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I am having this problem too. If it helps, here are screenshots
The content block in visual editor:
How it’s displayed when used:
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Appointments] When trying to book, just spinning iconThanks for the help. It looks like the problem is related to:
Mixed Content: The page at ‘’ was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure XMLHttpRequest endpoint ‘’. This request has been blocked; the content must be served over HTTPS.
I’ll work on how to serve that content over https to clear things up
Is there a way to php a conditional that hooks into the users end of trial date or identify the user is on a trial? It seems S2member has that data since when I look at users there is an EOT column, suggesting s2member is storing that data/identification somewhere.
Sadly, one-time offers won’t work since I am giving them free trial access to an entire course. They need to access all the pages and have a user level.
Thanks! I’ll shoot WP Courseware a support email and report back
Thanks for the reply. However, I do not believe this will work for a free trials
Per Jason’s instructions, I am using the proform shortcode: [s2Member-Pro-PayPal-Form register=”1″ level=”2″ ccaps=”” success=”/first-time-login/” custom=”” tp=”3″ tt=”D” captcha=”0″ /] to create a free trial user for 3 days.
As such, when the user is created, they are given a role (in this case level 2). So, I cannot use that shortcode to target them because they are level 2, not level 0.
It would likely have to be a shortcode that targets the eot data?
Thanks for the reply. I have that plugin installed. It works great when creating paid users and connecting them to specific courses. However, it does not seem to work when creating free trial members.
Awesome, that worked like a charm. Thank you VERY much!
Ok, I found it. It’s under API scripting for those that also need help.
How do I accomplish what I am trying to do here. How do I use the shortcode to target specifically just users needing access to level 2 or just those that need access to level 3.
Here’s what I am using and it displays both messages
‘[s2If current_user_is(s2member_level1)]
[s2MOP required_type=”level_2″]I’m sorry, but you need to be a Level 2 member to access this article. You can upgrade your membership easily by clicking here. If you want access to all the material, consider purchasing a Level 3 membership here.[/s2MOP]
[s2MOP required_type=”level_3″]I’m sorry, but you need to be a Level 3 member to access this article. You can upgrade your membership to level 3 by clicking here.[/s2MOP]
As you can see, I don’t want to display the exact same message. I want to make it clear to the user which Level they need to upgrade to and their other options specific to their current membership level.
I’ve tried:
[s2MOP required_type=”level_3″]
[s2MOP required_type_3=”level”]
[s2MOP required_type_3=”level_3″]
[s2MOP required_type=”level3″]Thanks!
Hmm. Can you show me where Membership options is? It’s not in my menu:
Yes, you can do this. With user registration, use update user rather than create user.
@zack can you tell us what this code change is?
I second SpaceDragon’s opinion – the plugin is quite useless when you have many different post types. Looking at 15 different calendars to see when everything is scheduled defeats the purpose.
I have the same issue in IE. I tried unticking the “use optimized loader” button and it didn’t work.
I am willing to donate or pay an agreed upon price if you can get this fixed @abdul_ibad. Respond here and we can discuss.