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  • jerry508


    This was the thorn in my side with the older version.. gesman can confirm but my guess was the APIs coded into the plugin to do the check on balances and confirmations was hitting limitations and thus cutting off future calls.

    Id like to see the plugin have an easy way to choose between a few of the looser API providers ( block cypher coinkite for example.

    until that happens, im betting that this problem comes up every few months..




    if u get the plugin to a point where there are API selection choices (which i truly believe caused all the growing problems. I will donate $250. I hope u consider this fair considering the defunct nature of this project for last 2 years.

    I’ve been rooting for crowdsourcing to get u re-motivated about a year ago but since found workable alternatives. But I like urs best due to simplicity.

    Actually just realized theres no message box here huh?

    Anyways, heres my email if u want to hear a bit about some projects ive across over past year..

    I, like u, dont have the coding skills but am tech saavy and can help financially.

    Is anybody getting a syntax token error? Says something like error paraing line 1 column 1 of json when clicking checkout,

    I had this plugin working again but latest wordpress/woo update must have conflicted somehow.. Anybody have any advive?

    I cant recommend relying on this plugin anymore.. But if u got it working, it sounds like a simple issue u have there,..
    Did u make sure u went to Woocommerce > Settings > Checkout and make sure its ch cked there and labelled properly. Then on the further right tabs, theres another setup page to bedealt with.

    That should at least show u the option at checkout time. But getting it to work past that is where i personally hit prpblems and cant use it,

    Paleus, if u msg me, i think i found something that would be of interest to u,.

    I hope this project here truly resurrects itself but for now, until some official info is announced, i considered it a dead project and stopped using it.

    Hi gesman, im very interested to help.. I had given up hope on this plugin so happy to see u back on the forum..

    What exactly is the intent here?

    1. Is there a new version somewhere (u mentioned inpt can now support mpk from elec 2.5.4 but i dont see anything new in the plugin).

    2. Are you planning to update the code to release new plugin? If so, mighto suggest pre selling a few pemium plugin licenses to fund the work?

    3. Is there a $ goal in mind to reach the resources needed?

    4. Have u been in touch with other devs who either forked ur original plugin or made similar plugins? It would seem like a good idea to leverage some of the work theyve done where possible.
    For example, i know one guy who hacked their way around to get the api stuff working again. Another who made it accept mpk version 2. Another who went way deeper into functionality based on some of the pain points of ur original plugin.

    Please share some info and i for one am happy to donate and support this project.

    this plugin should be retired.. it really doesn’t work at all anymore with new woo versions.

    try coin simple,

    Beta test crypto woo as this is probably the best thing in beta for woo. i hope it comes together as its shaping up to look. and i hope to god people support the dev after release.

    otherwise, these small, no revenue stream project have NO way to survive 9 times of out of 10.

    google the version download page..

    but i really don’t think this plugin is even worth it anymore at least with the latest version of woocommerce, its just not functioning.

    try coin simple for now.

    and look for cryptowoo which is probably going to be the closest thing to this old middleman-less script that all see in future. its in beta now..

    if u run a storefront and/or feel like ud be willing to make contributions to crypto woo, go to there site and get in touch with dev for the beta.

    im totally unaffiliated but have beta tested it and feel like its the best layman option for middleman less bitcoin payments via woocommerce.

    its looks very nice and well thought out thus far but im sure dev can use help testing, etc.

    the solution gets the plugin working but just to be sure i understand – it still doesn’t let u use the new style MPK (the ones that start with “xpub”) correct?

    I wouldn’t mind being able to use the new MPK style with electrum v2.4.4 as opposed to my current way which uses the old 1.9.8 MPK style with electrum v2.4.4 which certainly works.

    Not sure what id really gain but just seems easier and i think the new MPK style is better in a few different ways and more cross-compatible.

    So is the original proposed workaround in this thread about changing length to 128 allowing anybody to successfully use the new style MPK (“xpub”)? or still using old MPK style?

    heres the workarounds u can consider:
    1. easiest way –
    – download old electrum 1.9.8, install it, create new wallet. Save ur seed and save a copy of ur wallet named “woo198wallet” as this will be ur woo commerce wallet.
    – keep ur seed and ur wallet copy in safe place. Then uninstall 1.9.8
    – download latest electrum version 2.4.4 and install it.
    – u can then simply open the woo198wallet in the latest electrum version. Then u use the MPK and ur all set. I think u should also be able to use the seed during the 2.4.4 wallet create wizard.
    *** It might be wise to create ten wallets before uninstalling 1.9.8 and keep them for a rainy day. I understand its good practice with this plugin to swap in new fresh wallets from time to time so if u have a few queued fresh v.1.9.8 wallets that u can use later, that’d save u some time when u need a fresh one.

    2. harder way –
    – there is a tool such as pybtctool and libbitcoin tools and u can generate wallets using same specs as electrum v1.9.8. You need to be versed in command line a bit but they give u instructions.
    – use their command line to generate ur wallet, seed and MPK, etc. You should then be able to import these into electrum v2.4.4 during the wallet setup wizard.

