Jer Clarke
Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: customize image upload default settingsOkay guys, here’s the specific hack to set the defaults to ‘full size’ and ‘no link’. Slight variations will probably get you the other combinations.
WARNING-1: Hacking with the files inside wordpress is a very bad idea. I avoid it at all costs, and so should you.
WARNING-2: I’m no JS pro, not even close. This hack was made through trial and error but seems to work for me and I can’t think of a reason why it would break anything. It basically just changes the default which was hardcoded into the JS anyway.
WARNING-3: If you ever upgrade wordpress you’ll have to do this to the new file, so keep a note about it for reference.In your wordpress install:
At line 103 it says:
checked = ‘display-thumb’;
change it to (change ‘thumb’ to ‘full’):
checked = ‘display-full’;
At line 118 it says:
h += “<label for=’link-none’><input type=’radio’ name=’link’ id=’link-none’ value=’none’ /> ” + this.none + “</label>”;change it to (add checked=’checked’ inside the <label>):
h += “<label for=’link-none’><input type=’radio’ name=’link’ id=’link-none’ value=’none’ checked=’checked’ /> ” + this.none + “</label>”;
Then enjoy your newly useful uploader!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Image ManagerLast time I checked Image Manager doesn’t work with WordPress 2.2 and it’s site still says that it’s only tested with 2.0 and 2.1, so if you have an up-to-date copy of wordpress you won’t be able to run it.
Really though, I wouldn’t bother. ImageManager had an awful interface and created mediocre quality images. overall it was pretty craptastic.
I just use or , both of which have nice, useful, high-quality online editing servies that are free and let you upload photos, edit them, then download them again to upload to wordpress. (I have no relation or association with those sites, they’re just what I switched to after Image Manager broke and my life improved.)
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: category tempaltes=different themes for different cats?if you create a file in your theme called ‘category-$id.php’ then it will be applied to only the category with the id of $id (i.e. whatever the categories id is).
If you want a totally different theme for that category, then you can just make that one file be completely different from the rest of the files in your theme. The complicated part is that you’ll have to make sure that all the included files (like sidebar, header) are either all in that one file (category-28.php), or that the file includes special versions of those includes (so you’d have to rename them sidebar-28.php or something). You’ll also have to include a different CSS file etc.
Hmmm.. rereading your quesetion, if the HTML is always the same, then do you mean that it’s only the CSS that changes? In that case you could have the if statements in ONLY the header where the CSS gets loaded. Alternately, you can make special versions of the header and use the category-28.php trick above to load different versions of the header for the special categories.
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Single Account or Separate Accounts for Admin and Posting?Uh… as far as I’m concerned there’s no difference. You can set your name to display as anything you want in the personal profile options.
The only difference is if you are likely to share the admin account with someone in the future, and want to keep it seperate from your personal account. Though really, if you want to share admin with someone, you might as well create them an account at that point and set it as admin.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: “Taglines” for pages and posts?Hey dude, totally doable.
Best place to start:
Lots to think about in there (and worth it, if you’re making a lot of sites with wp, meta hacking is invaluable)
For your particular need the tag you most likely want to use is get_post_meta($post->ID, $key) (described in the wiki article above). the $post->ID tells it to get the meta values (typed into the meta field thing on the post/page editing screen) for the current post (inside ‘the loop’) and you can just type in the $key that you want (which is what you called the meta value on the edit screen).
SO: if you always add a meta field called “tagline” to your pages/posts you can add the following in your loop:
if (get_post_meta($post->ID,’tagline’)) {
echo get_post_meta($post->ID,’tagline’);
?>The first line checks to see if the tagline is there, and the second one prints it out if it is. FUN! You can also add some lines inside the if {} to have formatting and stuff, to avoid the formatting showing if you ever forget to add a tagline.
After all that, you might also want to look into plugins related to meta, especially , which lets you set meta fields to always show up in the editor.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Plugin TutorialsAs usual the wiki/codex delivers:
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Page Order Bug?the wp_list_pages() function has a lot of different parameters, one of which determines how it’s organized (the default is alphabetical). I believe the one you are looking for is
meaning that your theme should have:
<?php wp_list_pages(‘title_li=&sort_column=menu_order’); ?>
When in doubt about a specific tag, check the codex/wiki, most tags have a pretty good article that will solve your problems:
p.s. I’m with you about it being strange though. The fact that it lets you type in the page numbers but doesn’t tell you that by default the numbers do nothing is pretty frustrating.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: I would like to know if this is possible…You would need to use a plugin to do this without coding but you could hack up your theme to do it if you know what you’re doing (i.e. some php knowledge is necessary).
I’m not sure about the sticky plugin re: whether you have to turn off sticky posts manually.
