Forum Replies Created
Forum: Alpha/Beta/RC
In reply to: WordPress 2.7 Media Library@oztwo Given that we are already behind schedule with the release and only in Beta 3, no new features will be added by the lead developers, who are completely occupied with squashing bugs and making the application run faster and in all of our supported browsers. If you are able to write a patch that would add the functionality you’re asking for, or know someone who can, feel free to create a Trac ticket with patch attached and the developers will check it out. However, only tickets with patches attached will be looked at if in reference to a new feature rather than a bug.
Forum: Alpha/Beta/RC
In reply to: Where did manage go? Where do we put the “manage” pages now…The idea is:
If your plugin contains daily-use functionality, place it within the top-level section that makes sense (there are hooks for this). So if you have a photo album plugin, put it in Media. If you have a tag manager, put it in Posts. Screens that are purely for adjusting the configuration of your plugin should go in Settings or in Plugins. If your plugin creates a whole different category of objects, such an ecommerce plugin that creates Products, then it would make sense to make a top-level item called Products for managing products (hooks for this, too).
Forum: Alpha/Beta/RC
In reply to: WordPress 2.7 admin look?We’re keeping the left navigation. Sorry some of you don’t like it; maybe you could get together and put out a plugin that would give you a different admin interface that suits your tastes. Just as many people chose to install the Fluency plugin to get a left nav before, and Ozh’s drop down menus to get a minimized top menu bar, there will always be people who prefer something other than the design in core. However, the design is settled for the next few versions, so rather than complaining about how much you personally dislike it, your time might be spent more constructively working toward a plugin that would help resolve your situation.
Forum: Alpha/Beta/RC
In reply to: [usability] Approve comments easierWe probably won’t change the appearance of the links, as their placement was determined by usability testing, and the color and weight need to be consistent with other action links.
Based on the specific screen you’re referencing, I’m also kind of wondering why we’d want to make approving a spam comment a more prominent feature?
Forum: Alpha/Beta/RC
In reply to: Will Internet Explorer 6 still being supported?We will support IE 6, but it’s worth noting that making WordPress 2.7 work in IE 6 is one of the reasons the final release has been delayed, because it requires so much hacking. If anyone here is good with coding for IE 6, please pop into the wordpress-dev IRC channel or check Trac tickets to see if you can help with the development effort.
Forum: Alpha/Beta/RC
In reply to: Visual Editing Tools Not ShowingThe upload buttons are not part of the Visual Editor, and display in HTML mode as well. I know this probably sounds like an obvious question, but is the “disable Visual Editor” box checked in your Profile?
Forum: Alpha/Beta/RC
In reply to: Side menu – Ozh Admin Menu – Please give the optionHi. Actually, we added the favorites/shortcuts menu before we revised the navigation, but people liked the idea so much we kept it, even though most things would only be a click away. Also, it has hooks for plugins to add things to the menu, so we didn’t want to take it away after providing them that option.
The move to side navigation has to do with screen real estate and the addition of menu items without breaking the general layout. It’s been tested with a variety of users, and the majority feedback is that the side menu is preferred, which is why we went in that direction. There will not be an option in core in 2.7 to move the side menu to the top, but I can add it to the list of things to consider for 2.8. In the meantime, I’d suggest posting to the hackers list if you want to find co-developers for a new plugin to do that.
Forum: Alpha/Beta/RC
In reply to: Too easy to delete a post accidentallyWe’re going to add a popup to confirm deletion when doing a mass delete. Hopefully that should address this issue.
Forum: Alpha/Beta/RC
In reply to: WP Beta 2.7 View this PostA lot of people overlooked the text links that appeared in the yellow alert box. But either way, either people who want to keep editing would have needed to click something, or people who wanted to start another post right away would. Like I said, maybe we can make this a preference in the future, but for now we’re going with the more common behavior.
Forum: Alpha/Beta/RC
In reply to: WordPress 2.7 Media LibraryMedia management will be completely overhauled in version 2.8 so we can give it the attention it deserves. Sadly that means no big changes for media in 2.7 aside from a few minor fixes. We’ll soon begin collecting feedback to help influence the direction of the 2.8 media features.
Forum: Requests and Feedback
In reply to: WP2.6 Image handling is a nightmareYes, image handling is a pain. It’s being overhauled in 2.8 and will hopefully not be a pain, but a pleasure. 2.8 scheduled for February.
Forum: Requests and Feedback
In reply to: general structure of wordpress blogsClick on Docs in the navigation at the top of this page, and the Codex will give you all sorts of structural goodness.
Forum: Requests and Feedback
In reply to: Offline WordPress DocumentationNew books about ways to use WordPress are being published all the time, including a recent one on using WordPress for Business Blogs that I think is more aimed at CMS uses. We’ve been thinking about doing something in a handbook format, but it really sounds like you might be looking for something more specific and in-depth than a general reference would be?
Forum: Requests and Feedback
In reply to: Change Posts Date to NowGo to the post you want to change the date on. In the module with the publish button, click where it says Publish Immediately. You will be able to edit the date and time of the post timestamp.
Forum: Requests and Feedback
In reply to: I really need helpThis forum is meant for feature requests; you might want to post this in the Themes forum, since if you accidentally messed up your site’s look, it’s probably related to the theme.