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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Custom Content Shortcode] Loop pagination issueGot it working. For query parameter, use something else instead of “paged”, for example, “pg”. I did that and it worked fine. And have that in the pagination slug setting too.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Custom Content Shortcode] Pagination IssuesFor your query parameter, use something else instead of “paged”, for example, “pg”. I did that and it worked fine. And make sure you have that in the pagination slug setting too.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Custom Content Shortcode] Loop pagination issueNo luck. Seems to behave the same as without any query=xxx in the loop and loopage.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Custom Content Shortcode] Loop pagination issueI have a page, /resources/courses, that has a loop that looks like this:
[loop type=materials paged=5 query=default]
[field title]
[loopage query=default]Then in my settings I have:
permalink slug: /resources/courses
pagination slug: page
default query string: pagename=/resources/coursesWhat I’m seeing is that pagination on the first page works fine. If I click page 2, it goes to: /resoruces/courses/page/2/. But from there, all page links look like this: /resources/course/2/page/X (where X is 3, 4, 5, etc.) Clicking on those obviously give me a 404.
Why is the <2> getting in the string and how do I make it so that it’s just /resources/courses/page/X?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Custom Content Shortcode] Loop pagination issueI am having the same issue, not sure when it started. Clicking on the link for page 2, goes to <page url>/?page/=2. Did something change with permalinks?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [The Events Calendar] Events NavigationLooked back through the forum. Here is the workaround: would imagine this will get fixed for the next release.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [The Events Calendar] Events NavigationI am having the exact same problem. I’m on WordPress 4.5.3 and The Events Calendar 4.2.
Hi @jatacid,
Yes, it’s Siteground. Glad you worked it out with them. Their support is pretty responsive.No, sorry. I punted the issue to my hosting provider. Gave them access to the admin to run the plugin. They saw the problem right away. Since it was working until recently my guess is that they figured out some mod sec rules they changed recently and updated them. Your provider should be able to do the same. Good luck.
My hosting provider resolved the issue. Had to disable a rule in mod_sec. It’s working again.
Not sure it’s a permission issue. The folder permissions for /wp-snapshots are 755. The json file gets created fine in the tmp subfolder too. It just doesn’t get any further than that. A log file does not get created at all, but three files do: dtoken.php, index.php, and robots.txt.
What other permissions does the plugin need?
It doesn’t even get that far. There is no installer log created nor a failed package. But thanks anyway, I will pursue with my host.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Duplicator Error – "Scan Error Please try again!" Server Status: 400 -OKI suddenly started having this issue too. I really like the plugin and would rather not change to something else, but need to understand what’s causing this as soon as possible. Any updates or suggestions from anyone?
How do I remove the “Lost your password?” link that gets appended after the error message on failed login attempts? Basically I do not want my users to retrieve their password from this login form. Thanks!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Custom Content Shortcode] [pass field=any_field] stopped workingI was looking for a way to store fields from one query to pass on to another query. I managed to do it with a couple of nested loops and [pass fields] but this way the code is cleaner:
[loop type="blurb" name="quarter" count="1"][content] [set current_quarter][field r_quarter][/set] [/loop] [pass vars] [loop type="blurb" category="classes" field="r_quarter" value='{CURRENT_QUARTER}' orderby="date" order="DESC"] ... [/loop] [/pass]
A-ha! I see my error. It is a bit confusing in the documentation. For the singular field I interpreted {FIELD} to be the uppercased field name, not realizing that it’s supposed to be the literal {FIELD}. Thanks for the clarification. It makes sense now. Is one better (more efficient) than the other?
It used to work in the previous version and now it doesn’t. This is the code where I encountered the issue:
[loop type='blurb' category='series' paged="5"] [pass field='title'] <h4><a href="/resources/archive/series/?r_series={TITLE}">{TITLE}</a></h4> <h6>[content]</h6> [/pass] [/loop]
If I change it to the plural fields it works, and if I change {TITLE} to {FIELD} it works as well.
No harm done as I tested before going live. Forget I even brought it up. I appreciate all the excellent work you put into this plugin and the outstanding support you give. My site is pretty much built on it. All other plugins can be replaced, but there is just no equal for this one. Thanks!!!