Jeremy Scott
Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Matador Jobs Lite] Matador Jobs 3.8.15 Incompatible w/ Yoast 21.9.1Hello! Sorry for this issue. As Paul said, we had fixed this 9 days ago but our distribution to for some reason did not work. The issue is now resolved as’s version is at the most recent version.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Yoast SEO] Disable Post Trashed/Deleted/Slug Change NotificationsThanks for the link to your documentation.
Having reviewed these filters, they aren’t quite where they need to be to allow a user or developer granular control over these behaviors and notifications of the redirect watcher.
As a developer, I want to disable these for only a single post type, and the filters work in an all-or-nothing fashion. It would be much nicer to have that level of granular control, and if the filters accepted arguments with post data or post type, I could do that. Can you please pass along that feedback.
I did find a work-around, by using the filter:
but that disabled the entire system for the post type, which for me made sense, but may not make sense to others.Thanks for your help.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Matador Jobs Lite] Sync stops after a whileMore information is available here, by the way:
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Matador Jobs Lite] Sync stops after a whileHello, thank you for the heads up. We are in fact tracking this issue. Bullhorn modified their connection routine two weeks ago and it has resulted in some inconsistent connection quality. We have a release candidate with a fix being tested by some of our users with intent to release next week on Monday provided we accomplish the return to stability we are used to over the weekend for our RC testers.
Additional comment to mark as resolved.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Matador Jobs Lite] Jobs page not workingMarking as resolved.
Hi there,
We tested the connection between the Matador Jobs Lite plugin (v3.8.7) and our Bullhorn (v3.4.1) system. We have paused the process of adding Bullhorn API for integration as it hasn’t been set up yet.
The connections that the Bullhorn OSCP Plugin and the Matador Jobs Pro plugin provide are completely different. One is a javascript based, on-demand connection to the “public” API and one is a PHP server-side connection to the “private” API. They cannot clash.
Additionally, the crucial issue is that when we install the Matador Jobs plugin, our WordPress site is not able to load data from Bullhorn anymore. Once we deactivate the Matador Jobs plugin, the website functions normally again.
Matador Jobs creates a WordPress post type and its default URL slug is /jobs/. If you have previously installed the Bullhorn OSCP plugin and made a page for it called “jobs” such that the pages’ URL is then there will be a conflict. This is easy to resolve.
Go to Matador Jobs > Settings > Job Listings (tab) and scroll down to the final section. “Jobs URL Opitions.” There you can set the Jobs URL slug. Change it to be different than your page you made with the Bullhorn OSCP shortcode.
Is this problem caused by a conflict between the Matador Jobs plugin and Bullhorn? Please provide me with guidance and a permanent solution to avoid encountering this issue in the future.
Please note this was not a conflict between the two plugins. They can safely coexist. This was a conflict caused by the nature of the WordPress permalink routing giving priority to a post type archive with the same name of a page. If you try to create a page AFTER a post type is registered to a permalink endpoint, WordPress will automatically fix it for you, but since the page was made before, it did not.
Hope this was helpful. If you’d like, feel free to reach out to us for a demo of Matador Jobs Pro, which includes additional features like Application Processing, Google Indexing API, and more.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Matador Jobs Lite] Applications not syncing- too little dataHello,
As this is a support request for either our Matador Jobs Pro and/or a legacy system, can you please contact our Pro support?
Thank you.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Matador Jobs Lite] Sites not syncing with BullhornHello,
Now that you are importing Published Submitted or Approved jobs, you further need to ensure that those jobs are Published in Bullhorn. In Bullhorn in the job that is not syncing for you:
- Edit the job.
- In the top right, go to Actions Menu
- From the Actions menu, select Publish (at bottom)
- Follow steps to publish.
If the company has a two-step publishing processing (Submitted, Approved) then ask an Administrator to approve the publishing and/or switch Matador to download “Published — Submitted” jobs.
The whole process is laid out here, though, for some reason, the some of the screenshot images aren’t loading right. We are updating our documentation right now to a new platform so perhaps that has something to do with it.
- This reply was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by Jeremy Scott.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Matador Jobs Lite] Sites not syncing with BullhornHowever, I’m still having problems on the dev site. I did what you suggested and reset the assistant. It verified the api callback url was registered. But, it still is not fetching all of the jobs.
In the settings, go to the Job Listings tab and find the setting “Published Status to Import”. By default, Matador pulls in jobs that are: not archived, not deleted, and where status is not equal to archived. If this setting is set to “All Jobs – Careful!” then I doubt that you’ll miss even one job.
That said, best practice is to choose “Published – Approved” or “Published – Submitted.” In Bullhorn, there is a way to formally “publish” a job, and if your user has not published the job, if you are using either of the “Published” options here, Matador will not import the job.
