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  • Plugin Author Jeremy Scott


    Hello again,

    You need to do one to two things. First, you need to enable author support for the job post type:

    add_filter( 'matador_post_type_supports_jobs', 'je3dev_add_author_support_to_job', 10, 1); 
    function je3dev_add_author_support_to_job( $supports ) {
      $supports[] = 'author';
      return $supports;

    At this point, if I recall correctly, the author will be assigned to the default author, like the Administrator. So to determine the ownership of the job, if it matters, do this:

    add_filter( 'matador_import_job_save_args', 'je3dev_job_author', 10, 3 );
    je3dev_job_author( $args, $job, $wpid ) {
      // If there is an ID, we are updating and not creating a job
      if ( ! $wpid ) {
        $args['post_author'] = 1; // Use the ID of the author
      return $args;

    This should do what you want. Let me know.

    As a funny aside, we have this joke inside our team here at Matador that “everyone uses Bullhorn and WordPress differently.” I can’t tell you how much effort was put into actually not supporting authors initially. In fact, early in Matador (before it was even called Matador) I struggled to figure out how to do it! I chuckle that I’m helping restore something that so many of our pre-release users hated!

    Thanks for the question!

    Plugin Author Jeremy Scott


    I’m following up this post and closing this topic.

    Note that enabling Google Indexing API is a feature limited to our All-Access version and therefore should go through our ticketing system.

    That said, it isn’t for the faint of heart. While Matador requires only the key and email address, there are several steps you need to take in Google API Console and Google Webmaster Tools to ensure the setup works.

    The original poster followed up with us via email and we were able to advise them through setup.

    Plugin Author Jeremy Scott


    Update to the above.

    @je3dev provided his log file to us and also his own skilled programming knowledge and helped us identify a major “oops”. While our direct download for this plugin on our website, based on GitHub tags, was valid, the version for 3.5.6 was submitted with the wrong branch.

    We pushed 3.5.7 today which deploys the 3.5.6 branch to users of the Matador Jobs Lite plugin.

    To be clear, the original poster’s issue and the one brought to the attention of us in replies by je3dev were different. Moving forward, if you are having an issue similar to the original poster’s, follow the advice we previously provided.

    Plugin Author Jeremy Scott


    Hi @je3dev.

    Is that the full log? Can you by change send me the full log? Does absolutely nothing appear after that “133 Existing Jobs were found?” That is a curious issue and I need to look further into it.

    Can you log into your site, run a sync, then send the log file to [email protected]?


    Plugin Author Jeremy Scott


    Hello. Thanks for your question.

    The job should be getting the category from the regular sync. Since it is not, I’d try/check the following:

    1. Are you connected to Bullhorn? Check the log files to see if there are any errors.
    2. Confirm the jobs are properly published. If you did a first sync with the setting “All Jobs” but then changed that to “Published Submitted” you may not be getting the update.
    3. Sub-categories ie: “Industry” and “Skills” are not supported by the Free Version. Only the top-level categories.
    4. Bullhorn allows you to change the label of everything and anything. Check that you’re using the actual “categories” field instead of a “customTextXX” fields with a category picker and/or “industries” or “skills” relabeled as “category”.

    Let me know if anything of those works.

    Plugin Author Jeremy Scott



    So, to make sure I have your question understood, you want to change the look/feel of the job single page? If so, you will simply need to create a single template in your theme. Here is the official explaination:

    And here is Matador’s documentation on it:

    The job-aside.php template only affects the structure of the single job when displayed from our [matador_job] shortcode. The shortcode is used to embed a job into a sidebar and/or a blog post, hence how it is an “aside”.

    I hope this helps! Let us know if you have further questions.

    Plugin Author Jeremy Scott


    Since there has been no follow-up to this, I’m going to mark this as resolved, but first I’m going to add this:

    We discovered an issue in Matador Jobs (Pro and Lite) 3.4.x where a failure (due to bad configurations for Google Indexing API) may interrupt the saving of the job post metadata, which as of 3.4.0 included a datapoint that was used to identify when an imported job was already in the system (and thus should result in a revision/update) or wasn’t in the system (and thus should result in a new job being saved).

    While we cannot fix the cause of the issue, which is a misconfiguration in the Google Indexing API credentials, we did create two fixes for Matador coming in the 3.5.0 release next week, they are:

    – Save the “duplicate check” data point immediately on job save and before from the normal meta flow, which should prevent a failure in that process from preventing the duplicate check data point from being saved.
    – Handle failures with Google Indexing API calls more gracefully, so they do not interrupt otherwise successful routines.

    In a future release, likely our 3.5.1 release, we will also include a better notice for site operators whose Google Indexing API credentials are not working.

    That said, it is possible Paul’s answer helped out already. I’m marking this as resolved.