What I did when I came across this problem was perform ‘the loop’ twice instead of just once. The first time, you check if each post has the ‘featured’ category, and show it with the special formatting if it does. Each time you print out a feature, you also add it’s post id to an array (I called mine $do_not_repeat). The second time you loop trough you do it normally, but add a condition that if the id of the post is in the do_not_repeat array, skip it.
This solution means that your features stay at the top of the page as long as they would have been on that page but disspear once they fall off the bottom.
If, instead, you wanted to just show the most recent featured post untill a new one was put up, you could use two queries with their own loops, one for just the featured post (and only one post) and one for everything else (with an argument to NOT include the featured category).
Wiki article about query_posts() for the second idea:
and the one about the loop:
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: WordPress MU or multiple installs of WordPress?If you use WordPressMU then there will only be one admin (the admin panels are seperatet but you can acces them all by logging in once and you can find the ‘backend’ of all the blogs through the admin of the main one).
If you mean individual wordpres sites then there is no easy way to share one admin account across several wordpress installs, unless there’s a plugin I don’t know about (though pan-install stuff is really complicated, so I doubt it)
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Role Manager QuestionsThe Role Manager Plugin is kind of crazy lately it seems, but are you sure you have the newest version? The latest one listed at is Role Manager v.2.0.8, which you can download here:
See if that works, I remember it breaking for me when I upgraded wordpress and this version fixed it (despite being released by a different developper who fixed it for the upgraded wordpress)
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: WordPress MU or multiple installs of WordPress?It sounds like MU might be worth the effort for you. It’s main limits are that individual blogs have to use a theme which you have installed and turned on (i.e. they can’t add their own or modify them aside from the widgets) and that the same applies to plugins.
In favor of MU is that if you upgrade the core system it will be just one set of files to upgrade, rather than doing the same thing five times. Also, if you’re using the same theme for all the blogs then you can control it from just one location, so you can add features/plugins/whatever really easily and quickly.
The tradeoff in your case is mostly in terms of less documentation being available for MU, but even there, its a lot like single-user wordpress in most regards, and there’s a forum for MU that has lots of answers in it.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Help. Retrieving posts data outside of the_loop.get_post() looks like it will do the trick: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: 2 Problems: Permalinks and RSS FeedIt seems like the first part of your problem is related to your .htaccess file, which is controlled by your OPTIONS > PERMALINKS panel in wordpress admin. Have you looked at this page and tried resetting it?
What’s happening is that your blog can’t find what its supposed to do with the pretty url’s so its going to the default 404 page for your theme, which apparently is just your homepage (if the theme contains no 404.php file index.php is used, fooey). So I recommend checkin that page and checking on your server with ftp to make sure that nothing weird is going on with the .htaccess file in the main folder you use for wordpress.
(for the record, I was able to get the search to work and could load category pages by manually typeing hte variables into the url, i.e. )
As for your feed, it’s experiencing the same problems because its’ using the pretty url (/feed/) for rss. The hardcoded version, , seems to be working, so when you fix your .htaccess problem the rss should work too.
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: Photo thumb link different than post headline, what gives?It seems like there’s some confusion about how the posting and image system works.
When you insert an image into the post you can choose whether it’s full size or thumbnail and where it links to. When you’re at this point, it sounds like what you usually want is to have the full size image in your post and have it link to nothing. By putting the full image with no link into your post you will have it set so that the single-article pages will look like you expect, big image followed by text.
The problem is that there’s no really easy way to only show a thumbnail on the front page without posting the ‘post excerpt’ seperately from the content. You use the ‘optional post excerpt’ box below the other posting boxes on the editing page. Whatever you put in there will be seperate from the actual post content and I’m pretty sure you could put in the small thumbnail (using size: thumbnail, and link to: post).
The only thing you then have to do is go into your theme file and change the printout for the articles in index.php to use the_excerpt() instead of the_content() (search in the file for the_excerpt() and you should be able to find it). The single article page is run with the single.php template, so as long as it has ‘the_content()’ everything should keep going.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How to get index.php back?No, the index.php file in WordPress is extremely simple and just loads the rest of the code. You should either re-install your wordpress with fantastico (i’m not very familiar with the process there), or, if you have normal ftp access, you can just re-upload the index.php file from the downloadable version of wordpress (download it then only upload the index.php file).
(make sure you use the index.php file from the same version of the wordpress that you have installed on your server, you can see the version at the bottom of all the admin pages).
Really, you should also get rid of the old system ASAP. If it is overwriting the index of your wordpress blog then the two systems aren’t going to play nicely together. It might be worth finding a couple of super important files in pivot and renaming them so that it doesn’t render new pages ever… One thing you may also want to check is if pivot created an index.html rather than index.php file in the main folder. If it did then it didnt overwrite the wordpress file and you can just erase the index.html file and wordpress should start working.