Okay, well I have the short code on the front page of the website, but it’s not appearing there? I have tried pasting it, and typing it, but no dice. Here is the website, you’ll see a large blank area at the bottom that’s where the calendar should be.
Here is what I have on that page from the backend… the first one is pasted, and the 2nd is typed, but they are not appearing.
“Our Mis-sion Procla-ma-tion: The Church of Holy Apos-tles seeks to be a fam-ily of com-pas-sion-ate peo-ple shar-ing God’s love through wor-ship and sacra-ments, edu-ca-tion, fel-low-ship and ser-vice. All are welcome.
[meteor_slideshow slideshow=”the-church-of-holy-apostles”]