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  • Make sure that the /uploads/ as well as the /2007/08/ directories exist and that they are chmodded (permissions) to 777. I had a similar problem and just created the directory manually and set the permissions and the problem went away.

    This is still occurring with 2.2.0 (our site is having problems with edited content too), seems to be related to long posts specifically.

    Just a note that the use of RSS as an promotional mechanism (i.e. in the way that BBC and Wired News use it) is only one of it’s potential values. It is also very useful as a way of letting people that you’ve posted at all (if you’re infrequent with updates) and best of all as a full reading solution.

    As nice as I’m sure your designs are, they are the same everytime anyway, so why force yoru reader to constantly load it in their browser along with all the images on posts they’ve seen already etc. I have dozens of feeds in my reader that i just read there (boingboing is a really popular example). It’s a thousand times more convenient as I only have to load posts i haven’t read yet (it feels kind of like email) and I can quickly move through all the content.

    The partial clips are really more for sites that demand clicks to get ad revenue (though there’s also ways to get ads into the feed itself, though they are a bit rudimentary, engadget has a good example of that.

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