Forum Replies Created
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [ComicPress] Change location of comic navigation buttonsFound how to put these widgets in:
Comic Easel > Config > General tab > Configuration > Enable Comic Sidebar Locations.
However, this hasn’t changed the fact that the navigation is still ABOVE my comic, and even adding in a new navigation bar in the Under-Comic widget, the new sidebar still shows up above.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [ComicPress] Change location of comic navigation buttonsScratch the “Additionally” post. Got them to work, but they are still above not below…
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [ComicPress] Change location of comic navigation buttonsAdditionally, I can’t seem to find how to show the navigation buttons on each comic’s individual page.
Once again, I am probably being stupid. But I knew web development, I wouldn’t be using these nifty tools!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Webcomic] Stop Webcomic from posting on Main Page/Blog Feed ( other ?)Mike- Two questions:
1) Regarding your comment “…but there’s probably at least one other plugin in the directory that will add them for you.”
Are you referring to social media button plugins, or something else? I already use one, and it puts buttons on all of my posts and pages EXCEPT for those created with Webcomic.
2) (A very quick side question [and if this should be its own thread, let me know]): If you view a sample of my comic, you can see that the navigation arrows at the top and bottom are difficult to see. Would altering their look be a change I would make in Webcomic’s settings, or in my theme’s settings?
If it is in Webomic’s settings, where would I make that change? If not, just let me know and I will figure out the rest.
Thanks so much!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Webcomic] Stop Webcomic from posting on Main Page/Blog Feed ( other ?)Hooray! It works!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Webcomic] Stop Webcomic from posting on Main Page/Blog Feed ( other ?)Geez, I totally dropped the ball with this one because we had to make a last-minute international move (OK, we had two months’ notice, but still).
Mike, I will try out this solution and see what happens.
leonardus– can you provide a link to the offending image?
There is a possibility that some external constraint, say the column width in your theme, may be forcing the resize.
I haven’t gotten it to work yet.
Have you tried it minipada?
Scratch that, found the working solution in this thread:
I am sorry, that first link is misdirected (although I AM having a problem adding the first and last fields, too).
I was actually referring to the instructions in THIS THREAD. I apologize for the confusion.
OK, I tried that but it still doesn’t seem to work.
Aside from forgetting to put in the <script> and </script>, am I putting it in the right place?
I tried to add in that code and it didn’t work. Could you please provide a slightly more detailed explanation of where to put it? When I put it in, the entire set of code looks like this:
<?php /** Template Page for the image browser Follow variables are useable : $image : Contain all about the image $meta : Contain the raw Meta data from the image $exif : Contain the clean up Exif data $iptc : Contain the clean up IPTC data $xmp : Contain the clean up XMP data You can check the content when you insert the tag <?php var_dump($variable) ?> If you would like to show the timestamp of the image ,you can use <?php echo $exif['created_timestamp'] ?> **/ ?> <?php if (!defined ('ABSPATH')) die ('No direct access allowed'); ?><?php if (!empty ($image)) : ?> <div class="ngg-imagebrowser" id="<?php echo $image->anchor ?>"> <h3><?php echo $image->alttext ?></h3> <div class="pic"><?php echo $image->href_link ?></div> <div class="ngg-imagebrowser-nav"> <div class="back"> <a class="ngg-browser-prev" id="ngg-prev-<?php echo $image->previous_pid ?>" href="<?php echo $image->previous_image_link ?>">◄ <?php _e('Back', 'nggallery') ?></a> </div> <div class="next"> <a class="ngg-browser-next" id="ngg-next-<?php echo $image->next_pid ?>" href="<?php echo $image->next_image_link ?>"><?php _e('Next', 'nggallery') ?> ►</a> </div> <div class="counter"><?php _e('Picture', 'nggallery') ?> <?php echo $image->number ?> <?php _e('of', 'nggallery')?> <?php echo $image->total ?></div> <div class="ngg-imagebrowser-desc"><p><?php echo $image->description ?></p></div> </div> </div> jQuery(document).keydown(function(e){ if (e.keyCode == 37) { // alert( "left pressed" ); window.location = "<?php echo $image->previous_image_link ?>#pic"; //alert('prev'); return false; } if (e.keyCode == 39) { window.location = "<?php echo $image->next_image_link ?>#pic"; //alert('next'); return false; } }); <?php endif; ?>
Thanks for any help you may be able to provide.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: WPMU Subdirectory not loadingSide note-
I reverted the settings from the workaround above back to using subdomains. I created a test subdomain and when I try to access both the page and the admin panel I get back a message saying Chrome can’t access the site.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Open NextGEN gallery from link or single imageFastone- Thx for the reply. I started anew and ran into some problems and, to be honest, like I said before- I am a bit of a moron with this stuff.
First off, let me tell/show you where I am at now. Basically, my code that I have put in looks like this on WP:
<div style="display: none;">[nggallery id=20]</div> <p style="text-align: center;"><a href="" rel="[lightbox_set20]"><img class="aligncenter wp-image-1565" title="Read Here" src="" alt="" width="320" height="305" /></a></p>
I am using klynam’s tip for hiding the gallery, and for the visible image/link, I have used your method of uploading the image, changing to link URL, and then going into the advanced settings (haha, I found it!) to change the link REL.
However, the result I am getting is the same as klynam’s original bug- when you click on the image to load the gallery, it is duplicating the first image, putting it at the end, and opens the lightbox on that duplicate.
Example here (click on the robot guy to open the lightbox):
So, this leads me to a couple of questions form your last response:
“Coz what I did, when using NGGallery, is using the little NGG icon in the WP editmenu, and actually ad a complete gallery with “show as”: image list.”
I’m not entirely sure as to what you are referring to here. What/where is the little NGG icon? When you say add a gallery, do you mean going to your gallery and creating a page? Usually I just manually type in [nggallery id=xx] manually, but you could be referring to something else. Either way, when I add a gallery, I never get any options such as “show as” or anything else.
Now, here’s where I am going to show you how much of a noob I am…
“Look for a DIV with class like “ngg-galleryoverview”. In CSS set this to display:none.”
Where/how do I actually type this up to make it happen? Is this something I type onto my page à la HMTL? Do I go somewhere else to edit/add it?
For a third time, seriously, thanks for all of your help here!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Open NextGEN gallery from link or single imageFastone-
OK, scratch all of that above. I figured it all out but still have one problem-
When you click on the image I posted and it opens the gallery, it only opens the first image in the gallery and doesn’t let me navigate to any others.
For example, I created this link here:
When you click on the robot guy, it opens up the first image in a separate gallery which actually has two images. However, as you can see, there is no option to navigate to that second image.
Once again, and assistance would be helpful!