Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: CMS Press] plugin doesn’t work with 2.9.2I have written in a private msg that I am unable to get this installed plugin setup so it can manage Press Releases for a small not for profit. The problem is that the user interface for configuring it is written for people who do not need any help configuring the plugin.
Here is what I am confronted with on “Add New Content Type.” My input into the field is in quotes. My questions are in parenthesis.
Content Type (required) . . . Press Releases (are two words OK? At least a sentence suggesting types of content would be helpful.)
Label . . . Press Releases (same questions as above)
Label Plural . . (what does this mean? Is it asking “what is the plural of whatever is entered in the previous field?” Why does it even ask? Press Releases is already plural. Now you see why “Content Tye” need some examples, including instruction on to using plurals or singular syntax.)
The next three items are actually easy to understand because they are explained in plain language. Thank you for that.
Then things get really opaque.
Content Type Identifier . . . (The alleged explanation gives no examples. The alleged advice “This should be unique per content type.” is useless to anyone but the person who says it has to be unique per content type.)
Permalink Structure (totally opaque. Do I need this only if I have WP Permalinks configured a certain way? Does this override WP Permalinks? Am I expected to edit the code in thos field – or should I just leave it alone?)
ALL the check boxes . . I leave them in the default position.
The the next level of “fun” starts.
Edit Taxonomies – there are none to edit. Do I need any? What are they? Do they come in different colors and sizes and flavors? I have no idea whet you want here. So I go look up the word “taxonomy.”
The first definition I find in Google says:
# a classification of organisms into groups based on similarities of structure or origin etc
# (biology) study of the general principles of scientific classification
# practice of classifying plants and animals according to their presumed natural relationshipsEND QUOTE
Ah,, so you want to know the name of my cat? Or the name I call the flower that grows in the garden around the corner?
Maybe not. Second definition:
Taxonomy is the practice and science of classification. The word finds its roots in the Greek τ?ξι?, taxis (meaning ‘order’, ‘arrangement’) and ν?μο?, nomos (‘law’ or ‘science’). Taxonomy uses taxonomic units, known as taxa (singular taxon). QUOTE
It’s getting worse. Now I’m learning Greek. If taxonomy is a “practice” or a “science” why is this question here in a manner that suggests there is are things that are taxonomies and I must give the name of one.
OK – “hulahoop.” There it is. A “hulahoop” is a taxonomy.” Hmmmm, maybe not.
But just for the hell of it, I go to Add Taxonomy and enter: “tax01”.
Next comes the same presumptive opaque fields, Label and Plural Label, into which I repeat “tax01” and “tax01” respectively. I put a check mark in each of boxes, save and then what?
What is supposed to happen? Where can I create Press Releases? To reference a famous bumper sticker, “All I wanted to do is drain this swamp and now I am up to my – – – in alligators.” Something that is supposed to be simple should not be this confusing.
As I said in my private email, until this plugin’s installation and configuration instructions are created byt someone other than the programmer, – who knows too much and assumes everyone else does too – it will remain of little or no general value.
I know I seem to be churlish and ungrateful. Maybe I am. But this is a frustrating experience that justifies churlishness and ingratitude.
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: upgrade stuck to 2.9.2 from 2.7xI don’t know if we can call this progress, but the blank screen has now been replaced by the error msg
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected $end in /home/holen01/public_html/blog/wp-includes/functions.php on line 2850
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: upgrade stuck to 2.9.2 from 2.7xI’ll reup that file and let you know.
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: upgrade stuck to 2.9.2 from 2.7xwell, something worked – sort of but not fully.
I did one more upload with a forced overwrite of all but wp-content
That got me a screen to create the config.php. I did that using their wizard. The only variation I made was to create a new user and pw for the same db. That got me a WP screen that said to click on install.
Did that and that gave me the URL
which is a blank screen.
So I went back to the site, opened the login prompt, entered the user/pw and that returned me
also a blank screen.
So, if someone has more suggestions, I’m open to try them. Also willing to share FTP access with any of the known regulars here.
It’s now about 10:20pm. I probably will go to bed by 11 if I don’t see more suggestions. But please offer them even later because I will be up early to try them.
Thanks again for the help.
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: upgrade stuck to 2.9.2 from 2.7xto make clear, I did a complete upload of a fresh WP. I made sure that my FTP client is set to force an overwrite of existing files.
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: upgrade stuck to 2.9.2 from 2.7xarrggh – still a blank screen. Would you like FTP access to see what going on? Can I send you access codes?
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: upgrade stuck to 2.9.2 from 2.7xOK, I let u know how that goes. thanks again guys.
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: upgrade stuck to 2.9.2 from 2.7xI forgive him for that and thank you for the correction. However, still returns a blank screen. Making me craaayyaazzzy ;-(
Suggestions, please?
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: upgrade stuck to 2.9.2 from 2.7xThanks for your response. Sorry, no joy. That returned:
“The requested URL /wp-admin/upgrade.php was not found on this server.”
But it’s right there. I’m looking at it. It’s 3,859kb
Is there something else I can do?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: The Events Calendar] calendar widget doesn’t showI have the same situation.
I’m building at site at this temporary address:
I’ve put an “events” widget in the right sidebar. (the word shows there, but nothing else.
I created a new post and here is the page but the menu link to it does not show up on the site., it takes over the whole page, but all I want is it to appear in the center column.
Obviously, I am not getting something from the instructions. Help will be appreciated.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: Contact Form 7] controlling checkbox layoutBTW – if it matters, I’m using the Atahualpa theme
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: change installation from ,org to .comThanks for the help. But that fidd not fix it.
The WP Settings show the .com, not the bad .org.
I’m in phpMyAdmin, looking at the tables in wp-option > browse.
The option value is set for the .com address. The misdirecting .org URL does not appear anywhere that I have found.
Anyway, I also went into the WP Media File and tried editing the file URL from .org to .com. I can change it and save it, but when I reopen, it has reverted to .org.
Any further suggestions will be greatly appreciated.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: web site totally weird after upgarde to 2.82The problem was that the permalinks setting was interferring. I reset to default and all is normal.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Chronological orderThe d Drunken Monkey link is broken – and – as far as I can determine, the plugin is an orphan that does not work with WP recent version.
Pity. It’s widely wanted.
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: post interface not upgradingNo, I did not, because the upgrade was (supposed to be) automatic (as my post says). What kind of upgrade is reported as successful when it obviously is not? What kind of “automatic” requires file deletion? And which files should be deleted?
Based on the number of posts involving failed and broken and otherwise fubar upgrades, it may be worth waiting for an upgrade to fix the upgrade.
Meanwhile, I sure would appreciate a constructive response on how to fix the situation I have. I apologize if I seem churlish but this is a frustrating thing.