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Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Copy/paste dropping code/formatting in visual editor (2.8.4)NOTE: This has nothing to do with CSS, Dreamweaver or copying/pasting from Word (or other editing program).
This is a problem that is limited and specific to generic WordPress installs.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Copy/paste dropping code/formatting in visual editor (2.8.4)I agree w/ragnaripea…this topic has veered off-course.
A year and 2 versions later, this is still a huge nuisance. The visual editor is **STILL** stripping markup when copying/pasting. This happens when copying/pasting anything with formatting markup, internal links, and IMG links.
I have to remember to comb through each post before publishing and find/replace the “..” with “” It’s an extra step in my workflow, and a major pain in the ass. I’ve published a number of articles where I forgot to replace the “..” and it breaks links to my images, leaving readers with the “?” missing image box.
This is a very annoying bug that clearly needs to be fixed.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Error establishing a database connection.Media Temple acknowledged the problem was indeed with them:
“We took a closer look at your database server around the time you reported this issue and found that another user on your host server had been overusing resources. We had removed the user after several complaints, which should have resolved the connection issue you were experiencing.”
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Copy/paste dropping code/formatting in visual editor (2.8.4)I’m not using the Visual Editor for markup. I’m not that stupid, I promise. I’m showing you what the HTML would look like.
To be clear: I’m copying stuff that’s been formatted already in the Visual Editor. When I go to paste it — again, in the Visual Editor — it is dropping the formatting and/or truncating the IMG SRC. What I’m showing above is a BEFORE and AFTER look at the HTML. I copy/paste, see something is messed up, then look at the HTML and wonder where the markup went.
This happens when I try to copy/paste an image from one location to another within the same post.
This happens when I try to copy/paste copy I’ve assigned a certain CSS class to.
This DOESN’T happen when I copy/paste
text.Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Two periods in <img src> paths? <img src=”..The images are fine. They all work. This problem showed up immediately after upgrading to WP 2.8.4.
I’m seriously skeptical that this is related to a plugin. I’ve got:
– Akismet
– cForms
– Feedburner Feedsmith
– RSS Footer
– Similar Posts
– SlideShare
– Star Rating for Reviews
– Tweet This
– Ultimate GA
– Video Embedder
– WP-Email
– WP-Polls
– WP-Post Ratings
– WP-PrintForum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Automatic abbreviation of IMG SRC paths??Within posts, WP is replacing the “../” with the current date of the post. So you end up with redundant and conflicting information when images are cut/paste.
img src=”../wp-content/uploads/uploads/2008/06/latest-stories.gifWHICH, WHEN PUBLISHED, GENERATES SOMETHING LIKE THIS URL:
img src=” is tacking the current date in front of an image that was already uploaded on another date. WordPress is trying to be “helpful” by swapping “../” as shorthand.
The problem, in short, is WP auto-generating IMG SRC paths using this logic when copying/pasting images:
(2.) THEN, WHEN PUBLISHING, REPLACE “../” WITH: WHICH YIELDS THE FINAL “IMG SRC” PATH WHEN PUBLISHED is where any current uploads might be located, but imageyear/imagemonth is the actual date the image was uploaded.
This new autoswapping shorthand WP is using (“../”) is new for me in this WP upgrade. I just moved from 6.X. Everything else works fine. And I can manually override each “../” by typing in my own (CORRECT!) img src path.