    Plugin Author Jeremy Scott



    The nature of how Matador works is that the recruiting firm staff, which we assume to be non-technical, can completely manage their job information, including job descriptions, 100% on Bullhorn. Matador, on a regular cadence, connects to Bullhorn and downloads all new and changed jobs to be imported or updated.

    For this reason, every half hour, any changes you made to the job in WordPress will be overwritten by the sync. If you use a builder like Visual Composer, you are actually adding tons of WordPress shortcodes into the job description, and this is why we don’t push WordPress changes back to Bullhorn, because Bullhorn doesn’t have access to the Shortcode system and job descriptions at Bullhorn are used to do more, like send emails, submit jobs to Indeed and Monster, and more.

    If your site needs Visual Composer elements to appear before and after the job description to display properly, you can use filters to add your shortcodes. We discourage this, overall, and instead recommend making modifications to your single.php or creating a single-matador-job-listings.php file to manage the look/feel of your jobs.

    See this document for more on steps forward you may take:

    Plugin Author Jeremy Scott


    Plugin Author Jeremy Scott


    Marked as resolved, unless original author has follow up questions.

    Plugin Author Jeremy Scott


    Matador directly imports the job description from the Bullhorn Job Order “description” or “public description” fields. Since these fields are in Bullhorn, they do not support WordPress shortcodes, and further, these fields are multi-purpose and used by other integrations for mass-emailing, posting to other job boards like Indeed, and others. So not only do Bullhorn description fields NOT support shortcodes, you don’t want to muddy-up the Bullhorn DB with platform-specific tools either.

    If you are insistent on using Divi, you can use an action/filter to put necessary divi (or other page builder shortcodes) before and after the content output. For example:

    add_filter( 'the_content', 'prefix_matador_job_content' );
    function prefix_matador_job_content( $content ) {
    if ( ! is_single( 'matador-job-listings' ) {
        return $content;
    $before = '[shortcode]'; // Shortcodes and stuff for before the description imported from Bullhorn. 
    $after = '[/shortcode]'; // Shortcodes and stuff for after the description imported from Bullhorn. 
    return $before . $content . $after;

    That said, we highly recommend you instead either use a post type single template and skip the Divi altogether for Matador Jobs Listing.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 8 months ago by Jeremy Scott.
    Plugin Author Jeremy Scott


    Matador Jobs requires PHP 5.6 and WordPress 4.7 (4.9.6 for certain features).

    With WordPress 5.2, the minimum PHP version will now be 5.6, and I believe core team will make PHP minimum version requirements 7.0+ in the next year. Note that PHP 5.6 and PHP 7.0 are both past end of life and receiving no further support from the PHP team, meaning newly discovered vulnerabilities are not being patched. It is highly recommended you update to PHP 7.1 or higher.

    I’m going to mark this topic as resolved as it is not a bug related to Matador.

    Plugin Author Jeremy Scott


    I haven’t heard further from you, sir, so I’m going to mark this topic as resolved.

    Plugin Author Jeremy Scott


    Hi colingdi,

    Thanks for submitting this post, as we prefer to provide support for the Lite plugin on .org and not via our Pro Support email.

    As explained, your problem doesn’t make sense! To recap, thank you for:

    *Verifying that indeed, the jobs were properly published–approved.
    *Trying to circumvent that issue anyway by switching to All Jobs (careful) for your import.

    One more check, just making sure here… because I know you checked the matador_jobs_where filter, but…

    *The jobs are open, ie accepting applications.
    *The jobs are not archived
    *The jobs are not deleted

    I do want to touch on the user/permissions theory… do you know this for sure? Is your API user a true API user as set up by Bullhorn or are you using a general username/password? User permissions could actually possibly be an issue. API usernames usually look something like companyname.api when generated by Bullhorn and have access to everything, while if your username/pass is set to a specific user, you could be limited by whatever their limitations are.

    If this didn’t help you crack the egg, I’ll be honest, I’d be a little stumped and would need to look deeper into the logs and even set some output to screen situations on the site. This is often beyond the scope of support we provide for light, but we might be able to work something out. If you find the issue via the suggestions I provided or otherwise, please do reply here.

    Plugin Author Jeremy Scott


    Hi Krutim,

    I believe you and I are talking via email right now. For the benefit of the general public, I’ll note that linked example IS the answer you’re looking for, as this will add new non-standard Bullhorn fields into Post Meta.

    I’ll note that if Bullhorn returns no data for a given field, it is not saved to post meta. Here are some tips:

    – Check that you’ve listed the custom field names exactly. Case matters.
    – Check that the given job has data in the fields.
    – Check that after you’ve added the filter, your sync does not fail. Many times people update their import fields array but don’t return it, which causes Matador to not import the fields.

    You and I will continue our chat in Pro Support, but when we get the answer, I’d love if you’d be willing to reply here what the actual issue was.

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