I need to have point to a different host URL than
It looks like, as long as has web forwarding to, any other domain like that points to the same host URL won’t allow me get to the WordPress /wp-admin login screen.
Awesome! *popping knuckles* Time to get to it…
Thanks James.
I didn’t explain it well James, my apologies.
I have just installed it on a few days ago, so I’m guessing, based on what I’ve done and what I want to do, I can just start fresh by deleting the WordPress installation on, then it will be as if I’m starting where I was about a week ago… no website on
I have created, so I’d think I can install WordPress there, create a new MySQL database, then go to, build website there. And do all this while points to another website that’s alive.
Once website is ready to go live, move it using your link above, from to Finally, as you said, once I’m confident the move is done completely, I can delete the website from
How does that sound?
Hi James,
To clarify my steps, I would delete the WordPress installation at, create the subdomain, then create an FTP connection to, and install WordPress there. Correct?
Thanks for the suggestion James! I will give this a try and let you know how it goes.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: WordPress database and a hacked websiteI see, just create a new database, go from there. Makes sense, thanks.