Jesse Owens
Forum Replies Created
Hi @codimex –
If you restore it manually like that, you’ll need to go update the SiteURL and Home options in the Database, and possibly your database connection credentials in the wp-config.php file, because restoring in this manner rather than with the transfers tab overwrites the full database as well as the wp-config.php file.
If you have access to phpMyAdmin or another database management tool, look for the wp_options table, and the options called siteurl and home which will have your production site’s address in them. Replace that with your staging site’s URL, and double-check wp-config.php to make sure you’re using your staging database and not your production database.
Hi @codimex –
It’s possible your host might have recently changed that value, which sets the maximum filesize that can be downloaded.
There is still a way to work around this limitation. When you create your backup, you can make two smaller ones by using the Custom Backup > Exclude Files feature.
For your first backup, add /wp-content/uploads to your Exclude list, to backup up your Core, Database, Plugins and Themes. That should come out to less than 256MB.
Then for your second backup, copy the default Include files and paste it into your Exclude field, and put only /wp-content/uploads into the Include field. Also, deselect all of the tables from the database backup so this backup contains only the uploads folder.
You can then transfer each one, and restore them on your staging site. You should also check Total Upkeep > Settings > Backup Process > Filelist Analysis so that your logs can show you the largest files, just in case you need to eliminate some from your backups to complete the transfer under that limit.
And thanks so much for the review, we’re glad you like the plugin!
Hi @codimex –
ModSecurity is a Web Application Firewall (WAF) that’s installed on most cPanel servers, and sometimes on other types of servers as well. Some web hosts give you the ability to disable it altogether, or disable a specific rule, but this is usually done in your hosting panel, and it can’t be done by modifying your site files like htaccess or wp-config.php.
Your host might also be using a WAF that’s not ModSec, indeed this might also be caused by a WAF on a CDN if you’re using one, or potentially a security plugin like WordFence which has one built-in.
Hi @codimex –
So we have some good information now, in that we know the file size is a factor. We also know that the larger file failed after only 3 seconds between 14:13:59 UTC and 14:14:02 UTC, so I don’t think it was a timeout issue- your PHP time limit is 120 seconds as per your previous post.
One specific thing you can ask from your host is to check the server’s error log at or around that timestamp of 14:14 UTC to see if it was potentially a ModSecurity rule that blocked it, or perhaps the server’s LimitRequestBody directive (or client_max_body_size if your server runs NGINX).
If you’re on a shared server, your host might not be willing to change those values which would mean FTP would be the way to go, but it is worth asking.
Hi @codimex –
The log indicates that the backup completed successfully, I don’t think the “error sending query packet” would cause the error that you’re seeing.
If possible, can you provide the exact text of the error message you get when you attempt the download? You mentioned previously that it saidmaybe it’s not a zip file” or something like that
.There is one more thing I can think of to try as well. Your log indicates that you’re using php_zip as your compressor. If it’s available, try switching to System Zip in your Total Upkeep > Settings > Backup Process. It might also help to enable Filelist analysis on that screen as well.
Once you’ve switched the compressor, try a new backup and see if you’re able to download that one.
Hi @codimex –
Sorry to hear about the problems downloading your backups, we’ll be happy to assist.
Since you mentioned the caching plugin, one easy way to eliminate that as a possible cause would be to temporarily disable it, attempt the download to see if it works, and re-enable it.
Can you take a look at your backup log for one of the backups that you can’t download and share it here? You can find your backup logs at Total Upkeep > Tools > Logs. We might be able to spot any errors creating your backup from that.
Other common possibilities for this issue are that your backup file is too large to download via the wp-admin interface, either that the filesize exceeds your PHP Post Max Size or the download takes longer than the PHP Time Limit. You can find those values in your WordPress Site Health Info under Tools > Site Health > Info > Server. If those limitations are preventing your download, your web host will likely have a tool to adjust those PHP values in your hosting control panel.
Hi @firefliespilots –
Total Upkeep can be used on WordPress Multisite, but only by the network super-admin, and it will back up the entire network of sites rather than individual sites.
Hi @perendie –
Sorry to hear that you’re still having trouble. I’ll try to answer each question for you.
…when I click ‘Update’ the plugin reports ‘Failed to update: error’ after about 15 minutes.
It’s conceivable that if you have a large site that your backup files may be exceeding your server’s limits when you update the name or description. May I ask how large your backup files are? Is there any additional information in the error message that you’re getting?
How can I stop TU making daily backups?
If the backups aren’t scheduled, the most common cause for this is that you may have auto-updates enabled. Navigate to Total Upkeep > Settings > Auto Updates and check your auto-update settings. If they’re enabled for a lot of your plugins, every time an update for one of your plugins is released, the site will take a backup and update.
How can I remove the review request banner at the top of the TU dashboard page?
You can either click “I already did” or use the (X) icon at the top-right to dismiss this notice permanently.
Hi @perendie –
Since we haven’t heard back from you in a few days, I’m going to go ahead and mark this topic as resolved. Please let us know if you have any more questions!Thanks for the report, and sorry about the PHP warning implode(): Passing glue string after array is deprecated. Swap the Parameters.
We’re releasing an update to the plugin within the next week that will address this issue, but if you’d like to fix it ahead of time, you can make this change to line 70 of the file post-and-page-builder/vendor/boldgrid/library/src/Library/NewsWidget.php
echo '<p>' . implode( $this->errors, '</p></p>' ) . '</p>';
echo '<p>' . implode( '</p></p>', $this->errors ) . '</p>';
This error won’t have any effect on the operation of your website, it’s just a warning about a future change in PHP syntax.
Hi @daniel010101 –
It’s been a while since we’ve heard back from you, so we’re assuming the update resolved the issue for you.
Please let us know if you have any more trouble, we’re happy to help.It’s been a while since we’ve heard back, so I’m marking this topic as resolved. @threebeecee please let us know if you’re still having any trouble, we’re happy to help.
Hi @ricarod –
We can’t support our commercial services here on the WordPress Community Forums, but I did post a reply on your original question in our dedicated forums.
Hi @caldoverde –
The included fonts are from the popular Google Fonts Library, which are free and licensed for use on your site. That being said, you can try out some other plugins that allow you to upload fonts that you have licensed for use on your site, such as Use Any Font.
Hi @caldoverde –
Since BoldGrid Inspirations isn’t hosted here on the WordPress repository, can you help us out by filing a Support Request on our dedicated Forums?That being said, once your site is designed, there’s not many reasons to keep BoldGrid Inspirations. Check this video where I outline what you can expect if you remove it: