Thanks, I should have checked before I hit the update. Looks like my option now is to restore the previous version and go through the incremental upgrade process.
Although I have to ask even if it’ll make me sound idiotic…it says
For example, if you plan on upgrading from 2.5 to 3.6.1, upgrade to 2.7 first, followed by 2.9, and finally 3.6.1. Essential, it’s okay to skip one release, but never skip TWO when upgrading.
So I read that as skipping from 2.9 to 3.6.1 is okay but going from 3.0.1 to 3.6.1 would be an issue? Unless they’re just leaving out the additional versions to not have to write “and then 3.1 and then… and then… and then…”
Am I just understanding that section wrong?