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  • Consider yourself lucky! Some of us cannot even upload an image.

    I’m not saying that you’re not having the problem or dismissing you. Far from it.

    What I am saying is that no fix will be forthcoming as long as nobody with technical expertise can reproduce the problem or as long as those people with the problem don’t step up and offer fixes themselves.

    I’m so sorry not to be as technically expert as you and not to be able to offer a fix. I’ve copied the various error messages I get, and raised a couple of questions (like, why does the error say “unable to create …” when the folder exists, has the required permissions, and does not need creating). If there is something more that I can do, let me know what it is. I’m happy to follow instructions and report back.

    I’m also willing to give someone access to my set-up if it would help solve the problems.

    thanks Alex for your contributions. I changed my htaccess files to be like yours, clears browser cache and js-cache.

    I am now making some progress. The image uploads, and then after Crunching I get the error about “Unable to create directory”. But the directory exists, and I have checked the permissions and they are 777.

    This is with Firefox on a Mac. My plugins are active. Maybe I should try with no plugins.

    Just tried with no plugins — exactly the same behaviour.

    Basically you need to inspect an XML file from WordPress and look at the tags. Then export from your spreadsheet and insert the correct tags using a text editor.

    Alternatively, do a search and replace within your spreadsheet to insert the tags.

    Or even add whole new columns in the right places, to contain the tags.

    It is harder to describe than to do.

    Thanks. That might be the way to go.

    I have read the upgrade tutorial, but there is something I do not understand.

    If I want a completely fresh install, absolutely the default version of 2.5.1, but I want to keep all my old posts, categories and users, should I overwrite /themes and /plugins?

    The instructions say to keep those, but I would be happy to delete and reinstall if that will help me understand the problems I have been experiencing with image uploads.


    My installation does not work with Flexible Uploader either.

    Are you coming from an existing blogging system? If so, there are importers. Or you might be able to get your existing system to XML and then import from XML.

    I don’t know your skill level, but you could also export your spreadsheet into XML format for import.

    As others in this thread, I have done a full upgrade — manually, deleting all files except those specified in the instuructions — and then uploading. Everything went fine but I still cannot upload images.

    I get the error message “Unable to create directory /wp-content/uploads. Is its parent directory writable by the server?”

    The parent directory is 777 and /uploads is also 777

    I have no flash uploader active; makes no difference.

    I tried with all plugins diabled; this time I got as far at the HTTP error that others have reported.

    I plan to try felxible uploader.

    Please can we have this functionality back.


    Thanks. I think I can try that too, but not until the weekend when I will have more time to mess up.

    I thought it was something to do with one of the HTACCESS files that I have.

    Could you possibly give a little more instruction as to how to what exactly to do?


    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: uploader prob,,

    They are not there because WP has not added them to its database. You can insert the link by hand. There is a plug-in called, I think, Organizer, that will add images to WP’s database but it has not been updated for 2.5

    Also, what use is this error message: “Unable to create directory /wp-content/uploads. Is its parent directory writable by the server?”

    The directory already exists. Has done for ages. I can upload to it with FTP and its permissions are 777

    So why is WP trying to create that directory?


    This is nothing to do with my Host or my server. I can upload perfectly well to the folder /wp-content/uploads/ using FTP. But when I try to do it using the WP interface, nothing works.

    I updated all plugins, including bad behavior, and that made no difference.

    I activated the no-flash-uploader plugin, and that made no difference.

    I deactivated all plugins, and that made no difference.

    And of course because I uploaded images directly with FTP, the Media gallery does not see them. Is there some way to inform WP that I have uploaded images using FTP? I cannot find one.

    I want this upgrade to work for me, and I have done every single thing suggested in the forums, but still I do not have this really important functionality. so when I read Matt saying how we should all upgrade now, I do wonder how such a really big issue escaped all those excellent developers and how people even less technically savvy than me are coping.

    I’m tagging my question on her, so you’ll know I have searched!

    I just upgraded to 2.5 using the automatic upgrade plugin. very smooth, but …

    I now cannot upload images. I get the error Unable to create directory /wp-content/uploads. Is its parent directory writable by the server?

    I have indeed changed all permissions to 777, right up to \wp which makes me a little nervous. Still I get the error.

    I also deactivated Bad Behavior, after reading the Troubleshooting FAQ, and cleared my cache, but that made no difference either.

    Having changed the permissions, I do not know what else to try. I would appreciate any help.



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