I highly suspect a combination of failure to publish and/or your Published Status to Import setting is causing some jobs to be not published, but like I said, best practice is to publish the jobs at Bullhorn and only import Published Jobs into Matador using a “Published” setting.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Matador Jobs Lite] Sites not syncing with BullhornHi @synergeticweb!
Thanks for your questions.
Regarding the “disconnected live site”: whenever you migrate a site, you should go into the Bullhorn Connection Assistant, copy/save your credentials, and then “Reset Assistant”. The Assistant will run a number of checks, and may find an issue. Typically, the URL of the live site is not registered as an allowed callback URL in Bullhorn, and if that is the case, Matador will make a copy-and-paste email you can send to Bullhorn to get it added.
Regarding GoDaddy and Alternate Cron… this is tough. The bottom line is that every user of ours on GoDaddy Managed WP never can get it to work. I’m based in Phoenix (GoDaddy’s HQ city) and am friends with GoDaddy management, and after discussing the issues in depth with them, they came to the conclusion that GoDaddy Managed WP isn’t built to support some of the more complex WP Plugins that rely heavily on WP Cron especially. Unlike Pagely, WPEngine, Nexus, and others, GoDaddy Managed WP is Managed WP for the “prosumer” not the “professional.” Our WebHost known issues page section on GoDaddy says this:
the consensus at this time is that the GoDaddy Managed WordPress Product is not designed for Matador Jobs user’s and we strongly recommend other providers
So, I hope this was helpful! At the very least, you should be able to get the live site connected by rerunning Connection Assistant, but you will have issues with GoDaddy Managed WP as long as the client is tied to it. (And this goes for any features that rely heavily on Cron, including Matador Lite/Pro, WooCommerce, and others too).
- This reply was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by Jeremy Scott.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Matador Jobs Lite] Connected on 2 sites, but only one syncs jobsHi GroupDavis,
Paul was right to point out that you need to make sure that Bullhorn has added both the live and staging URLs to the allowed API Redirects list. If you’ve followed the Bullhorn Connection Assistant routine on both sites (instead of copying a live to staging site) you will be prompted whether your URL is allowed. To check, go to Matador Jobs > Settings > Bullhorn Connection Assistant and “Reset” Assistant.
That said, there is a well known issue in general with GoDaddy managed WordPress hosting that badly interferes with WordPress Cron. We are currently writing a new Docs site and we have a page of known hosting issues, and GoDaddy is one of them.
The solution is rather simple: in your wp-config.php file, add
define( 'WP_ALTERNATE_CRON', true );
I’ll let you read up on some of the many people having this issue, including here: hate to say it, but due to this, even with Alternate Cron enabled, I would discourage our users (and users of WooCommerce, among other plugins that rely on cron) from using GoDaddy managed WordPress product. Either use a cpanel product of theirs and configure your own environment or use an alternate service.
I hope this helps! Sorry for the delay in providing an answer!
Hi ferbis,
Sorry for the delay. We had to look further into this.
So, there are two problems here.
The first is that the results of your [matador_jobs] shortcode query will be scoped to that shortcode only. The [matador_search] shortcode will exist outside of that scope, so it can’t know what is and isn’t in the current results.
The second is that the [matador_search] drop-downs are populated using a WP_Term_Query which queries on the list of terms, not the list of terms belonging to posts within a query.
Your request is not possible given core Matador shortcodes. It is possible with a bit of custom code. Here are some general steps you’d need to take:
1. Make a taxonomy term archive for the types taxonomy.
2. Loop through found posts querying the other taxonomies (locations, categories), and push taxonomy term IDs to an array.
3. array_sort() and array_unique() the array of terms, build a drop down on the form field name matador_location or matador_category
4. Then populate your jobs using the taxonomy term archive template
5. Copy Matador’s pre_get_posts filter and apply it to the term archive to use our search logic and validationI know that is a lot!
I could alternatively suggest a few sortable posts plugins that would grant your desired behavior via Javascript. We use the premium plugin Sort Table Pro by Barn 2 media (no referral benefit) and they have a powerful front-end, Javascript based filtering capability.
I hope this helps. Sorry this isn’t easier to accomplish.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Matador Jobs Lite] Matador Sync issuesI am marking this post resolved because this is the resolution. If you’re connected and not importing jobs, your Bullhorn jobs need to be “published” and/or the setting set to “All”. See again:
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Matador Jobs Lite] No author for job postIf you want to get author added to existing posts, replace:
if ( ! $wpid ) { $args['post_author'] = 1; // Use the ID of the author }
with just
$args['post_author'] = 1; // Use the ID of the author
This will reset the author on each sync, so if authorship is important and something changed after sync, you might want to make this one-time edit, run the code, then restore to the original.