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  • I think this might get more attention if it was posted in the correct forum, for plugins (where plugin authors regularly check for posts about their plugins). This one is meant for WordPress core, so it’s probably not getting the attention of the people who can best answer your question.

    This has been fixed since your post. If you update from the nightly build and are still having problems with this, please post again.

    The plugin author is on the hook for making a plugin compatible with each new version of WordPress, including Matt. ??

    I’m sure he’ll address this soon.

    We removed the double click behavior due to a bug that skipped ahead a screen if you double clicked on an active link within the row (what nathan was describing). Bye bye double click, hello re-introduced text link (better for accessibility anyway).

    @parrfolio If you read the usability testing report that was posted on the dev blog recently, you’ll see why we went in this direction.

    Forum: Alpha/Beta/RC
    In reply to: WP 2.7 RC1 And IE

    IE is not being ignored, rest assured, but it would be nice if you would retract the comment about the developers being lazy… the lead dev guys have been working insane hours trying to get this version out, and deserve more respect and appreciation than that.

    Forum: Alpha/Beta/RC
    In reply to: 2.7 Widget Admin

    We wanted to completely overhaul the widget management screen, but unfortunately the code for that screen was too complex for us to fix it and maintain backwards compatibility with the short time frame. It’s on the list for 2.8 along with fixing the media functions we didn’t have time to include either.

    We know it’s a pain the way it is now. We all have to use it too. 2.8 is due in February. We prioritized the write screen, comment moderation and the dashboard over widgets in terms of what we could do in time for 2.7 because people access those screens every single day, while widgets, though a pain, are accessed much less frequently by the vast majority of people.

    Returning to the just-published post is on purpose. More people “brush up” the just published post than immediately begin a new post. After viewing the post on the live site, many users go back and fix typos, clarify a sentence, add categories, etc. When we did testing, users found it frustrating that to do so they needed to click on Manage, then on the the post to get back to what they were doing. Also, new users sometimes think that the blank post form means that their post was deleted. If there are a significant number of people who feel strongly that they’d rather go to a blank new post screen, maybe someone will write a plugin? Maybe in a future version we can make this a preference setting, which type of screen to show after hitting publish, but that extra functionality isn’t part of 2.7.

    Media uploading will be the same in 2.7 as it was in 2.6, with a media management overhaul planned as the focus of 2.8.

    Forum: Alpha/Beta/RC
    In reply to: WP 2.7 QuickPress

    The idea behind QuickPress was a fast posting option that did not carry the full functionality of the Write screen. The original intention was for the module to be configurable, so given the ability to put x number of fields in the module, the user could choose which ones, but that it would be limited in number so it wouldn’t just be a duplication of the Write screen in a too-small space. We started out with tags instead of categories because with the use case we saw more people using tags than categories. Again, the intention was that it would be limited but configurable.

    In mid-October we tried to add categories, but the interface for selecting categories is different (currently) than for adding tags, and we realized that we didn’t have time to add categories to QuickPress and make it work right, so for 2.7 QuickPress is limited to tags. If that makes QuickPress useless for anyone, well…
    1) You can hide the module until 2.8 and pretend it doesn’t exist yet;
    2) Maybe someone will write a plugin to add categories; or
    3) Use the traditional new post screen, which has all the features including categories. It’s one click from the Dashboard, and it’s easy to bookmark in your browser so you can go right there without even stopping at the Dashboard.

    And in 2.8 (February), you’ll be able to add categories using the new QuickPress module.

    Hauckes, in the beta release announcement, Ryan Boren made it clear that the display wasn’t yet working correctly in IE and Opera. Firefox and Safari are currently displaying this as they are meant to be seen. IE an Opera fixes are being added every day, but Ryan will let people know we think IE is displaying correctly.

    It’s being written over before the final launch, and will have a different alternate color palette, probably based on the light blues of 2.5.

    There is a toggle between each set of menu groupings, and the icons will also act as access points for minimizing the menu. The minimizing to icon bar is meant to be an advanced feature, not a basic one, so we don’t want to give it too much attention, lest we confuse less savvy users.

    Forum: Alpha/Beta/RC
    In reply to: 2.7 Breadcrumb

    Actually, I think we’re taking out the breadcrumb navigation after all. Hasn’t been coded yet b/c design is still being comped, but looks like the breadcrumb will go away soon.

    Forum: Alpha/Beta/RC
    In reply to: Idea for 2.7

    I think it’s too late for 2.7 since we are in feature freeze.

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