    I use #1 and it works reliably as far as the wallet creation per order based on ur MPK goes.

    I also understand that electrum 2.4.4 now has some merchant feature that might be a solution towards my biggest problem with this plugin – the blockchain explorer cronjob stuff. Electrum 2.4.4 i think offers a way to deal with this but haven’t gotten around to playing with it yet. Theres a bitcointalk forum post about it.


    Its a shame this plugin and the support isnt more active as i have not found a wordpress plugin that is completely middleman-less except this one.

    In my opinion and experience, this plugin works quite well if you can manage around a few things (somebody who knows their way around basic coding can probably tweak the thing for their needs but i dont trust myself enough so i handle a few things somewhat manually):

    1. You need to use the electrum v1.9.8 style mpk (u can run old electrum v198 wallets on the new electrum software 2.x tho). But the mpk cant be the new style ones (new stle starts with xpub). I saw some workarounds suggested but i havent been successful using the new style mpk with this plugin. I havent really seen why this would be an issue but im guessing eventually itll be phased out and itd be nice to just be able to use thhe new version but for now, i dont care that i need to use the old style).

    2. You need to workaround the way cronjobs run the api calls as they need to bring back critical info to make the plugin work like checking wallet balance and confirmations and ten updating ur store orders with pertinent info. My issue has always seemed to be related to cloudflare or other roadblocks that make me feel like the order wallet balances and statuses might not be up to date. hasnt worked well but u can change it to other blockexplorers and get a more consistent experience and less failures. U need to look at the cronjob and the sites it links to and make the changes to other block explorers til u find ones that work for u.

    so if ur items arent super hi priced and ur order volume isnt huge (this fits my scenario), i just have a wordpress button on orders mgmt page to run the cronjob manually each time i fulfill store orders. It works for me but of course i wosh it was automatic and reliable.

    4. Cancelling of unpaid/aborted orders is something i am also not completely comfortable with so again, this is a manual thing done before order fulfillment starts. Its never been a big problem but i suspect one could resolve this easily if they poje around settings enough.

    With these things in mind, ive never had a problem with reuse of old addresses for different orders. And i find this plugin very valuable.

    I wish there were alternatives but so far, i havent found one that can replace this plugin. Its a shame more people arent interested in it. Every other plugin that comes close requires some service provider signup (tho i would say a few service providers seem to do it for api purposes like coinsimple i think).

    Mycelium was working on something that seemed like itd be an alternative but havent checked on their gear project lately.

    Anybody else out there found an alternative to this plugin yet that works with wordpress and doesnt require a middleman?

    Can u tell whether ur Api calls are going thru okay? I see the script uses and block To make the confirmation checks, etc.

    This fails a lot for me and causes issues with both checkout addresses as well as order status order updates.

    Sometimes cloud flare gets in the way too..

    Any of that seem like it’s causing the issue?

    I dunno..

    I thonk it has more to to do woth cloudflare as thats always the thing thats popping up on screen and logs.

    Im hoping somebody can walk me thru it a bit but i think the answer boils down to:
    1. Find a blockexplorer that u can use to validate payments which has a workaround to avoid cloudflare.
    2. Options i found that seem primising: blockchaininfo with an api key (theres a form u fill out on their site)
    2. Coinkite – this seems nice but its kinda hard to tell wherpther it will be easy to interpgrate with woocomm.
    3. Abe – i dont get this fully yet but its referenced alot as a cloudflare solution.

    Once u have the blockexplorer of ur choice, i believe u ud go thru the script php files and replaces all the current links with new ones.

    Making seperate request for someone to confirm…ci really hate this problem.. My cron jobs never work rigt and other problems come up too,..

    I’m learning as i go so no expert.. but it seems like cloud flare causes a lot of the issues that i have when it relates to the paid status not updating correctly.

    It does consistently create good, new addresses and present them for payment which is good (tho I don’t think that part of the process goess thru blockchain).

    But then the confirmation check seems to fail in some way or another 90% of the time. Ive tried soft, hard cron, 0 + 1 confirms. But never get it consistently working.

    I started then looking at the logs that i could find and it seems like cloud flare references pop up a lot (+ u can certainly see that cloud flare runs itself a lot on blockchain”.

    Maybe one of the more experienced folks can chime in here..

    1. Cloudflare as I understand it is a service that tries to prevent DDOS or other hacker attacks on a ondwebsite. So is cloud flare a service that Blockchain would hire? Or is it something at the server level?

    2.It does seem like Cloudflare likes to see the same IP addy used when u make ur requests. When ur IP changes too often, thats when u get prompted and essentially any cronjob checks would get stuck.

    3. This would mean that anybody running over tor would have a problem pretty often, right?

    4. And if thats true, should the script be modified to swap the address with the .onion address? Would cloud flare get in the way less if one did that?

    5. Is there any way around this? Is there a paid service that blockchain offers to essentially let u thru ALL the time? Im contacting them to see what they can tell me too..

    Anybody else see the same cloud flare errors popping up in the logs and causing status update problems?

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